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Ask The Devs 30 - New Formula!

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#201 repete


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 03:38 PM

View PostKattspya, on 10 January 2013 - 06:14 AM, said:

tl;dr Why aren't you mentioning confounding factors?

My initial though was that of confirmation bias. The response effectively said "[We're not seeing the problem]", to which some responded "We are", to which the response was basically "[Well your perception doesn't really match reality]".

#202 Kaijin


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 04:10 PM

View Postwarp103, on 08 January 2013 - 05:06 PM, said:

Ok to all about ECM. After a long conversation with Garth. I see the problem as to why there is no comment on ECM.

The dev do not see the issue. Now I will not go in to all the detail about his comments. But they are pointing to how they fair in the twitch games. They do not use ECM and win most of the time.. And they are only seeing in stats 8v8 game 4 ecm's max. So the only thing that I can say is Video video video. Get TS because is what they us in the twitch games. I do not agree with him but I have respect that I got info.

I know that you want me to post the Answer that I got. Sorry I can not If he wishes he can tell me I can post then I will.

OH and Tolken, I did post your stats and finding you have. As well as the stat and videos I have of my own. More Pointing to their on play.

So again the all need to post how bad it is so they will have a visual. Video if possible so it goes around the web. As to the Boycott. I was going to be part of it since there was no Answers. Well i got Answers I do not like them but I did get them.

I'd prefer they make a statement. IF indeed they don't see an issue with ECM, I want to see it in writing here, from the head honcho, so I can quit wasting my time with BT-flavored CoD.

#203 Gremlich Johns


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 04:17 PM

View PostMax Grayson, on 10 January 2013 - 12:51 PM, said:

When will you be announcing that PGI is resetting the Time Clock back to X day 3049 so that you will have more time to properly do the clan invasion?

I think they will save themselves loads of headache if they go with 3025

#204 HRR Insanity


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 05:06 PM

Please explain how you are going to deal with the effects of pinpoint convergence on weapon balance?

See background material.

Edited by HRR Insanity, 10 January 2013 - 05:09 PM.

#205 Cpt Jason McCarthy


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 05:12 PM

View PostTolkien, on 08 January 2013 - 10:51 AM, said:

Question 0 is about your definition of "best". Does best mean the one most liked by the community or is it still just the ones you feel like answering?

Question 1 is about ECM)
How was it considered balanced to introduce a 1.5 ton 2 slot piece of equipment that does all of the following?:

i) Counters Artemis
ii) Counters BAP
iii) Counters TAG bonuses and the whole system inside of 180m
iv) Counters NARC - a system which weighs more and requires real skill and teamwork to use
v) Counters other ECMs
vi) Destroys LRM locks (absent holding a TAG laser on a potentially lag shielded mech)
vii) Destroys SSRM locks (absent holding a TAG laser on a potentially lag shielded mech)
viii) Ruins information sharing via minimap
ix) Scrambles HUD display of enemies
x) is a better AMS than AMS itself
xi) Requires no exploding ammo
xii) Generates no heat
xiii) Costs less than a much less useful module by a factor of 15
xiv) Doesn't use up a weapon hardpoint

Going by tonnage and critical space the ECM should be about as useful as a small laser plus a regular heatsink.
Or a medium laser and a little armor,
Or an AMS and a ton of ammo

Here's a link to the existing unanswered question from 'ask the devs' 29:
And another to the same in 'ask the devs' 29A:

The former question has 230 likes at last count, while the latter has another 94, and neither have been addressed yet.

Question 2 is about game outcome statistics versus number of ECMs on each team:
Put simply, are the outcomes measured here representative of the current state of the game? If not, how far off were my results?

tl:dr I gathered enough match outcome data that with >99.999% confidence (statistical not subjective) I can say that ECM superiority is a predictor of victory. Also I can say with >97% confidence that a team with more ECMs is at least 2x more likely to win than the team with less.

#206 Devil Fox


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 07:54 PM

So in the NGNG podcast 56 recorded just yesterday (so don't expect it for around a week), during the 'World of Garth' segment he made an interesting statement. He actively went to the best 'Merc Corps' in 8v8 to ask their option on how 8v8 were shaping up, how ECM was holding up etc. He also talked to unit's that were highly active in 8v8 (eg he gave was Creddit) then he just trolled forums for general community feedback.

