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Patch Response Survey

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Poll: What do you think of this patch? (739 member(s) have cast votes)

What do you think of this patch?

  1. I'm very impressed (23 votes [3.11%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.11%

  2. I'm somewhat impressed (69 votes [9.34%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.34%

  3. Meh (188 votes [25.44%])

    Percentage of vote: 25.44%

  4. I'm somewhat disappointed (137 votes [18.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 18.54%

  5. I'm very disappointed (322 votes [43.57%])

    Percentage of vote: 43.57%

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#161 Beo Vulf


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 05:53 PM

/sigh... another patch and still no fixes for the bugs that have been in the game since closed BETA. Not only did they NOT fix any of the known bugs like the memory leak, lag shield is back with the spider, fps is all over the place after 2 matches, River city night is still terrible the fires in the city are more visible in the normal map.Net code still needs a major overhaul. Come on guys if this is your best...(Best left unsaid).

#162 Cpt Jason McCarthy


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:06 PM

I'm very impressed because they can still do **** and ignore everyone here, when they are supposed to fix the game !

#163 StalaggtIKE


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:09 PM

View PostLivewyr, on 15 January 2013 - 02:01 PM, said:

Good lord..


I have news for you:
The stuff they're releasing now has been in the works for MONTHS, and it's from the Artists and Engineers FOR mech-creating.

Fixes are in testing...and unlike Creating the new stuff, require far more work as they have to find the things, find what makes them, and fix them, then adjust the rest of the game to it..

So good ******* god, give it a rest... they'll put out the fixes when they're ready..

You mean the fixes like the ECM counters they promised? Or the modules (Sensor Range Rank 2) that does nothing to counter it?

Paul Inoye said:

People are thinking we need to severely 'nerf' the ECM. This is not the case at all. There is already 1 counter-ECM item in the game (TAG), and likely there will be a couple more involving modules and weapon effects.

Where are the counters? Or are these working as intended as well? :D

Source: PCGamer

Edited by StalaggtIKE, 15 January 2013 - 06:14 PM.

#164 Falcon554


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:17 PM

Still beta right? dear lord you guys act like your GF cheated on you or something lol, Get a life maybe? go outside?

#165 Lokust Davion


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:24 PM

View PostFalcon554, on 15 January 2013 - 06:17 PM, said:

Still beta right? dear lord you guys act like your GF cheated on you or something lol, Get a life maybe? go outside?

beta is not a good excuse for laziness and negligence.

#166 anonymous175


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:33 PM

I like the new launcher.

Haven't played the game though. I'll defer to the other Forums Warriors' more qualified and trusted opinions to paint the picture of this particular patch.

#167 Ravill


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:36 PM

This game is like a fat kid trying to pick up the ladies at a club. He's got the hairdo, designer clothes, jewelry, spray tan, and enough cologne to kill a yak. All the boxes on what the ladies want are checked and yet the hair gel is astroglide, his jeans have tears in the wrong places, the jewelry is plastic, oompa loompas are jealous of him, the cologne really can kill a yak, but the worst offense is he never bothered to take his fat self to the gym and actually become the specimen those ladies want when the beer goggles come off.

#168 Elementel


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:39 PM

View PostRavill, on 15 January 2013 - 06:36 PM, said:

This game is like a fat kid trying to pick up the ladies at a club. He's got the hairdo, designer clothes, jewelry, spray tan, and enough cologne to kill a yak. All the boxes on what the ladies want are checked and yet the hair gel is astroglide, his jeans have tears in the wrong places, the jewelry is plastic, oompa loompas are jealous of him, the cologne really can kill a yak, but the worst offense is he never bothered to take his fat self to the gym and actually become the specimen those ladies want when the beer goggles come off.

View PostRavill, on 15 January 2013 - 06:36 PM, said:

This game is like a fat kid trying to pick up the ladies at a club. He's got the hairdo, designer clothes, jewelry, spray tan, and enough cologne to kill a yak. All the boxes on what the ladies want are checked and yet the hair gel is astroglide, his jeans have tears in the wrong places, the jewelry is plastic, oompa loompas are jealous of him, the cologne really can kill a yak, but the worst offense is he never bothered to take his fat self to the gym and actually become the specimen those ladies want when the beer goggles come off.

