Upcoming Faction Play Round Table
Posted 27 July 2016 - 08:49 AM
When you are on the quick play end, the only thing you get is a warning that Faction PLay may be too intense and difficult for the casual player. That you need tons of experience in order to appreciate it.
Then, most players probably either ignore that warning, or just don't read it- because nobody really reads warnings or suggestions in this day and age anyway- and they try it once. They PUG it up on a quick drop on a planet, because that is how they play on the other side. They build a drop deck from the lame mechs suggested, and proceed to have no idea what the hell to do or what is going on.
Generators, turrets and cannons? what are those. I'm just going to go solo like I do in Quickplay because I'm an awesome pilot in my mind. I get 2 or 3 kills a match.....
and then they get soundly beat down, many times being the reason their team gets beat because of poor mechs and a numbers disadvantage. Then they get no rewards for it, and told they have to get their *** kicked 9 more times to win anything. And straight back to Quickplay they go.
Hell, I read about it first, checked forums, bing and google. Honestly, what I encountered was different than what the game described.
I was under the assumption that every player got 15 MC if their unit held a planet.
I was also under the assumption form descriptions in your interface that each faction would limit the types of mechs you could drop with. Yes IS and Clan are understandable, but your description makes it sound like there are House and Factions limits as well, and taking certain planets would expand those options.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 09:40 AM
now if you are talking randomly logging in and having people to play with ... at mercstar we've learned that it takes about 100 ACTIVE people in that timezone to be able to do this and (between 8 to 15 people wanting to play) and those numbers were at the hight of CW (not special events those always draw more people) now a lot of units battle this by saying that day between x and y hour we are going to play CW/FP, and i have to be honest if i didn't have that capability at that time with mercstar i would have left this game a looong time ago, like i'm actually doing atm, oh i still log in from time to time but even we as a big merc unit barely have players, and that just sucks the fun out of it.
now onto some thing constructive for CW/FP
i often read about people wanting to limit when other people can start playing FW/CW like no trail mechs or something like that...
but i actually believe that you shouldn't be allowed to play FW if you are not in a unit (and 1 man units should be excluded as well for obvious reasons), this I HOPE would push players into a unit and from there into actual teamplay, resulting in a better game experience for everyone with hopefully an end to 90% solo droppers and a shift to atleast 3-4 man size groups dropping, to me a player dropping in trials but sticking with his friends is of more value than a solo player with mastered mechs off on his own somewhere. (with the odd exception ofcourse).
also get rid of that ridiculous payment you have to make for inviting somebody into a unit. just to make my point, we (MS) used to accept everybody who was willing to learn the game (people would join and leave all the time), which obviously made for an overall lower skill level, sure you'd still fight a organized unit but they where not all tier 1 and 2 there where plenty of tier 4 and 5 mixed in with each group, now if you'd want to join MS you would either have to know someone or be invited based on skill lvl, and one usually follows the other, we still have some sort of training program with our MS-R unit but that effort is a lot lower than it used to be
Posted 27 July 2016 - 10:00 AM
Faction Warfare needs to be significantly more lucrative than Quick Play, the rewards need to be much better due to the time invested, and levels need to get much higher than 20...
Posted 27 July 2016 - 10:00 AM
Johnny Z, on 27 July 2016 - 01:36 AM, said:
I always forget about Alts. And ya, they can easily skew or alter a suggestion thread.
Hunka Junk, on 27 July 2016 - 01:39 AM, said:
Worthless because you think presenting all the commentary here as a qualitative data set is bad or because you think no one will listen anyway?
Ignore the above (you added to your previous message while I was writing this one).
While it's possible that alts might skew the data, how many alts can one person have? Up to now, do you think someone who dislikes the long tom got on this thread, wrote bad things about it, and then logged onto one or more other accounts to post the same thing again and again? Moreover, this would be a far greater concern if this had been a survey sent to each player account or handled in some other way like a poll.
I acknowledge your concern, but I still see worth in the original proposition.
To be fair, one person could easily have 2 accounts that could seem legit, and possibly a 3rd fluffy account that would act as a newish player.
But now take 3 or 4 people from (as an example) the same Unit trying to push an agenda, and suddenly there are what appears to be 12 people in agreement.