My question is why are only the top tier (who are likely winning 8v8 competitively anyway), and the most active in 8v8 being asked for opinions, prior then browsing the community forums when there are many other Merc Unit's who either don't want to touch 8v8 due to the imbalance imposed by cheese builds (which he mentioned players admitted not playing outside of 8v8) and ECM?

When are we going to see real statistics on this game? From number of mechs used, what the general 8v8 composition is, the player activity numbers etc. Some in this community would rather see the numbers then have to rely on word of mouth from PGI.

And because I'm here... how about answering Tolkien's question on ECM, it seems in depth enough to warrant this bad new format... particularly after using filler questions to bandy around sensible questions in past 'Ask the Dev's'.

#207 SGT Unther


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 08:21 PM

Can you explain how the custom decals for our mechs are going to work? File format? Size?

#208 Terran123rd


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Posted 10 January 2013 - 11:59 PM

My question is a two-parter.

What drove the choice to use, not just CryEngine, but an experimental version of CryEngine that, so far, seems to be causing a lot of trouble in regards to the multiplayer implementation. If I remember correctly, it didn't even come with net-code and you guys had to completely build that from scratch.

Why choose CryEngine over, say, UDK, which seems to be pretty much geared towards games much like MWO?

#209 Zaptruder


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 01:14 AM

Are we going to get player stat tracking back in the game at some stage?

Edited by Zaptruder, 11 January 2013 - 01:15 AM.

#210 grayson marik


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:04 AM

My question

View PostApostal, on 10 January 2013 - 07:54 PM, said:

So in the NGNG podcast 56 recorded just yesterday (so don't expect it for around a week), during the 'World of Garth' segment he made an interesting statement. He actively went to the best 'Merc Corps' in 8v8 to ask their option on how 8v8 were shaping up, how ECM was holding up etc. He also talked to unit's that were highly active in 8v8 (eg he gave was Creddit) then he just trolled forums for general community feedback.

My question is why are only the top tier (who are likely winning 8v8 competitively anyway), and the most active in 8v8 being asked for opinions, prior then browsing the community forums when there are many other Merc Unit's who either don't want to touch 8v8 due to the imbalance imposed by cheese builds (which he mentioned players admitted not playing outside of 8v8) and ECM?

When are we going to see real statistics on this game? From number of mechs used, what the general 8v8 composition is, the player activity numbers etc. Some in this community would rather see the numbers then have to rely on word of mouth from PGI.

And because I'm here... how about answering Tolkien's question on ECM, it seems in depth enough to warrant this bad new format... particularly after using filler questions to bandy around sensible questions in past 'Ask the Dev's'.

I have to add a question regarding this post:

Why are ( based on the time zones ) only units asked that are based on the north american continent? Those units in their main playtime are the least affected units by lag shielding and other effects worsening ECM, since they naturally have the best and shortest connections to the game servers ? ( yes, there is generalization to a certain point here, which does not invalidate the fact)

My unit ( 30+ members european based) is usually online with 6 up to 20 members during evenings. We do some 8v8 with other -even US - units as well and we would have a LOT to say about ECM and its lag shield multiplier!
I am also sure the other EU units would also have some points regarding this ^^

One could even follow the time the US players join in in the late evening hours on our K/D ratio drop. The more US players and the higher the ping - the less kills and wins for the team far from the server.

And while I really appreciate Garth to ask players while live gaming and such, I still cannot get around the impression that intentionally only those are asked that are less affected...

Ok so much for the ECM crap, which I would have liked to have last year in AFG ... somehow our real ECM gear was not such an all mighty god module :-(

Next question:
When shall we finally be able to have an analog x-axis for joysticks?
I mean come on, the y-axis as well as z-axis already is analog... don't tell me you just do some joystick-axis to keypress mapping only for turning on the joy's x-axis :-D

Edited by grayson marik, 11 January 2013 - 02:08 AM.

