Korm, on 11 December 2012 - 02:02 AM, said:
I don't care much about a premade boogeyman killing me, but I can tell something is wrong when my team goes 2/8 or 1/8. It's probably normal to have one or two newbs in my team. Sure they have to earn their "wings" on the battlefield, but I doubt in possibility of being teamed up with a whole team of newbs.
(the following is written strictly from a PUG perspective, my friends don't want to play with me
I'd like to share a suspicion that has been developing in my mind for a while. Thing is, the number of matches I've been in that went 1/8 or 2/8 dropped radically after the "4-man max" patch, but then increased with the ECM patch. The drop is easily explained by the whole "no more 8-man teams stomping newbs" thing, I guess. The recent increase in such one-sided matches I've been giving some thought... and I'm starting to think it might be more connected to the ECM's effect than to any "synch drops" or whatever. Thing is, when you don't see on the map where exactly your teammates died in a close fight, it's really hard to come in and finish the enemy that only needs two or three shots, really. This not only leads to more people surviving than they did previously, which messes with the final tally and the perception of how lopsided the match really was, it actually contributes to the lopsidedness - someone that only needs one shot to die can kill you just fine, when he's the third man in a 2v3 situation, for instance.
TL;DR version: with the advent of ECM, it's harder to turn games around - once your side starts losing, it will most probably lose.
Edited by PeekaySK, 11 December 2012 - 04:06 AM.