Itkovian, on 06 March 2013 - 01:39 PM, said:
Clearly we've been playing a different game.
Try some 8-mans for a bit, where people know better than to walk out into the open and make themselves easy target, and ECM is used abundantly.
Furthermore, LRMs are the single most easiest weapon to defend against even WITHOUT ECM. Cover exists in every map (yes, even alpine), if you walk out in the open and stay there long enough to be slaughtered by massive salvos of LRMs its not because LRMs are OP. It's your fault, you had plenty of warning and stayed out and stayed in the open (and I'm not saying you're a bad player. It happens to me too from time to time... and every single time I do it I am fully aware that I screwed up and it was my fault).
Does that mean LRMs are perfect? No, but the LAST thing they need is a nerf. Nerf them more and they become entirely worthless, like they've nearly been for the last few months in competitive drops (with this artemis fix, the PPC fix, and maybe the state rewind nerfing lights they might finally become viable in 8-mans).
Maybe they could be changed, some have been suggested in this thread already (speed them up, remove indirect fire unless actively spotted, etc.), but they certainly should not be nerfed.
Everything that was needed to be said was said here... end of thread