ROFL@ oompa loompas being jealous

#169 That Guy


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:49 PM

ignoring any conversation and inevitable flaming in this thread, i feel somewhat disappointed. we got the content we were promised (camo, mech), but other simple things like balance fixes were not included. from the dev posts last month there seemed to be quite a few that were tested/going to be tested over the long break, and were ready to be dropped in that are absent (things like the LL/PPC fixes, flamer/MG fixes, JJ fixes) and there is still NO WORD on any SSRM fixes despite being by far the WORST and most broken thing in the game. cry all you want about ECM, it's the SSRM that is the real problem (ECM only makes it much worse). and it has been since SEPTEMBER. seriously. fix the damn SSRM

also went the devs keep hinting that the patch is "going to be big" our hopes get propped up. and then when the patch only delivers less than what was expected, we get a little grouchy. (because i am damn sure this thread is full of tears of rage)

I forgive the other things listed as early/mid January not included. obviously those things are not ready for show time and need more work. i want them to work properly first time around

#170 fighttheman87


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:54 PM

haven't played the game since the 26th though i have a feeling they haven't fixed the ecm or net code.

#171 Captain Chloroform


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:05 PM

This patch introduced more issues than it fixed. New mech: rubberbanding issues, warp issues? Garbage was patched in for what reason? The ACTUAL problems have been being ignored for far too long, and the devs put in things like "General front end bugs fixed", Why doesn't it just say "Wrote a sentence to fill this space". If we are the beta testers, give us some info for the "front end" bugs so we may see for ourselves? For a Mechwarrior project maybe a bigger more intuitive company should have taken the helm and not PGI. I will continue to play but i can't justify spending any more $$$ on mediocrity, bad patches, very little feedback and attention to repeated complaints on balance/bug issues, even for a beta this is just bad.

#172 Protoculture


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:08 PM

View PostSkinny Pete, on 15 January 2013 - 01:45 PM, said:

These forums are toxic.

Yes they are, but they are a symptom, not the disease.

#173 Drogum Nethar


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:16 PM

I can't tell you - all I get is MD5 hash errors trying to download the patch - but if there aren't net code fixes whats the point? And like we needed more ECM options.

Honestly I'm having more fun with the World of Warplanes beta play anyways - more realistic and runs better - PGI could take a page from their <wargame.net> book on how to implement the online game stuff and also make money at the same time.

Edited by Drogum Nethar, 15 January 2013 - 07:22 PM.

#174 Zylo


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:18 PM

I think most players are probably going to be unhappy with any patch that does not include the following fixes to:


Matchmaker (phase3)

CW will not work if too many players leave over netcode or matchmaker issues.
The game's netcode and matchmaker are broken enough that new players will try it a few times and decide it's not worth the trouble. The plans for the future CW system will not keep players in this game if the current game systems cause them to quit.

Edited by Zylo, 15 January 2013 - 07:20 PM.

#175 Araxes


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:23 PM

I'm done with this game, and quite regret my Founders purchase now. Adding another fast mech BEFORE fixing the ridiculous lag-shield issue simply beggars belief... add in the complete lack of EU servers so I'm always running at 100+ ping, massively OP ECM and the ******** excuse for matchmaking that sets 4 man teams against new and solo players, and breaking point is reached. Every game is either:

A: Enemy has lots of ECM. Our team doesn't realise you should be swapping ECM modes to counter other ECM, or has no ECM of our own. Get rolled.

B: Enemy team is at least 50% light mechs making judicious use of the lag-shield. Get rolled.

C: Friendly team is entirely composed of mouth-breathing brain-dead asshats, while enemy team has at least one experienced 4-man (as evidenced by formation, chat). Get rolled*.

*may also include A & B if you happen to be particularly unlucky.

I get that this is a team game, and when I play with my group, it's usually ok. But that's all, just 'ok'. Playing solo, which we all do from time to time, is nearly always disheartening and at times completely rage-inducing. I've played ten or fifteen matches just now, and won about 2, maybe 3 of them. All the others: rolled.

I'm out. See you in a year when this game is either ready, or has fallen flat on its arse. Betting it'll be the latter.

Edited by Araxes, 15 January 2013 - 07:24 PM.

#176 Thuzel


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:28 PM

View PostTheGunBunny, on 15 January 2013 - 05:13 PM, said:

Mikhalio, you have no clue of their business model, their revinue stream, the content they have or have not made, the work done or not done by employees, what jobs said employees had to work on, which jobs were put ahead of others in the studio, what the over all projects timeline is or was...Soooo you are pulling everything out of your ***....

Aside from anything else, he's right about a couple of things.

PGI has made a major mistake by not trying hard enough to hire that net coder. This is a time sensitive project, and having that position open for more than a month or two was a really bad move.

And before you argue that they couldn't find anyone to fill it, I'll tell you that's not a valid answer. In a situation like this, there is always a way to find someone. You pay more, or offer better incentives, or do whatever the heck it takes. When your project is really and truly suffering for lack of a resource, you get that resource. End of story.