They could easily landslide a thread.
Edited by JaxRiot, 27 July 2016 - 10:00 AM.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 10:32 AM
quantaca, on 27 July 2016 - 09:40 AM, said:
now if you are talking randomly logging in and having people to play with ... at mercstar we've learned that it takes about 100 ACTIVE people in that timezone to be able to do this and (between 8 to 15 people wanting to play) and those numbers were at the hight of CW (not special events those always draw more people) now a lot of units battle this by saying that day between x and y hour we are going to play CW/FP, and i have to be honest if i didn't have that capability at that time with mercstar i would have left this game a looong time ago, like i'm actually doing atm, oh i still log in from time to time but even we as a big merc unit barely have players, and that just sucks the fun out of it.
Ok, so the problem with mega Units, and especially mega Merc Units is that the population (currently anyway) can not support them.
Their size and ability to switch sides en mass just magnify the problems that FP already has and contributes to its own demise.
Whenever those mega Merc Units jump to Clan (or IS) when a Mech Pack comes out, their sheer numbers cause population imbalance, longer wait times, more ghost drops, more pug stomps, and the ability to take planets because of sheer lopsided numbers.
All of those problems listed above have been major complaining points for a long time, and mega units contribute to them.
This makes the opposition not want to play. Why bother? They dont stand a chance anyway. So it drives them away and FPs population is decreased.
So then, the mega Units start dying off too. They log in and try to play the game but have a hard time getting matches.
Why? Because such a hefty chunk of the already limited population is already in their ranks. So they slowly stop playing too, and the active population decreases even more.
So what ends up happening is what you have now. Mega Units having to have hundreds of members just to have enough people interested FP to keep dropping as a Unit, and they have to Keep mass recruiting to replace the ones that keep dying off.
They become a Black Hole. Trying to suck up as many players as they can just to even exist, but in doing so, they suck up much of the potential opposition.
Mega Units, and especially Mega Merc Units are just slowly killing themselves.
Edited by JaxRiot, 27 July 2016 - 10:43 AM.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 11:57 AM
large units have the same problems as small units => they hardly have enough players active in FP at a certain time. (only exception are special FP events)
i am in a unit with just under 200 players, and only a few times i see a company dropping into FP. not to mention several consecutive drops. with the current state of LT, and the problems with scouting, especially IS units have immense problems motivating enough players to drop in FP.
does anyone really think a 200-man unit has 200 players playing FP all the time?
large units also have other things to do.
they engage in leagues like MRBC or BWO, or training for other formats like 1vs1, 4vs4 etc as used in several small scale tournaments. that means, a certain part of the online time, quite some people train in the lobby.
(there is a reason why many units engage in league play instead of FP or QP => it is much more interesting!)
also large units don´t "suck up" players. i guess most have hardly any recruits at all. since most units look for a certain skill and manners, typically units select recruits quite rigorously.
also don´t underestimate the number of members just leaving (usually by stopping play MWO)
what is a fun fact (or rather a sad fact), playing FP against a 12 pug drop is so disappointing, that there are even strategies to let the 12 pug group win, just to NOT Drive them away from MWO.
does anyone really think large units want to drop against 12 pug-groups? the Match maker and the overall FP strategic gameplay forces us to do so! we have literally fingers crossed to get a 12 premade group!
if people here want to criticize large units, they should drop with large units and get their facts straight.
most units take non-unit folks along.
just join their ts, and ask! you can learn a lot about the reality of a large unit
Edited by AngelusDD, 27 July 2016 - 12:06 PM.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 12:32 PM
Posted 27 July 2016 - 12:34 PM
Posted 27 July 2016 - 12:36 PM
AngelusDD, on 27 July 2016 - 11:57 AM, said:
what is a fun fact (or rather a sad fact), playing FP against a 12 pug drop is so disappointing, that there are even strategies to let the 12 pug group win, just to NOT Drive them away from MWO.
LMAO that's a first. Step 1. Log into Teamspeak with 12 Unit players ready to go, Step 2. purposefully let the enemy team win to "keep players in MWO", Step 3. Profit!!!!
