Garth and Bryan, thanks for your efforts. I think this is probably the greatest Q&A so far because, good or bad news, it answers the questions, and those it can't its very clear about. I like that, and this is the exact sort of communication that the (reasonable) among us enjoy and love. Not everyone can be happy, of course and some people have a personal vendetta against specific game elements, so it will always be top priority for them. To those people I ask to take a break. It isn't that your concerns do not have merit. They all do, but if the devs say it isn't a high priority, then there isn't much that can be done about it. I agree that collusions are a huge deal, and I wish they were a higher priority, but I'm willing to put up with it. If you aren't, I suggest you take a break and come back in a few month.
Regardless, Garth and Bryan, I think there's a lot of people who enjoy this game and the effort you're putting forth. Please don't let the bile get you down (or let you get wary of 1000+ post users!

). You might be an ******* Bryan, but your our *******.

PGI was the only company with the balls to take up this IP and breathe life into it. Every time there's a new user on the forums talking about how much they love the game, that's a win for you guys. I personally greatly enjoy teaching new players the ins an outs of the game, and to hear the surprise in their voice over the depth of aspects of the game. This game has had growing pains, but I can safely say that the upcoming features and content gets me excited. I may complain about things I don't like (ECM, paint jobs, etc), but rest assured that I play this game almost every night with my corp mates, and we have a blast doing it.
If I have that much fun with myself and 7 other blockheads on TS3 with 4 maps and 2 game modes with bad netcode, no collisions, and various bugs, I imagine the future holds much more, as long as you guys keep working hard to dust this old series off and put a nice polish onto it. I really do miss playing with ya'll on TS3. Those were fun times. I recall one time in which Paul and I stupidly shot, overheated, shut down, powered up, shot, overheated, and continued that idiotic dance for almost 20 seconds against each other. I laughed until my sides were in orbit. Ya'll are always welcome on The Remnant's TS3. Those NGNG guys need to stop hogging the fun.
So really, keep up the good work, and
keep up the communication like this! It really helps give people something,
anything, to go off of. They might not like it, hell, they might complain about that new info instead, but like I said, most reasonable people will be very happy that we got this kind of information. We just want to know what's going on.
Keep on truckin'.