Why Doesn't The Awesome Get Any Love?
Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:31 AM
Pros, its the only assault mech with decent maneuverability.
Con2, the maps are too small for that maneuverability to matter, at all.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:32 AM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:37 AM
LordBraxton, on 30 December 2012 - 12:22 AM, said:
In my 9M almost all my deaths come from core damage, after I have lost both arms and all armor, the XL has never been a liability.
Try the mobility on for several rounds, never brawl, always hit and run, rotate that torso like crazy, and gank enemy assaults.
MORE survivability than my stalker, with only slightly less avg damage per match.
okay i'll give it another try but i get the bad feeling that it will be srm's to the side and the whole thing comes tumbling down again. at least that's the 9m sorted out but the others? well i think there's enough recomendations to give it a try. don't like pushing the speed up with 250-300 ping cause things can turn jittery but we'll see.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 04:16 AM
Now, it's out of Stalker and Awesome. Have you ever seen a Stalker, mounting SRMs, try to charge a Hunchback and die miserably? I have. I was the Hunchback pilot. It took me six shots to kill, because he didn't have any arm-mounted weaponry he could bring to bear. As such, using a Gauss Rifle and two Medium Lasers, I took off both side torsos, before coring it. Total weapons remaining? None. After I took out both side torsos, it was unarmed. Slower than I was, unarmed, with limited torso armor. Why is Stalker so bad, in my eyes?
Let a Stalker in close, and it will kill almost all other mechs in front of it with SRMs or SSRMs. Keep one at a distance without cover or ECM at your assistance, and you might find yourself being pelted with LRMs or PPC shots. However, Stalker's field of attack is extremely narrow. It has no true method of covering the sides of the center crosshairs. As such, it's identical to Catapult - if you can flank it, or attack from slightly off center, moving in a straight line, you can cause it more damage than it can do to you, as most Stalker pilots seem to be unable to track a target. As such, both versions of River City are suicide for Stalkers, because it's easy for a much lighter and more manoeuvrable mech (i.e: any light or medium, Cataphract, Dragon, AWESOME) to get into it's critical defence distance and shred it with close-range weaponry before using an alley or side passage to get out before the Stalker can bring it's guns to bear. Alternatively you could practice with your vision. Learn to track a target over a distance by following the trace of the lasers they fire, watch for the flash of missiles or ballistics. I've been known to hit dark targets over the far side of Forest Colony, especially Atlas and cocky Stalker pilots who try to cross the lake, because I can see the big freaking silhouette walking from point to point. If some of my teammates (I play purely PUG, and shall keep doing that for the forseeable future) decide to charge down the lake, I can use their progress to spot and start to deal with most Heavy and Assault mechs who decide to go that way, especially ECM-DDCs, because that cloak makes the pilots overconfident. At least, it seems to.
Awesome has none of those weaknesses. Sure, it's also a big honking target, because of the sheer side of it's chest. It can't mount six PPCs, although four is still nothing to be ashamed of. It's head hitbox leaves a little to be desired. However, it can move a lot faster than either of the other two Assault mechs, to the point where it can "hang with the boys" and pace Cataphracts, Centurions and Hunchbacks to their targets. In the case of the 80kmh -9M, it can keep pace with Dragons and the foolish -3L pilots who think that their mech should be off scouting while still running standard ECM instead of counter-ECM. (Note: NO RVN-3L should EVER leave it's team with ECM still running, it makes it a walking target for teams with some form of experience, or even any mechs who can leg the Raven - do that, and it's good for nothing.) Plus, the thing I love about the Awesome the most - it's arms can move like an Atlas. Moreso, in fact - the arm movement on an Atlas is horribly slow, the same as the rest of the mech. I'd say the arm speed is close to that of a Hunchback, plus has a similar range to a Dragons - basically, once at full torso twist, it can cover even further along that same line. Fit the arms with close-in weaponry, such as SRMs and Pulse Lasers (if the hardpoints allow it, not all Awesome have missile hardpoints in the arms), leave long-range weaponry in the torso, and voila! You've got a mech that can harass or snipe, depending on it's target.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 04:49 AM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 05:56 AM
As many have pointed out above, the Awesome suffers because it's really the largest heavy than the smallest assault. Having said that, the different Awesomes have a lot of character and the 8Q, 8R and 9M are much more diverse and distinct than any of the Atlases or Stalkers (Stalkers all feel virtually identical to me).
Posted 30 December 2012 - 06:07 AM
GalaxyBluestar, on 30 December 2012 - 02:37 AM, said:
okay i'll give it another try but i get the bad feeling that it will be srm's to the side and the whole thing comes tumbling down again. at least that's the 9m sorted out but the others? well i think there's enough recomendations to give it a try. don't like pushing the speed up with 250-300 ping cause things can turn jittery but we'll see.
The 9M basically is the best variant of all the AWS models, speed is your friend. In the bag of rotten apples it is the one with the least mold. The AWS-8Q is basically half desolved already in comparison.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 06:09 AM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 06:16 AM
I've used 8R and 8T to make all the basics.
The experience has been a little bit awful. LRMs are Kryptonite for it. You simply don't have enough armor to cover your front section and you end up dismounted in no time, much more than any other mech. Add that the thing is slow (no more than 290 STDs on it, XLs are total madness to mount) and you aren't left with too many options, at least the way I like to play MWO (which is not sniping..).
All awesomes aren't that good as LRM boats either, only 30 total tubes on 8R and 8T. The left arm could be used to tank some damage, but side torsoes are so big it's substantially less useful than the shield arm of a centurion or the arms of an Atlas.
The only way I've been successful with it is to treat it as a mid-range beam support. Rely on ALRM10s/15s + tag to soften up targets, wash them with LLasers and keep 1 or 2 SRM launchers for those big things that try to get closer.. And it's a shame because torso twisting, arm movement and so on could make it a fine brawler, but it's simply too big and overshadowed by the stalker as a brawler as well as a long range both direct or indirect fire platform. Then if you get caught up by lights, you're screweed, no ECM, extremely wide sections to offer to them (especially the rear).
So far I'm enjoying the AWS-9M with either STDs 325 or 350 + endo and DHSs, but still, if you end up too close or you get caught in a wrong situation, it's a matter of instants to end up shredded down to pieces, while with an Altas or a stalker you may be able to survive the encounter with your mech halved.. but not dead.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 06:19 AM
The 9M is quite good due to its speed, however.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 06:41 AM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 06:44 AM
MadPanda, on 29 December 2012 - 07:48 PM, said:
Ye keep on turning your Aws, it's not like you will ever have to face your target. Oh wait you do if you want to hit them with your weapons. I think I just found the flaw in your plan. Or did you assume that only the awesome pilot has a brain?
your such a person who dont know about weapon reuse / heat / drawing attention / using advantage of terrain / tanking by movement and all that kind of stuff... like i said.. you need a little bit of skill... not every1 got it... its okay dont worry.. ELO will favour maybe.
ps. : just keep rushing torwards ppl.. my 4 ppc love such ppl

