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Death's Knell Feedback


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#61 p4g3m4s7r


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 07:16 AM

View PostIacov, on 24 January 2013 - 06:56 AM, said:

i would have wished for one extra energy slot to fit a tag together with 4mlas...but maybe 5 laser hardoints would have been too much (would like to see tag being a module or something alike)

i do not regret buying it - even though ecm or an extra hardpoint would have been ideal

I strongly agree. I really like this mech, because the fact that I can shoot at something while not running at it makes me far more survivable than a jenner or raven with the same loadout. Having so many energy hard points in the arms really fixes the fact that the commando variants with lots of missile hard points were wasting the arm actuators.

I think, if it could be improved in any way without making it OP, add an energy hardpoint to the head. This way, it's pretty much only usable for TAG, but allows the mech to still be deadly while packing reconnaissance hardware.

#62 Verminaard


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 07:48 AM

Ok first off: I play a commando as one of my mains (Them being: Atlas DC, Flame, Com 2D, Dragon 1N) and It's probably my best KD ratio mech.

However, This new commando is a joke. 4 energy hard-points, No ECM and costs almost 2000 MC? Sorry, but no... Even if I was paying lets say 3 million Cbills, still no... This mech is junk in my view. Its trying to be a jenner, but worse... in every way..

If it wasn't for the free paint scheme and C-bill boost I'd pity the fools buying it. O wait.. it costs REAL MONEY. I'd actually like to see sale figures of this mech, and want to know how many ask for a refund or are dissatisfied with their purchase. It's got to be even less popular than cicadas.

Also I'd like to note, I've seen a total of 1, ONE! In all my games since the patch. It was dead, very dead. I may have shot him...

So you say, that's great, but that doesn't help us fix the problem! Well that's why I'm adding suggestions <_< First off, This mech without ECM or Missile hardpoints is a sitting boat for streaks, making it's counter part (if a streak mech) pretty much the victor in 1v1. It can't even sneak up (as effectively) to use it's Energy weapons because it has no ECM, it cannot cover friends with ECM because it has none. With lag or just bad aim, means that it's weapons won't hit for as much punch as a 2D with streaks unless you're skilled. If you're skilled you wouldn't be caught dead in this thing unless you're a troll. And you say, but its meant to be a laser boat! ok, but why would I not just take a jenner? They're better in every way, oo and they cost cbills not MC! It lacks anything other than its generic Cbill booster to make it useful.

-Cost too high for benefit
-Lacks ECM
-Lacks Missiles
-Jenner outclasses it for free (no real money)

#63 Spencley


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 07:54 AM

I thought all the hero mechs seemed to be a bit worse off compared to the standard versions. Figured this was due to the fact it gets the 30% boost. Especially the Yen Lo Wang D:
Definitely don't think we need more mechs with ECM. Possibly remove a laser slot and give it something else...

#64 p4g3m4s7r


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 07:55 AM

View PostVerminaard, on 24 January 2013 - 07:48 AM, said:

Also I'd like to note, I've seen a total of 1, ONE! In all my games since the patch. It was dead, very dead. I may have shot him...

I see at least one other in every match I play in my Death's Knell. So my anecdotal evidence is WAY BETTER than your anecdotal evidence <_<

#65 Gammanoob


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 08:08 AM

View PostCarrioncrows, on 23 January 2013 - 10:55 PM, said:

Give me my 6-8 E hard points on the arms.


x4 Missile slots on the arms

You can't be seriously suggesting these as balanced changes to Death's Knell...

Whatever you are smoking or drinking please send my way.

Edited by Gammanoob, 24 January 2013 - 08:16 AM.

#66 Tremor


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 09:12 AM

I like how someone is trying to argue that cartwheeling into a fire ball to a SSRM/ECM light every second match is totally worth having arm actuators.

They go sideways and everything!

#67 BigMooingCow


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 09:52 AM

View PostThontor, on 24 January 2013 - 06:24 AM, said:

Wait, your comparing a stock Death's Knell with customized Ravens and Jenners? First of all, Ravens and Jenners are 10 tons heavier, so they are better by default... But not by as much as your comparison suggests

Here is a customized TDK maintaining the stock weapons loadout.

