My question
Apostal, on 10 January 2013 - 07:54 PM, said:
So in the NGNG podcast 56 recorded just yesterday (so don't expect it for around a week), during the 'World of Garth' segment he made an interesting statement. He actively went to the best 'Merc Corps' in 8v8 to ask their option on how 8v8 were shaping up, how ECM was holding up etc. He also talked to unit's that were highly active in 8v8 (eg he gave was Creddit) then he just trolled forums for general community feedback.
My question is why are only the top tier (who are likely winning 8v8 competitively anyway), and the most active in 8v8 being asked for opinions, prior then browsing the community forums when there are many other Merc Unit's who either don't want to touch 8v8 due to the imbalance imposed by cheese builds (which he mentioned players admitted not playing outside of 8v8) and ECM?
When are we going to see real statistics on this game? From number of mechs used, what the general 8v8 composition is, the player activity numbers etc. Some in this community would rather see the numbers then have to rely on word of mouth from PGI.
And because I'm here... how about answering Tolkien's question on ECM, it seems in depth enough to warrant this bad new format... particularly after using filler questions to bandy around sensible questions in past 'Ask the Dev's'.
I have to add a question regarding this post:
Why are ( based on the time zones ) only units asked that are based on the north american continent? Those units in their main playtime are the least affected units by lag shielding and other effects worsening ECM, since they naturally have the best and shortest connections to the game servers ? ( yes, there is generalization to a certain point here, which does not invalidate the fact)
My unit ( 30+ members european based) is usually online with 6 up to 20 members during evenings. We do some 8v8 with other -even US - units as well and we would have a LOT to say about ECM and its lag shield multiplier!
I am also sure the other EU units would also have some points regarding this ^^
One could even follow the time the US players join in in the late evening hours on our K/D ratio drop. The more US players and the higher the ping - the less kills and wins for the team far from the server.
And while I really appreciate Garth to ask players while live gaming and such, I still cannot get around the impression that intentionally only those are asked that are less affected...
Ok so much for the ECM crap, which I would have liked to have last year in AFG ... somehow our real ECM gear was not such an all mighty god module :-(
Next question:
When shall we finally be able to have an analog x-axis for joysticks?
I mean come on, the y-axis as well as z-axis already is analog... don't tell me you just do some joystick-axis to keypress mapping only for turning on the joy's x-axis :-D
Edited by grayson marik, 11 January 2013 - 02:08 AM.