#211 Krzysztof z Bagien


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 03:59 AM

View PostApostal, on 10 January 2013 - 07:54 PM, said:

[...] He actively went to the best 'Merc Corps' in 8v8 [...]

You mean all two or three that actually play 8v8? B)
Seriously, when we play 8v8 it's really hard to find matches, and when we finally manage to launch we play against one or two teams all the time.

#212 Edustaja


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 04:26 AM

LB-10X slugs. Are we getting them or not?

Community Warfare. Any chance of getting anything during this year, or will there be a postponement to next year?

MASC. Will this be in the game, if so when?

What are the modules you are planning to use to counter ECM with?

#213 Lancer Deistler


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 05:33 AM

Are you planning on including chassi specific status indicators insted of the "every mech has the same silhouette" one currently in game?

#214 Comguard


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:19 AM


What did your original version of ECM look like that was described as "overpowered"? If one looks at the current implementation of ECM one can barely imagine how such a thing is even possible.


What about Community Warfare? When can we expect it? Originally you said 90 days after Open Beta, even if there are delays there should be some material you can present us?

#215 ChaosEngine


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:19 AM

Why does "Heat Vision Mode" allow us to see mechs further away as "Normal Vision" allows?
Shouldn't it be the other way, so that normal vision at clear sight be the one you can look the furthest?
And what option in the advanced graphics options defines the distance mechs can be seen?

Will the time new maps (not existing map redesigns) to be added improved (more and faster)?
And if not, will you consider user created maps (checked and approved by your team,
much the same as you plan for decals)? I am sure there are some talented guys and gals (not me ^^)
in the community who would be glad to offer some help.

With the new river city night map in mind,
what about flares to illuminate the terrain and interfere with night and heat vision?

View Postgrayson marik, on 11 January 2013 - 02:04 AM, said:

When shall we finally be able to have an analog x-axis for joysticks?
I mean come on, the y-axis as well as z-axis already is analog... don't tell me you just do some joystick-axis to keypress mapping only for turning on the joy's x-axis :-D

Edited by ChaosEngine, 11 January 2013 - 06:24 AM.

#216 Vila deVere


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 06:28 AM

Light 'mechs are exceptionally resilient right now. We are all familiar with the "lag shield" and the inability to negate the lag shield by tripping the enemy 'Mech becuase of the removed collision code. It's very frustrating to many of us, and we are playing less and not spending, for fear that it will be months before this is resolved, if it EVER is. What is a REALISTIC assessment of where PGI is on addressing the lag shield problem and reintroducing collisions? When can we expect to see ANY improvement of this very frustrating situation?

#217 Inertiaman


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 07:12 AM

1) Is it possible to complete an Ask The Devs response without using the term "looking into"

2) How on earth did ECM in it's current form seem like a balanced mechanic at the design and testing stage?

3) Do you feel the current price point of the paid items in game represent the optimal position for revenue?

4) What games do you most feel currently represent the end-point MWO is aiming towards in terms of matchmaking and competition?

#218 KerenskyClone


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 07:24 AM

Might have already been asked but here it is again: Where is DirectX 11? Will we ever get the option or is it a pipe-dream?

#219 Nor Azman


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 07:36 AM

Should there be a data wipe, or at least a stats wipe when (if ever) Open Beta is deemed over? Considering the catalogue of imbalances in-game, and the distortion of stats accumalated thereof, maybe a clean slate is needed to reset players' feelings/perception once (if ever) MWO development reached to the point where PGI deems the product as launched.

If no player reset of any kind is in the offing, please justify, with reference to the game imbalances present now and in the future. (within the beginning and ending timeframe of Open Beta)

Thank You

Edited by Nor Azman, 11 January 2013 - 07:37 AM.

#220 WiIIiam


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Posted 11 January 2013 - 07:48 AM

When should we look to see Decals implemented into the game?

If this is just current faction decals at first that would be fine, but in the end will we be able to upload our own unit decals? Maybe set these in a section to be reveiwed by a moderator or something to filter our unwanted content in the game.

Also, will we be getting more paint schemes and / or colors to choose from anytime soon.

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