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So Why Do People Dislike The Clans?

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#441 Pariah Devalis


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 03:12 PM

View PostWill9761, on 27 January 2014 - 02:37 PM, said:

Sometimes, it doesn't always have to be combat.

One example was the Ghost Bears, who actually decided the fate of a planet based on a football match.

Yeah, but they used elementals, those cheating stravags. ;)

Edited by Pariah Devalis, 27 January 2014 - 03:13 PM.

#442 Agent 0 Fortune


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 03:49 PM

I hate the clans because they ruined battletech.
I understand the reason they were released, a game of battletech took forever, and the more mechs on the battlefield the longer it took. So upgrading heat sinks, weapon ranges, accuracy, and lowering weapon tonnage while keeping armor the same allowed the games to flow much faster (which is why most board games released today have a 20-60 play time).
Maybe if they had rebooted the franchise I wouldn't have minded so much, but instead of attempting to create an asymmetrically balanced wargame, they opted to make the clans a better version and just tried to sort everything out in novels (which I had no desire to read).
And finally the clans come off as a bunch of uninteresting pretentious neo-tribal d-bags. In short they are the space marines of the battletech universe.

#443 Darth Futuza


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 04:12 PM

I don't like the clans because they make fun of me and call me a freebirth reject.

...whatever that is. Posted Image

#444 ReXspec


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 04:49 PM

View PostAlexander Steel, on 27 January 2014 - 09:56 AM, said:

Many of the people I game with didn't like the sudden leap in tech. It would be like playing in a basketball league and suddenly coming in one day and being informed that there were now 2 balls in play at all times and one of the balls was smaller and you didn't have to dribble it and if you made a basket with it, you got 4 points. Also one team could field 7 players and the other team could only field 6 on the court at the same time, but the 7 player team was suggested they couldn't double team on defense but they mostly did anyway.

It's just not the same game as it was before.

Isn't this presumption basically how PGI is going to model battles against Clans? If so, then you are right. It is a big problem when you introduce superior technology in such a manner.

That's why I still strongly support a Battle Value based system when the Clan 'mechs come out. Otherwise, if we stick to the weight class/ELO system we have now, I.S. teams will get absolutely DESTROYED. Especially if PGI keeps Clan weaponry and tech any degree stronger or more effective then I.S. weaponry.

#445 ReXspec


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 04:58 PM

View PostAgent 0 Fortune, on 27 January 2014 - 03:49 PM, said:

I hate the clans because they ruined battletech.
I understand the reason they were released, a game of battletech took forever, and the more mechs on the battlefield the longer it took. So upgrading heat sinks, weapon ranges, accuracy, and lowering weapon tonnage while keeping armor the same allowed the games to flow much faster (which is why most board games released today have a 20-60 play time).
Maybe if they had rebooted the franchise I wouldn't have minded so much, but instead of attempting to create an asymmetrically balanced wargame, they opted to make the clans a better version and just tried to sort everything out in novels (which I had no desire to read).
And finally the clans come off as a bunch of uninteresting pretentious neo-tribal d-bags. In short they are the space marines of the battletech universe.

Well, again, Clan tech was a natural evolution to previously available tech. Granted, it was hard to come by in the market and expensive, but I think the growing pains to Clan tech was mostly felt when the Battle Value system didn't accurately reflect the tactical superiority Clan tech initially offered. Causing A LOT of Clan units to mercilessly stomp I.S. units.

Once Battle Value reflected the tactical superiority of the Clans, however, fights got a bit easier and were generally even; less lob-sided.

Edited by ReXspec, 27 January 2014 - 04:59 PM.

#446 Kael Posavatz


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 10:43 PM

Why do people dislike the Clans? Because people want to cheer on 'their' team and whoever is not their team is the bad guy and therefore detestable. The Clans, by virtue of their existence and their attempt to conquer the Inner Sphere, simply pissed off everyone living (ie playing) there.

And the Clans were far from homogenous, though some people cannot seem to grasp the fact.

