PANZERBUNNY, on 12 December 2012 - 05:15 PM, said:
Call it Beta if you want to make yourselves feel better, but this is the basic viable product they aimed to launch with for "OB".
Even if they meant REAL launch and not OB as the launch, the game is still going to be in "**** status".
They are selling this game. You can't give it the same "it's Beta" parade ground excuse anymore. Sure, it's still in development, but they feel they can profit from it's current state, so lay off the Beta hugging. We aren't in Kansas anymore.
They can but then the average user who doesn't frequent the forums and doesn't look stuff up past what is in the actual game in regards to information, will simply just walk over to Hawken or Planetside 2 and find a much more enjoyable experience. All the while the fanboy's screaming " BUT GUY'S IT'S EARLY BETA!!!!", as if we haven't been in beta for like 7-8 months.
Gaeb, on 12 December 2012 - 05:20 PM, said:
Oh disillusioned founder. I would drink of your tears, but frankly they're bitter and boring.
Whine if you wish. At the top of your lungs if you must. They will continue to enhance the game, and it will launch next year. And roughly six months after launch, it will be deemed playable. This is the way of releases.
What's funny is that he used to be a huuuuuuuuuuuge fanboy/PGI Defender( no offense, we all have our opinions and stances). To see him have doubts about the game is saying A LOT.