Khobai, on 15 December 2012 - 09:55 AM, said:
I dunno about that. A streak weighs 2.5 tons and does 1.43 dps. While two medium lasers weigh 2 tons and do 2.5 dps. So the medium lasers are still way better if you can aim.
Streaks are only better against light mechs.
One streak weighs 1.5 tons, generates 2 heat, and does a guaranteed 5 dmg with a 3.5s cooldown. Also generates vision impairing smoke effects and shake. Also requires ammo. Also tends to hit CT most of the time, unless another part of the mech is in the way.
One medium laser weighs 1 ton, generates 4 heat, and does a possible 5 dmg with a 3s cooldown. Can be aimed at non-CT areas of a mech.
4 SSRMs weighs 6tons, plus roughly 2-3 tons ammo. Generates 2.28 heat/second.
4 Medium lasers weighs 4 tons. Generates 4 heat/second.
Correcting for the weight of SHS (10 in engine free):
SSRMS: 6tons+3tons+13 extra SHS=22 tons
Mediums: 4tons+30 extra SHS=34 tons
Correcting for DHS (10 in engine free@2.0, rest at 1.4):
SSRMS: 6tons+3tons+2tons=11tons
Mediums: 4tons+14tons=18tons
Correcting for DHS (10 in engine free @1.4):
SSRMS: 6tons+3tons+7tons=16tons
Mediums: 4tons+19tons=23tons
Which makes it pretty clear that Streaks are effectively lighter than Mediums when fired constantly. Which is the only place where DPS matters, otherwise we just balance by the fact they both do 5 dmg/strike, and streaks are still better.
The other takeaway from the video is that noob-tube style weapons should be eschewed by higher level players.
In MWO the higher level players use plenty of SSRMs.
Edited by One Medic Army, 15 December 2012 - 10:46 AM.