Edited by siLve00, 30 December 2012 - 06:45 AM.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 06:51 AM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 07:14 AM
John MatriX82, on 30 December 2012 - 06:16 AM, said:
I've used 8R and 8T to make all the basics.
The experience has been a little bit awful. LRMs are Kryptonite for it. You simply don't have enough armor to cover your front section and you end up dismounted in no time, much more than any other mech. Add that the thing is slow (no more than 290 STDs on it, XLs are total madness to mount) and you aren't left with too many options, at least the way I like to play MWO (which is not sniping..).
All awesomes aren't that good as LRM boats either, only 30 total tubes on 8R and 8T. The left arm could be used to tank some damage, but side torsoes are so big it's substantially less useful than the shield arm of a centurion or the arms of an Atlas.
The only way I've been successful with it is to treat it as a mid-range beam support. Rely on ALRM10s/15s + tag to soften up targets, wash them with LLasers and keep 1 or 2 SRM launchers for those big things that try to get closer.. And it's a shame because torso twisting, arm movement and so on could make it a fine brawler, but it's simply too big and overshadowed by the stalker as a brawler as well as a long range both direct or indirect fire platform. Then if you get caught up by lights, you're screweed, no ECM, extremely wide sections to offer to them (especially the rear).
So far I'm enjoying the AWS-9M with either STDs 325 or 350 + endo and DHSs, but still, if you end up too close or you get caught in a wrong situation, it's a matter of instants to end up shredded down to pieces, while with an Altas or a stalker you may be able to survive the encounter with your mech halved.. but not dead.
I have had no problems with light mech because of the 3 SSRM2 mounted in my 9M (ECM can kill you of course)
The torso is stuffed with medium lasers and the larget possible XL engine I found.
Finally I got 1 LL in the arm to do some ranged damage too.
Also I reallocated lots of armor from the back to the front CT.
In the last match I have been faster than a Hunchback that tried to flee from me