There are the Cloud Cobras who are all religious fanatics, the Nova Cats who are all mystics, Clan Coyote is full of dreamers, and Goliath Scorpion whose warriors are all addicted to narcotic scorpion venom of all things which has deluded them into thinking they are Indiana Jones. Blood Spirit gives everyone in their clan basic combat training, Hell's Horses still use conventional armor for some reason, and Diamond Shark's merchants would do anything for a...whatever modicum of exchange the Clans used for inter-clan trading (let us call it the Kerensky Kredit and it shall have the power to purchase one Clanish ER Medium Laser).

Some refused to use Freebirths in the toumans (I think we all know who these chaps are), and one Clan sent an entire Galaxy of Freebirths at the Inner Sphere (Clan Wolf, Epsilon Galaxy). Goliath Scorpion by and large makes no distinction between the two except to note that, on average, the Trueborn make better warriors (off set bell-graphs).

On the battlefield there are Clans who will hold to Zellbrigen at all costs, and those that hold to it only until their foes violate it at which point their ROE becomes a 'Kill them all, Kerensky shall know the righteous' type mindset, and those that are in-between. And ROEs changed during the Invasion as the Clans were confronted with Inner Sphere tactics. (Admittedly, the invading Clans changed more and quicker than those who had stayed home an hadn't been exposed to the Inner Sphere Tao of Battle).

I'm not saying that some kind of scoring system bonus shouldn't be created, but it would need to be set up to fit each Clan. What has been described would fit the more conservative Clans fairly well I should think, but for someone like Clan Wolf which is known for giving honorable combat to units for only so long as those units conform to the same rules, it would be a disaster.

#447 ZnSeventeen


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 11:35 PM

Hmm, hate the clans, I don't entirely, but this is what I do hate.

1. The strong guy rules. This has been tried before, it doesn't really work that well. Just because you are stronger or faster, or whatever than everyone else does not mean you will be a good ruler. (Really, they should have a leadership caste, it would be very helpful.)

2. Their eugenics program. It sucks, whoever prepared their algorithm for determining who is fit to reproduce was an {Dezgra}. "You got killed in your barracks by an IED? You are unfit!" Also, using blood names only? A genetic pool needs large numbers, genetic diversity, and a strong evolutionary pressure to adapt most rapidly.

3. They don't play to win. A society with multiple inhabitable planets that wants to invade should be working hard to multiply their numbers, producing as many warriors and engineers as possible, so that they can field as many units to as many locations as possible. It just makes sense, and some clanner some time in the hundreds of years they waited to invade should have thought of it. (It would also help in bolstering their Eugenics program, as with a greater n they could determine which genes cause which traits with greater statistical significance.)

I do like a lot about them, such as elementals, but since this thread is about what I hate, there you are.

#448 CyclonerM

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Posted 28 January 2014 - 05:02 AM

View PostDarth Futuza, on 27 January 2014 - 04:12 PM, said:

I don't like the clans because they make fun of me and call me a freebirth reject.

...whatever that is. Posted Image

So much ignorance. What should i have expected from a freebirth reject? ;) :(

View PostZnSeventeen, on 27 January 2014 - 11:35 PM, said:

2. Their eugenics program. It sucks, whoever prepared their algorithm for determining who is fit to reproduce was an {Dezgra}. "You got killed in your barracks by an IED? You are unfit!" Also, using blood names only? A genetic pool needs large numbers, genetic diversity, and a strong evolutionary pressure to adapt most rapidly.

Well if i had accomplished something important my genes would be still used in the gene pool in that case :ph34r:


3. They don't play to win. A society with multiple inhabitable planets that wants to invade should be working hard to multiply their numbers, producing as many warriors and engineers as possible, so that they can field as many units to as many locations as possible. It just makes sense, and some clanner some time in the hundreds of years they waited to invade should have thought of it. (It would also help in bolstering their Eugenics program, as with a greater n they could determine which genes cause which traits with greater statistical significance.)

The Clans have all good population increase numbers indeed IIRC.

#449 Sephlock


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Posted 28 January 2014 - 06:43 AM

View Postqultar, on 02 February 2013 - 10:22 AM, said:

There are 3 main anti clan camps i have seen

1: Old battletech players mad that clans wrecked there game
Be this from the new tech or from the min-max players

2: Players that dislike the lore of the Clans
Never mind if they are being a hypocrite about there side

3: Then there are the the ones that hate the Clans for attack
there faction FRR are a big part of this do to bad luck

But the Ghost Bears absorbed them and gave them sweet Omnimech technology! They're like vat born Santa Clauses!

