So you are wondering why a week ago you were winning alot, and you and your 3 friends were having so much more fun than you are today?????
Let me break it down for you.
You were winning not because of your skill, but rather because the old enviroment allowed you to win by stacking for moderately skilled players, versus completely new players/terrible players.
As such your stats rose.
Now the match maker thinks your good because your stats say so.
This is afallacy. You are not good, nor were you ever. You were jsut ganging up on floundering infants to the world of min/max builds, and focus fire.
Now your getting paired versus lone wolves, that have been going toe to toe with you, as they get paired with the terrible players, for weeks/months. That level of competition has made them good, but they still lost because they had saddle bags (new players) not in 4 mans.
Now the saddle bags are off, and the match maker thinks they are bad because their stats reflect it. So what you get is, good players with bad stats + great players with great stats... versus you, a 4 man that never got any better, due to your soft competition.
As such, you will lose, alot. And, you deserve to. You elevated yourselves beyond your station, and until match maker realizes that you are not that good, ie, until your stats take a considerable hit, and look much worse, it will continue.
You, unable to accept this reality have turned to the forums, to share your tears.
Fortunately, I am here and happy, to break it all down for you.
Enjoy your well deserved losses, you have alot of catching up to do..
Good news: this will be painful, but you will finally begin to get better. It will all even out, your new stats, as you grow and improve. If you cannot improve, than you are forever destined to be BAD @ MECHS.
More good news: You've made my night. Sweet dreams. Enjoy your day of losses tomorrow, if you do not outright uninstall, becuse your pride (inflated) cannot bear the reality, that you are not that good.
Now this may seem harsh, but it had to be said. Think if this as your intervention (cue bells) for your misguided opinions on teh meta today.
I'm sorry. The truth can hurt. But its better you hear it from me, than rage quit and go play Hawken. I want to save you. You can reflect on this, as you pick up your boot straps, and adapt/learn/evolve. I believe in you.
TL DR? If you like the image below, go back to the top and read the entire post.

Edited by SlXSlXSlX, 23 February 2013 - 01:59 AM.