Valron, on 31 May 2012 - 07:50 PM, said:
Just about any joystick will let you configure the size of the deadzone rather extensively in software. Just as an fyi.
As for me, I had to put aside my venerable Logitech Wingman (the oldschool one, with the analog calibration wheels, two buttons, two axes, a throttle, and a really comfortable grip) recently, and will instead be playing with the logitech 'ex-3d-pro,' (which is basically as far from 'pro' as a stick can get) that I picked up when the first, now-superseded, demo for the fan BSG mod for Freespace 2's SCP came out (man, those asteroids...).
Edited by Melvin the Bold, 02 June 2012 - 06:53 AM.