View PostPariah Devalis, on 27 January 2014 - 01:39 PM, said:

Drinking contest, too. Clan Nova Cat lost a planet because a drinking contest was the method to which the planet wanted to defend it.

The Clansman was an aerospace pilot.

That, and most Clan alcoholic beverages cannot induce drunkenness by design, so so much for a tolerance. XD

If you can do that (and American football, apparently) has anyone ever tried to defend their planet by playing Yu Gi Oh! (or the future equivalent of MTG) :D?

#450 CyclonerM

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Posted 28 January 2014 - 11:38 AM

View PostSephlock, on 28 January 2014 - 06:43 AM, said:

If you can do that (and American football, apparently) has anyone ever tried to defend their planet by playing Yu Gi Oh! (or the future equivalent of MTG) :D?

Maybe a Battletech CCG match.. ? :D

#451 Sephlock


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Posted 28 January 2014 - 03:11 PM

View PostCyclonerM, on 28 January 2014 - 11:38 AM, said:

Maybe a Battletech CCG match.. ? <_<

They need to make an MTG:Online style version of that :mellow:. And yes, I know about STACs...

#452 SaltBeef


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Posted 29 January 2014 - 02:39 PM

View PostOdanan, on 27 January 2014 - 10:13 AM, said:

Extreme left wing and extreme right wing are connected.
Posted Image

Or this:
Posted Image

Well according to your chart The clanners were definitely left wing socialist progressive. They were eugenics freaks, Elite lead caste system, Nannies and wardens of the state for sure. And most of all Hypocrites. I like playing the clan because they have cool mechs are mean and nasty. Same reason I like to play the WW2 germans in Close combat and Company of heroes games.

#453 CyclonerM

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 05:18 AM

View PostSaltBeef, on 29 January 2014 - 02:39 PM, said:

I like playing the clan because they have cool mechs are mean and nasty. Same reason I like to play the WW2 germans in Close combat and Company of heroes games.

Then you have no place here - gather your bravest Inner Sphere friends and try to capture one of our 'Mechs ;)

#454 Odanan


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 05:51 AM

View PostSephlock, on 28 January 2014 - 03:11 PM, said:

They need to make an MTG:Online style version of that ;). And yes, I know about STACs...

What about this? (I will be releasing an entirely new "edition" soon)

#455 SaltBeef


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 01:11 PM

I already Purchased the 240 pack LOL! :lol:

#456 Featherwood


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 03:32 PM

View PostSaltBeef, on 30 January 2014 - 01:11 PM, said:

I already Purchased the 240 pack LOL! :D

Congratulations! You should casually mention it in every topic now, do not restrain yourself by posting only in irrelevant ones.

#457 pbiggz


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 05:57 PM

View PostFeatherwood, on 30 January 2014 - 03:32 PM, said:

Congratulations! You should casually mention it in every topic now, do not restrain yourself by posting only in irrelevant ones.

You bring nothing but passive aggressiveness here. Might I remind you that given your past behaviour you have already done more than enough to warrant a trial of grievance. We will not allow you to openly insult the council!

#458 Featherwood


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 06:05 PM

View Postpbiggz, on 30 January 2014 - 05:57 PM, said:

You bring nothing but passive aggressiveness here. Might I remind you that given your past behaviour you have already done more than enough to warrant a trial of grievance. We will not allow you to openly insult the council!

Is it a common thing for members of Clan Wolf to speak of themselves in plural? Or you just need help from someone else to call for a trial? Watch your tone and mind your own business or step into the circle and name yourself.

Edited by Featherwood, 30 January 2014 - 06:06 PM.

#459 pbiggz


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 06:46 PM

Big words from someone who has failed at every turn to support either the warden or crusader cause.

#460 Featherwood


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:08 PM

View Postpbiggz, on 30 January 2014 - 06:46 PM, said:

Big words from someone who has failed at every turn to support either the warden or crusader cause.

And still nothing except vain yapping from puppy, who dared to mention challenge, but frighten to call it. You are a shame of your Clan, go do small talks on politics with your IS friends, stravag.

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