A: Same maps, but slightly different layouts. Also the starting spawns have been moved around on some maps. [Garth]
Q: Currently, there are a lot of friendly fire incidents that cause significant destruction of a friendly mech. (component destruction and stripping armor mainly) Are there any plans to implement a "penalty" type system for doing friendly fire in the future similar to the current team killing penalty? [Ryvucz]
A:Yes, and it should be online very soon

Q: What's the plans regarding XP generation? I ask because currently the XP/GXP system seems a touch adrift? Once you've unlocked all of a Mech's skills, the amount of XP you can transfer out to GXP for unlocking either skills for other mech's or for modules seems to have a fairly short longevity. [Emrys Ap Morgravaine]
A: This is something that is often confused. The Mech Efficiencies are not “end-game” material. It’s the Pilot Modules that are. There are a large number of modules planned and being implemented into the game. [Paul]
Q: In other words, will we have more than these 18 Inner Sphere mechs to counter the Clans with? [Nathan Xain]
A: There will be more IS Mechs by then, yes. [Garth]
Q: Jumpjets currently give full benefit from a single jet. Obviously this is wrong, and it's been noted in the past that this will be addressed eventually. Where does this stand in terms of priority? [buckX]
A: We actually have a fix for this that should go out within 1-2 patches (currently). [Garth]
Q: Are 12 vs 12 matches still in the plans for MWO? [Lusankya]
A: Absolutely. Once we feel the game is capable of handling 12 v 12 we will add it. It is currently being tested.

Q: Also, what brand of Microwave do you own? [Captain N]
A: I have an LG (I had to answer this, sorry guys). [Garth]
Q: Out of curiosity, would it be possible to implement a system within the matchmaking structure to have a balance of the classes when the matchmaking starts. [DOTSGEMINI]
A: Phase 3 will have a weight balancing system, but I don't have details on how exactly it will work yet. [Garth]
Q: What is the most effective thing(s) that we, the beta player base, can do to assist PGI in their efforts?
[Lac Nar]
A: Feedback threads with specific ideas and suggestions that are well written. Occasional positive experience threads are nice too

When you find something odd, try to reproduce it. Reproduction steps in any ticket you submit expedites the recreation and fix on our end.[Paul]
Q: How pink will rhonda snord's highlander be when you finally release it as a hero mech? And will it have awesome speaker's on the outside that you can blast music with like lore describes it having? [Ashnod]
A: I really really hope we get to make Rhonda Snord's Mech; and if we do, I really hope we get to add external speakers. I don't know if that'll happen, but you can be sure I want it to! [Garth]
Q: Any chance of seeing some cokpit damage ie. broken glass, HUD flickering or something like that when Mech is about to go down? [Major Starscream]
A: Yes - also, just for you, your Mech will scream "MEGATROOOOOOON!" just before it dies. [Garth]
Q: What is your personal reaction when things like the Catapult K2, A1, ECM or Streaks are called OP? Do you laugh? Do you cry? Shake your heads? Something in the middle? [Thorn Harris]
A: I am actually EXTREMELY happy when I see a massive variety of Mechs being called OP - it means we're doing our jobs correctly. In the last week, I've had almost every single chassis called OP in PM's. So I love it, personally

That said - I am surprised on occasion. The 'Commando is OP!' threads caught me by surprise. [Garth]
Q: Will we see Hero Mechs for the Founder Mechs Jenner, Hunchback, Catapult and Atlas? [MustrumRidcully]
A: Eventually. For now we’re focusing on creating a nice variety of Hero mechs for players to choose from. [Bryan]
Q: When will we get a map that focuses more on the Night Vision, instead of Thermal? With the ECM, Thermal has become extremely useful, but Night Vision remains almost useless. [SonOfBDEC]
A: I think you'll like this coming patch

Q: Netcode....lagshield....light mechs......your thoughts? [RacerX]
A: I've been in several playtests focussed on these very issues. I can say we're making progress, and that you can be sure we hate these issues as much as you guys (well, 'lag shielded' mechs at any rate.)
Thanks for tuning in everyone, I hope you enjoyed this Q&A

The MechWarrior Online Team