Edited by Arcturus Steiner, 30 December 2012 - 07:15 AM.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 07:18 AM
The Awesome is not a Support Mech, it is classified as a "Vanguard Mech", leading the lance into battle.
Then there is the Awesome's energy-heavy loadouts in a game that has annointed Ballistics as the god-power. If the Awesome had just one Ballistic hardpoint there might be some loadout balance, but MWO is commited to TT loadouts of the 'Mechs.
Commited to TT except for double recharge rates and DHS 1.4 which is a double nerf to Energy weapons that overheat unrealistically fast from the 2x recharge and cool down at 60% of what they should because of DHS 1.4. Meanwhile Ballistics do not overheat and just slap in an extra 2 tons of ammo and you fire all mission long and never run dry. You don't need extra heatsinks if you have DHS with Ballistics so you are free to over-load extra little-great weapons like the Medium Laser.
All of these MWO elements hits the Awesome hard and squarely in the face. My advice to any Awesome pilots is switch to a Cataphract or even a Stalker and start experiencing the real MWO.
By the way I like the Awesome very much even though I no longer pilot one. Until DHS 1.4 was announed I had stuck with the Awesome attaining Master level twice.
Edited by Lightfoot, 30 December 2012 - 07:29 AM.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 07:50 AM
Posted 30 December 2012 - 08:46 AM
Arcturus Steiner, on 30 December 2012 - 07:14 AM, said:
I have had no problems with light mech because of the 3 SSRM2 mounted in my 9M (ECM can kill you of course)
The torso is stuffed with medium lasers and the larget possible XL engine I found.
Finally I got 1 LL in the arm to do some ranged damage too.
Also I reallocated lots of armor from the back to the front CT.
In the last match I have been faster than a Hunchback that tried to flee from me

I thought about the SSRMs too, but tag is useless and unless you find a friendly DDC or Raven countering your'e screwed against ecmed lighs or so.. I prefer multiple LLasers, Srms (2 or 4) and a couple of mlasers using std & endo. The XL (unless extremely large) is a bad idea.. An Atlas with an XL is safer

Posted 30 December 2012 - 01:13 PM
awesome is sooo wide and has same amount of armor compared to some heavies.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 01:59 PM
John MatriX82, on 30 December 2012 - 08:46 AM, said:
I thought about the SSRMs too, but tag is useless and unless you find a friendly DDC or Raven countering your'e screwed against ecmed lighs or so.. I prefer multiple LLasers, Srms (2 or 4) and a couple of mlasers using std & endo. The XL (unless extremely large) is a bad idea.. An Atlas with an XL is safer

I use std engines for most AWS builds. AWS-8T AWS-8R
But the AWS-9M makes no sence IMHO without the biggest engine. 85KPH in an Assault is just great.
PS: Not very viable since ECM but in this build you are done once the enemy comes closer than 180m. (If they survive long enough) AWS-8R so the XL is not really a problem.
Edit: So far I had the best results with my 4LL 8T. If you chainfire (right arm - left arm) you can deal quite some damage before ovverheating. Also it is very convenient to hide behind a building and use the arm mounted weapons on one side only (especially on river city).
Edited by Red squirrel, 30 December 2012 - 02:05 PM.
Posted 30 December 2012 - 02:05 PM
The exception is the 9M, which can be used effectively in gimmicks due to it's enhanced speed and is only rare because of it's poor slots; an acceptable trade-off.
They need to give more Awesomes ECM if they want to even remotely justify them as they are.
Disclaimer: This is coming from a huge Awesome fan boy too.
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