The Death's Knell:

210XL giving a max speed of 136.08 kph (149.69 with speed tweak)
176 standard armor
Endo steel
12 DHS
4 ML
AMS (1 ton ammo)

And The Death's Knell has something Jenners and Ravens lack... All of its weapons are on fully articulated arms

Good point, perhaps I wasn't fair simply building a Death's Knell clone with other chassis. I still think the other mechs are much superior in that you either get jumping (Jenner) or ECM (Raven) with more equipment space and more armor. But Death's Knell does get better with an XL (I mistakenly believed it already had one).

For the arms thing, I do love using arms for laser weapons (AWE-8T with four LL was my favorite a few patches ago), but the Raven and Jenner both have pretty quick torsos, so the advantage isn't all that great. If the Raven and Jenner twisted like the Stalker I think the Commando would be much more compelling. As it is, it's just a bit easier to aim.

Which begs the question would we be better off if ALL torsos were a bit slower? It sure would make choosing mech chassis a more difficult task. It would also lower the usefulness of the K2...

#68 Odanan


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 09:58 AM

View PostKatala Pryde, on 23 January 2013 - 11:32 AM, said:

I think it at least needed jump jets, and maybe, perhaps ECM. It's got a great paintjob, but its underwhelming.

Or Command Console (no one can call P2W on that).

#69 p4g3m4s7r


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 10:17 AM

View PostTremor, on 24 January 2013 - 09:12 AM, said:

I like how someone is trying to argue that cartwheeling into a fire ball to a SSRM/ECM light every second match is totally worth having arm actuators.

They go sideways and everything!

I actually have a K/D ratio with my DK that I'd estimate is around 1.5 and have lived more matches than I've died (I think I've lived through about 3/4 of them). I've only cartwheeled twice, too, but that was from a dual AC20 cat and an Atlas that hit me when I had no armor. Anyway, I don't feel the need to imply you're an ***** to make my point, so I'll just stop there.

#70 RavWielki


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 11:17 AM

This is ****** mech ! why ?

-have 30% c-bills bonus , but raven 3L is in every match and kill DK easily with UNDERPOWERED SSRM

So you earn +30% , but you also lose 50% cbills on early death.

#71 ohtochooseaname


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 11:43 AM

Last night, I took my 3L out of the shed because I was waiting for my DDC to get out of a match. I got 5 kills in a River City game, 3 of which were solo kills (killed a Catapult with an ear blown off and XL engine and a Cataphract, which already had CT armor almost gone), but killed a fresh 4SP, a 1B Commando, and a Death Knell...The hardest fight (and the one in which I could have lost) was against the Death Knell. With the improved netcode in a circle strafe, I only had to lead him with the ML's by shooting at his arm to hit his CT. Blew out his CT with lasers mostly (was in water, so SSRM's didn't hit much). If he had been a better shot, I'd have been dead.

Moral of the story is: if you're going to try to take on a 3L or 2D in one of these things, gotta hop in chest high water, and you've got a pretty good shot if you can aim at a single torso section.

Of course...I was alone during all of my kills, and I killed the Catapult while engaged with the 4SP, and the Cataphract was traveling around with the DK...so Ravens are still godmode if you can aim the ML's...go figure, but, as for a non-2D commando, I'd say the DK is the best one. Overall, it's certainly the best one for taking out heavies and assaults from behind.

#72 Dragunz Pryde


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 12:20 PM

First off I have to say...I LOVE THIS MECH!!! Yes it doesn't have Jump Jets, Yes it doesn't have ECM, but ya know what...I don't care, it is a FUN mech to pilot!! I have two builds i run with this and i love them both equally. Both builds have 176/178 Armor, XL210 Engines, Ferro Fibrous Armor, Endo Steel, and Double heat sinks.

Build A:

1 x Large Laser
2 x Medium Lasers

Build B:

2 x Medium Lasers
2 x Medium Pulse Lasers
1 x AMS
1 x Ton of AMS ammo

Both hold there own pretty well, but are used in different ways. I mainly use my LL and harass slower mechs from a distance, only using my ML when opportunity arises or i contact another light mech. The B variant i use to get in the mix, and with the ability to have both sets of lasers on arms I can stay very maneuverable and still hold the retical on target. :P

Keep up the great work...and ohh yeah....please get the Jaggermech here soon!!!

#73 Capt Cole 117


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 01:49 PM

Hero mechs aren’t better then other variants
Some people buy them anyways
PGI gets money to keep making the game
Its a win-win-win

#74 Ronstar


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 02:51 PM

View PostCarrioncrows, on 23 January 2013 - 12:23 PM, said:

It's not faster, it's not tougher, it has no specialized features.

It's a COM-1B that's traded it's torso mounted missile rack for another arm mounted energy.

