Ok first off: I play a commando as one of my mains (Them being: Atlas DC, Flame, Com 2D, Dragon 1N) and It's probably my best KD ratio mech.
However, This new commando is a joke. 4 energy hard-points, No ECM and costs almost 2000 MC? Sorry, but no... Even if I was paying lets say 3 million Cbills, still no... This mech is junk in my view. Its trying to be a jenner, but worse... in every way..
If it wasn't for the free paint scheme and C-bill boost I'd pity the fools buying it. O wait.. it costs REAL MONEY. I'd actually like to see sale figures of this mech, and want to know how many ask for a refund or are dissatisfied with their purchase. It's got to be even less popular than cicadas.
Also I'd like to note, I've seen a total of 1, ONE! In all my games since the patch. It was dead, very dead. I may have shot him...
So you say, that's great, but that doesn't help us fix the problem! Well that's why I'm adding suggestions

First off, This mech without ECM or Missile hardpoints is a sitting boat for streaks, making it's counter part (if a streak mech) pretty much the victor in 1v1. It can't even sneak up (as effectively) to use it's Energy weapons because it has no ECM, it cannot cover friends with ECM because it has none. With lag or just bad aim, means that it's weapons won't hit for as much punch as a 2D with streaks unless you're skilled. If you're skilled you wouldn't be caught dead in this thing unless you're a troll. And you say, but its meant to be a laser boat! ok, but why would I not just take a jenner? They're better in every way, oo and they cost cbills not MC! It lacks anything other than its generic Cbill booster to make it useful.
-Cost too high for benefit
-Lacks ECM
-Lacks Missiles
-Jenner outclasses it for free (no real money)