Edited by AphexTwin11, 27 July 2016 - 12:39 PM.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 12:37 PM
JaxRiot, on 27 July 2016 - 10:00 AM, said:
I always forget about Alts. And ya, they can easily skew or alter a suggestion thread.
To be fair, one person could easily have 2 accounts that could seem legit, and possibly a 3rd fluffy account that would act as a newish player.
But now take 3 or 4 people from (as an example) the same Unit trying to push an agenda, and suddenly there are what appears to be 12 people in agreement.
They could easily landslide a thread.
Do we assume ALTs only exist on one side of any argument? Your statement is only true if one side of the argument is denied ALTs and the other is not. Besides PGI knows who has ALTs and can remove them. I assume a statistician can solve for noise as well.
I guess I should have directed this towards JohnnyZ as well since his original criticism was what sparked my response. All data has worth even if it's data you don't like. If half those comments where alts there are still 4 times the number of Anti Long Tom people as other solutions.
Edited by Biclor Moban, 27 July 2016 - 01:26 PM.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 01:21 PM
Edited by AngelusDD, 27 July 2016 - 01:24 PM.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 01:29 PM
SO far there is no reason any planet should be called anything but Planet 1 planet 2 etc.. There is no reason to defend or attack a planet.
Why engage in FW if only the big units get all the MC for holding a planet and none of the pugs or smaller units that helped get NOTHING!!!
Just some thoughts I will make more on a special youtube video later on...
Posted 27 July 2016 - 01:32 PM
AnTi90d, on 27 July 2016 - 03:59 AM, said:
62.4% (229 players) voted to have Long John Thomas removed entirely.
37.6% (138 players) voted to keep Tommy Boy, but have him nerfed.
(If you read the thread, though, almost all of the pro-Tom people were Jade Falcon gobblers..)
The Long Tom should NOT be removed. If PGI has many, many ways to fix it while keeping it a powerful and useful weapon against the enemy forces. A majority of players want the Long Tom removed as it is and their hatred was generated from a CW event.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 01:45 PM
Attention wall of text
This text should only be a food for thought
No tactical depth
The maps are very one-sided. Therefore, the tactical depth is more like a puddle as an ocean of possibilities. The tactical depth in QuickPlay Group Drops is considerably higher than in Factionplay.
The Invasion mode is boring. Out of every planet is an orbital cannon with an orbital cannon is ineffective and expensive anyway. The planet has a rotation, why it makes even more sense to install and operate orbital cannons on moons. (Orbital cannons only on maps similar settings of HPG Manifold which provides logic and humor)
No mixing of Mechs drop deck. There are Lightrushes still possible and Assault turrets in Counterattack for the Defender.
Both are legitimate tactics although demolish the game immensely. Lightrushes, because you fought very well and still lose. Assault turret tactics, because you can never get the kill lead when the opponent is in perfect position.
Both are BORING and produces FRUSTRATION by long games.
Possible solution
Strategic depth
There is no strategic depth. One does not necessarily feel to have influence to what happens on the galactic map. Although the Vote System is a nice approach but in this sense totally useless.
Possible solution
No atmosphere
Each planet got a naturally unified heaven and a solar system has only one sun which should have the same color. I'm concerned that they are binaries or Trinärsterne or how whatever ...
But it really destroys the atmosphere when a fight is going on and the temperature and sky is changing match to match.
Each planet has a population info like, Water Surface, Gravity, Temperature
As this information has no impact on the fight ...
Possible solution
New players against veterans
This destroys FP! New players leave Factionplay when they shlaugtert one attackphase by veterans, premades and tier1 players. They will never come back or they will go for long time befor the come back to Factionplay
Possible solution
Large Units dominate FP and time zones
Possible solution
No effect on profit or loss of the planet
Possible solution
Factionplay population unbalanced.
Possible solution
Scout Mode the goodies and Long Tom the planet and Queue Killer.
The Scout can use only one Skirmisch 4.0 ... scouting With this mode has nothing to do.
The Longtom is a planet and Queue Killer.
Possible solution
No difference between Inner Sphere and Clan.
Possible solution
Houses differences.
