Ghogiel, on 23 October 2013 - 12:44 AM, said:
Actually, that is my point.
If the general climate is one of timidity, then you must factor that into your risk assessment. For example if a greater number than 50% of pushes fail due to timidity or whatever, then it's usually more costly than beneficial.
So basicly what your saying is that if you "feel" everyone is going to be a *****, you will hold back, because it "could" be a failure, because if 50% (not sure where you got that number) of the charges fail it "could" be "costly". Am i getting this right? It sounds a lot like justifying cowardice in a video games based on bad assumptions of possible bad scenario's guaranteeing that the charge will fail. This is what void angel was talking about. What Percentage of the time does the team lose because an assault mech starts a charge, and everyone flakes out on him?
Well of course, you won't be top player on your team without being super aggressive. But you can't do that if you are dead.
If your alive in the back unable to engage then you might as well be dead. 9.5/10 times the guy in the back does under 100 damage and gets 0 kills, the only exception to this are good LRM boats. Thats called a liability.
Besides cherry picking scenarios, there are a million ways things can play out. The question is, is the reason for this topic because more pushes fail due to timidity than not. If they do you should factor that in to the odds, and capitalize on the enemy making failed pushes and being timid.
You sound like your trying to be smart and failing. Your basicly saying if pushes fail because people are timid, then don't push and wait for there team to fail a push. That strategy would only work if A) you have total control over your team and every agree's not to push.

the enemy doesn't pull off a successful charge OR flank, and C) your enemys fails a charge where your in position to take advantage of it.
I mean if it's such a thing and a common experience, then in PUGs it's imo better to use the way the games usually play out to your advantage rather than try to get people to play differently. I can't even imagine the tiny fraction of the people in PUG matches that would have read this topic anyway.
A 20 page topic thats been on the front page since july? Sounds to me like your REALLY bad at assumptions. This explains your strategy's and why no competent person would consider them valid.
Well yeah. While there are strong positions on every map that hold innate advantages, and those are usually camped and are really hard to assault without high risk.
Which if sucessfully assulted almost ALWAYS wins the match. Your basicly trying to defend the "sit still" "tactic" in warfare. Well, i'll give you this, you are brave to go against the fundamental basics of military strategy since the 1700's. Man, we should totally still build castles!
If the battle happens elsewhere, camping even those areas are useless. Strong positions are reactionary and fluid, not entirely static. Few exceptions I can think of, like holding back to prevent base caps on big maps like alpine.
what this? a glimmer of hope? besides contradicting your statement a few sentences ago, yes the first sentence is right. People can go around them. However all other statements are wrong. There is no fluidity in rigidly walking back and forth in a small area let alone standing their. The only reaction you have is to shoot stuff you have. Reactionary does not mean seeing someone and shooting them, it means changing your plans and/or routes based on what you, your team, and your enemy are doing. You cannot win matches standing around waiting for the enemy to attack. At some point you have to move tword the enemy. If you wait till it is safe, then your useless on the field. You basically let your team do all the heavy lifting, while you come in, steal a kill once in a while, and pretend your good, while your team fights outnumbered. I really hope you play locusts exclusively. What a waste of tonnage.
sneeking, on 06 November 2013 - 12:43 AM, said:
been timid isn't tactical any more than blind aggression but as a noob I've got to try it all and everything in between, just so I know for myself.
in two days iv died like 30 times and made 5 kills lol.
Never mind, I don't need the most polished service record in the ranks.
Blind Aggressive is more tactical then being timid. Your at least tanking, giving your team a chance to land free shots. To turn it into a tactical advantage you simply need to be blindly aggressive where they are not looking.