Failure to do so almost always means project death, sooner or later.



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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:29 PM

I was really hoping for a netcode fix that would reverse the problems created in the previous patch (I never had problems doing damage on Catapults with large lasers until last patch). But that didn't happen.

Was hoping to see the PPC and large pulse laser tweaks as well, but that didn't happen either.

I just hope they deliver next week. I didn't feel that this was as big a patch as hyped.

#178 Erihs


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:38 PM

I started playing this game few days back and it seems I picked a bad time to start. It was not long before I was puzzled and annoyed that I can't fire my lock ons and my other weapons seemed to make no contact.

Head over here to see what gives. I learn about ECM, I learn about lagshield (160ping for me from europe). Sigh. Well I played couple of days, almost all of that pugging. Pugging could be briefed into "does my team have a lot of ECMs at start?" if yes, we probably will win, if no, then...Anyway this seemed to hold true pretty well.

Well, I played, got c-bills, bought Raven 3L for my own ECM. Hooray now I'm actually doing damage, because streaks will hit even if I can't laser anything on my ping. But ECM is everywhere and if I'm in the losing side of ECM war, half my weaponry is obsolete and the other half can only hit stationary targets reliably.

I'll just leave this game here for a few months and maybe check back how things develop. Currently, I just can't call if enjoyable playtime, which is a shame, since I've always loved the mech games, having played nearly everything from mechwarrior 1 and upwards ;)

my 2 cents, for what it's worth. A new player experience. Back to planetside for me, which has awesome netcode and my ping doesn't matter at all.

#179 Mikhalio


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:42 PM

View PostErihs, on 15 January 2013 - 07:38 PM, said:

I started playing this game few days back and it seems I picked a bad time to start. It was not long before I was puzzled and annoyed that I can't fire my lock ons and my other weapons seemed to make no contact.

Head over here to see what gives. I learn about ECM, I learn about lagshield (160ping for me from europe). Sigh. Well I played couple of days, almost all of that pugging. Pugging could be briefed into "does my team have a lot of ECMs at start?" if yes, we probably will win, if no, then...Anyway this seemed to hold true pretty well.

Well, I played, got c-bills, bought Raven 3L for my own ECM. Hooray now I'm actually doing damage, because streaks will hit even if I can't laser anything on my ping. But ECM is everywhere and if I'm in the losing side of ECM war, half my weaponry is obsolete and the other half can only hit stationary targets reliably.

I'll just leave this game here for a few months and maybe check back how things develop. Currently, I just can't call if enjoyable playtime, which is a shame, since I've always loved the mech games, having played nearly everything from mechwarrior 1 and upwards ;)

my 2 cents, for what it's worth. A new player experience. Back to planetside for me, which has awesome netcode and my ping doesn't matter at all.

What kills me is you had to trial and error your way into the game's mechanics. Pull another game in Open Beta where players literally download a gig+ game, then do not even find a wiki/guide for a gameplay....

Hell, I can find one for WarZ on Hammerhead's documentation, and that's sad.

In my view it's not that ECW killed this player wanting to join the game, but exactly what is wrong with the patch, and the rollout sofar:

- No weapon or content documentation
- Poor netcode
- No tutorial or in-game documentation to teach newbies optimal build or the basics of mech combat
- Nebulous changes and metagame. Why should he play ? To get spacebux ? What should he buy with spacebux ? A better KDR ? Stack that up against what his options and what he gets for his time value in PS2, where he can buy all sorts of knicknacks in 200v200 all-the-time COD.

This guy's poast should be printed out and stapled to Garth's forehead tomorrow AM.

The next time a PGI signing authority wants to go take a vacation, he should look at this player Poast and ask "If I clock out will we see another guy like this come, see and /uninstall ? Is this our current brand standing ?"

Edited by Mikhalio, 15 January 2013 - 07:48 PM.

#180 MajorLeeHung


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:55 PM

Heres what I see happening: PGI will pump out clan mechs soon but will make them available for MC first to rake in money because all you tools will STILL buy a fuking Timber Wolf even if its 20k MC then about 2 months after that MWO will go belly up while the devs laugh all the way to the bank about the dumbass fan boys who spent money for their TW for a dieing game. Dont get me wrong Iv been playing mech since I was 15 (thats 18 years now. meh) and I so badly want this game to do SOMETHING. ANYTHING. I want you to take my money!! But if you refuse to balance the game and refuse to listen to the player base then all of you at PGI are as stupid as a bag of flaming dog ****.


Edited by MajorLeeHung, 15 January 2013 - 08:33 PM.

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