Possible solution
SLDF / iLKeshik
Possible solution
No marketing
Possible solution
NO BT ambience.
Possible solution
The last point.
Look at other games with Clan Wars. As these have been styled and get inspiration. Buy scenario and campaign books and get inspiration for missions and objectives.
Read the novels and get your inspiration there.
There would be many more points that interfere or could change. However, there is not enough space here. I hope my points and my explanations could give some ideas and food for thought.
Leveraging the capabilities of the Battletech universe. It offers so much and it is not even 1% for used for MWO ... Mechs, weapons system and the names of the factions are not all about it rotates at BT.
Edited by Eiswolf, 27 July 2016 - 01:50 PM.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 01:58 PM
Eiswolf, on 27 July 2016 - 01:45 PM, said:
Attention wall of text
This text should only be a food for thought
No tactical depth
The maps are very one-sided. Therefore, the tactical depth is more like a puddle as an ocean of possibilities. The tactical depth in QuickPlay Group Drops is considerably higher than in Factionplay.
The Invasion mode is boring. Out of every planet is an orbital cannon with an orbital cannon is ineffective and expensive anyway. The planet has a rotation, why it makes even more sense to install and operate orbital cannons on moons. (Orbital cannons only on maps similar settings of HPG Manifold which provides logic and humor)
No mixing of Mechs drop deck. There are Lightrushes still possible and Assault turrets in Counterattack for the Defender.
Both are legitimate tactics although demolish the game immensely. Lightrushes, because you fought very well and still lose. Assault turret tactics, because you can never get the kill lead when the opponent is in perfect position.
Both are BORING and produces FRUSTRATION by long games.
Possible solution
Strategic depth
There is no strategic depth. One does not necessarily feel to have influence to what happens on the galactic map. Although the Vote System is a nice approach but in this sense totally useless.
Possible solution
No atmosphere
Each planet got a naturally unified heaven and a solar system has only one sun which should have the same color. I'm concerned that they are binaries or Trinärsterne or how whatever ...
But it really destroys the atmosphere when a fight is going on and the temperature and sky is changing match to match.
Each planet has a population info like, Water Surface, Gravity, Temperature
As this information has no impact on the fight ...
Possible solution
New players against veterans
This destroys FP! New players leave Factionplay when they shlaugtert one attackphase by veterans, premades and tier1 players. They will never come back or they will go for long time befor the come back to Factionplay
Possible solution
Large Units dominate FP and time zones
Possible solution
No effect on profit or loss of the planet
Possible solution
Factionplay population unbalanced.
Possible solution
Scout Mode the goodies and Long Tom the planet and Queue Killer.
The Scout can use only one Skirmisch 4.0 ... scouting With this mode has nothing to do.
The Longtom is a planet and Queue Killer.
Possible solution
No difference between Inner Sphere and Clan.
Possible solution
Houses differences.
Possible solution
SLDF / iLKeshik
Possible solution
No marketing
Possible solution
NO BT ambience.
Possible solution
The last point.
Look at other games with Clan Wars. As these have been styled and get inspiration. Buy scenario and campaign books and get inspiration for missions and objectives.
Read the novels and get your inspiration there.
There would be many more points that interfere or could change. However, there is not enough space here. I hope my points and my explanations could give some ideas and food for thought.
Leveraging the capabilities of the Battletech universe. It offers so much and it is not even 1% for used for MWO ... Mechs, weapons system and the names of the factions are not all about it rotates at BT.
Nice. I would have given a like if I agreed with it all.

Edited by Johnny Z, 27 July 2016 - 01:59 PM.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 02:02 PM
Drenath, on 27 July 2016 - 07:35 AM, said:
Yep. Units can get together and do their thing when they want and everyone else and units not doing anything can get into the game. Basically leaving current faction play match maker as is(current fp match maker is lobbies) and adding a match maker queue(like quick play).
I just realized how serious and how long they have been working on making faction play awesome. That's why there was mode selection for quick play before... so it could be used in the faction play queue. Select player faction only battles or battles with allies like Inner Sphere Vrs clan, etc.
The big question in this is Galactic war map logistics.