It's very very lackluster


#75 Loc Nar


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 03:20 PM

Mine's name is Eyepoker (although it says Deathsnail in my mechlab...). I like running it, especially with a more leveled playing field with improved netcode. Sillyness still gets you killed just as quickly, but less shots go to waste and the gap between skill and luck has widened.

After getting used to finishing up battles in my SP with quad MLas in the arms, putting those arms on a COM sure is tons of fun. I run a simple DHS/Endo/MLas x4/xl200 setup at the moment, but here are a few others worth consideration if anyone else here is going commando..:

http://mwo.smurfy-ne...b47a8db6fc7256d -COM-TDK [MPLas x4, Endo, XL200, DHS x11]

http://mwo.smurfy-ne...5e07addc7da6511 -COM-TDK [MPLas x4, Endo, FF, XL200, DHS x11]

http://mwo.smurfy-ne...53e1d405497e9b4 -COM-TDK [MLas x2, MPLas x2, Endo, XL200, DHS x13]

http://mwo.smurfy-ne...6e193117b4478c8 -COM-TDK [LLas, MPLas x2, Endo, FF, XL200, DHS x10]

http://mwo.smurfy-ne...e6edb25686e5235 -COM-TDK [LLas, MLas x2, Endo, FF, XL200, DHS x11]

http://mwo.smurfy-ne...17d679c8057c7ca -COM-TDK [LLas, MLas x2, Endo, XL200, DHS x12]

http://mwo.smurfy-ne...9437d3f654c6be1 -COM-TDK [PPC, MLas x2, Endo, FF, XL200, DHS x10]

#76 xxx WreckinBallRaj xxx


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 03:51 PM

I just realized the irony of them calling this tincan "Death's Knell". I bet they're laughing every time someone buys this thing. I know the Spider is also a PoS, but those aren't Premium rides with a high MC only price tag.

Edited by Bluten, 24 January 2013 - 03:53 PM.

#77 Jyi


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 06:24 PM

This is, in my opinion, far superior to all Spider variants and can compete with anything but COM-2D and RVN-3L. It'll lose to Streaks, but it does have two advantages:

1) It has 4 energy hardpoints, making it a sustainable dps-machine.
2) The hardpoints are in its arms, which gives it superior fire arc compared to any other light.

In 8v8 there's currently no spot for these kinds of mechs, since ECM + Streaks -combo is simply so superior. But if, at some point, ECM gets balanced to a more proper level, this mech will start to shine. On other hand, in random games this mech is already a beast. Its size, firepower, mobility and good fire arc make it a deadly opponent against bigger, bulkier mechs. My first game I got 4 kills with a decent 300+ damage. It was really entertaining to kill escaping cored opponents. And it really tears up that rear armor if even one sustained salvo of lasers gets through.

Sadly, after my first game I started experiencing weird lag-stutter, which seems to be a persistent problem since the previous patch. It made playing even averagely an impossible feat. Pretty pissed off about that...

#78 Thorqemada


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 06:32 PM

It somehow magically attracts the two SSRM2 my Centurion fits... :(

Edited by Thorqemada, 24 January 2013 - 06:34 PM.

#79 orion0117


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 06:49 PM

I like it, It has its place on the battlefield. Only played 15 or so games with it so only a taste of what Smurfy can do.

First of all, watch out for enemy lights, especially light strike teams. I've only got smashed immediately by 3 opposing commandos ganging up on me.

Avoid enemy lights, and this mech excels at taking pot shots at enemies engaged with your team's heavies/assualts/mediums. I think that's what the name means, stay out of sight. If you see this mech, it means death is on the way. Not because this mech is especially dangerous, but becuase if you do see it, you're nearly finished.

Until it gets this easy button...some people will say it sucks. Don't sit back and expect this mech's armor and firepower to do the job for you. It takes some work, but the work pays off. It's a very challenging, but fun and rewarding mech.

Posted Image

Edited by orion0117, 24 January 2013 - 06:55 PM.

#80 xxx WreckinBallRaj xxx


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Posted 24 January 2013 - 09:05 PM

Fyi guys the Jenner D gets the same 4 Energy per arm, with jets, and 2 missile. If you don't want an ECM... then why aren't you playing the Jenner? If you buy this TDK, you're just a sucker. Maybe some day they will actually balance the ECM and variants, but I seriously doubt it'll happen anytime soon, so HF with that MC gone. You're never getting it back.

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