Helbrecht, on 05 May 2013 - 08:20 PM, said:
Yes, but those weapons are not counteracting G-Force numbers greater than 1.0. Modern fighter jets like F-16s do not have such technology on their cannons...because it would be a ridiculous thing to attempt to implement when the craft can pull 9.5 Gs.
This is utterly false, play around in mechromancer or mwo-smurfy and see what you can build. A Highlander with jump jets can actually load out more than an Awesome and achieve results similar to stalkers and atlas mechs.
Basically I'm just worried that the devs might cave to the pressure and implement a bad decision. In all my games there might be only 2-3 "poptarts" and nobody cares. They just get on with it and play the game.
Like all other metas, it will pass. They have already said they are retuning weapon dps, heat balancing PPC's and fixing LRM's. Any one of those upcoming changes can / will remove a lot of the supposed issue. They are all also purely tweaks to established game systems.
Anyone with even basic understanding of scientific theory will tell you too many changes close together will ruin your analysis. Something like JJ shake adds a completely new variable to the equation. While this can be a good thing (ECM), in this instance my personal thoughts are it could have a significant negative impact.
It will only pass if one of 2 conditions are radically changed...jump jets or PPCs. Since PPCs are not really out of round in normal gameplay...what is the obvious move?
Yes, but you have to think in terms of map size for your example. I think it's relevant to have them scaled the way they are in terms of range. Though, the physics of the map for any size should and could be realistic, especially considering the size and type of objects running around on these maps.
Personally, it's not something I am overly concerned about, jump snipe or don't...but I dislike people whining about "JJs shouldn't be nerfed cause that's how I play the game and it will ruin my fun!!!" The reality is, "your fun" breaks the laws of physics, and if immersion is what they're looking for (the developers), then realistic physics make far more sense than changing something that isn't broken to accomodate jump snipers, specifically, just because they're noisy about it.