Edited by Johnny Z, 27 July 2016 - 02:29 PM.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 02:16 PM
JaxRiot, on 27 July 2016 - 10:32 AM, said:
Ok, so the problem with mega Units, and especially mega Merc Units is that the population (currently anyway) can not support them.
Their size and ability to switch sides en mass just magnify the problems that FP already has and contributes to its own demise.
Whenever those mega Merc Units jump to Clan (or IS) when a Mech Pack comes out, their sheer numbers cause population imbalance, longer wait times, more ghost drops, more pug stomps, and the ability to take planets because of sheer lopsided numbers.
All of those problems listed above have been major complaining points for a long time, and mega units contribute to them.
This makes the opposition not want to play. Why bother? They dont stand a chance anyway. So it drives them away and FPs population is decreased.
So then, the mega Units start dying off too. They log in and try to play the game but have a hard time getting matches.
Why? Because such a hefty chunk of the already limited population is already in their ranks. So they slowly stop playing too, and the active population decreases even more.
So what ends up happening is what you have now. Mega Units having to have hundreds of members just to have enough people interested FP to keep dropping as a Unit, and they have to Keep mass recruiting to replace the ones that keep dying off.
They become a Black Hole. Trying to suck up as many players as they can just to even exist, but in doing so, they suck up much of the potential opposition.
Mega Units, and especially Mega Merc Units are just slowly killing themselves.
The problem is the perceived potential not the reality.
Does it happen that occasionally there is an influx? sure. But pinning the imbalance entirely on merc units silly and short sighted. PGI made a system that has attractive facet to mercs. If you take it away completely, you risk losing players that like playing this way.
JaxRiot, on 25 July 2016 - 09:43 AM, said:
Its my belief that Merc Units (not only the big ones) are a cancer on FP, There are far too many benefits for being a Merc over any of the other Careers with no downside. Plus, they dont even function at all like they do in Lore.
By the way referring to us as cancer and laying the blame at our feet with no apparent interest in our side... not very endearing...
I will offer this: Let units have "sub units" and these units are what drop in FP. Let sub units have caps (no more than 15-18). On top of that make it that no two sub units can drop in the same faction meaning the only way they could drop on the same planet is for defense. You could also for them to adhere to balancing requirements so that you couldn't have one subunit from each merc company would necessarily be able to go to the same faction unless its incredibly underpopulated.
I don't know if merc companies had subunits split up in lore, or even if they ever faced one another but that could be a way to balance things.
That way big units have no way to overwhelm, yet get to keep their players/identity under the umbrella of their main unit tag.
I'll keep coming up with ideas because I honestly want this to work and agree population stability would help, however, I cannot help but worry that heavy-handed concepts like unit caps will have negative consequences that should not be ignored..
Posted 27 July 2016 - 02:49 PM
Count Zero 74, on 26 July 2016 - 01:47 PM, said:
Because when I waited for 45 minutes staring at the drop screen, you apparently didn't show up. Not that I would know, since there is absolutely no interaction possible on the drop screen.
They could at least let us conduct other business while we wait. Adjust our builds, shop for new stuff, buy skills, etc.... But once you select attack/defend, you are locked into a dull lobby, listening to soothing music while nothing happens.
There was once a Saturday Night Live sketch where Paul Simon was in the elevator to Hell with Jon Lovitz playing the devil. As Simon's songs played one after the other in Muzac form, he eventually asks when they're going to arrive, and is told he's already there. I am reminded of this sketch every time I try FP.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 03:34 PM
For an imeadiate quick fix to wait times make the FP queue allow for variable size drop groups of 4v4 to 12 v 12 depending upon the number of players in the queue.
Everything else needs more depth and new game modes to make FP work.
Posted 27 July 2016 - 03:58 PM
My suggestion is to have some new kinds of rewards since new players are risking a lot of time for a small chance at winning. For Invasion mode (or a new +8 vs +8 mode) there should be intermediate objectives that give some significant reward and some kind of confirmation of how many of those objectives the team achieved at the end of drop screen.
There needs to be some small reward even if you team loses a match to create a sense of accomplishment. For a new player joining FP has i high chance of losing and feeling like a waste of time.
Another thing could also be to simply have more events to encourage people to try FP.
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