P!mp My Ride {Mech Optimization Thread}
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:37 AM
Before I ask, just want to say this is an excellent thread and thank you guys for your efforts.
Ok i think i want to try ballistics and this load out has been recommended. Any views guys.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 11:03 AM
Posted 07 April 2013 - 01:01 PM
Posted 07 April 2013 - 02:07 PM
KarrRadane, on 07 April 2013 - 09:37 AM, said:
Before I ask, just want to say this is an excellent thread and thank you guys for your efforts.
Ok i think i want to try ballistics and this load out has been recommended. Any views guys.
Ya thats fine, I prefer a little less ammo for a XL270. The build is what it is, high firepower high risk. The smarter your opponents are, the lower your life span. Since I like preparing for smart opponents I increase speed and lower Ammo to make the most of one of the most dangerous weapon loadouts in the game, but I have seen cautious Jager Pilots skirmish with their Ac20s keeping out of direct fire.
Damien Matashy, on 07 April 2013 - 10:17 AM, said:
Also fine for what it aims to do, you could strip a ton of armor off the legs for something, (40ish leg armor seems to be the standard amount for competitive builds) But I'm not sure if lowering the protection of your legs is worth what you would get in exchange.
However two things for you to decide: Are you using all that Ammo? If in the average game you find that you have significant stockpiles of LRMs when it ends, you should reduce the Ammo.
You might feel the need to keep overabundant ammo supplies for the "What if" scenerios but consider this: Every ton of LRM ammo you have extra is a ticking timebomb, every ton could be used in a fashion that grants improvement every game. And your 4 medium Pulse lasers are quite a valid "backup" weapon.
Basically theirs a bunch of options you have for trading off one aspect to improve another, adding JJs in exchange for losing ammo, downgrading to medium lasers but improving your engine etc etc. Which pretty much means you've hit an optimization point, since all I have to offer are trade offs.
Kevin Harxen, on 07 April 2013 - 11:03 AM, said:
Well its technically sorta optimized.. but its also made of Paper mache.
Your ammo placement is weird, but the minimal armor in the legs and head make it unsafe to store it their.
Looks like its a brawler, but those low armor values means a chance shot can knock you out, Zombie or not.
Okay so now that I've critiqued, lets see what we can actually do. Alot of problems will be solved if we can increase those Armour numbers. The only thing that we can give up is Ammo, the LBX are your main guns so lets keep those, instead remove a SRM ammo, redristributing ammo accordingly we can use that ton to make things less pathetic.
Looking better, now leg hunters or a laser skim across the head wont instantly kill you.
Hmm oh hah, did you know the different SRM systems have different flight paths?
If you switch the SRM4s for two SRM2s each you can utilize the straighter flight path that SRM2s possess with no change in firepower. Entirely a preference change I suppose, but it should increase accuracy at longer ranges.
Edited by Gidonihah, 07 April 2013 - 02:11 PM.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:38 PM
Gidonihah, on 07 April 2013 - 02:07 PM, said:
Well its technically sorta optimized.. but its also made of Paper mache.
Your ammo placement is weird, but the minimal armor in the legs and head make it unsafe to store it their.
Looks like its a brawler, but those low armor values means a chance shot can knock you out, Zombie or not.
Okay so now that I've critiqued, lets see what we can actually do. Alot of problems will be solved if we can increase those Armour numbers. The only thing that we can give up is Ammo, the LBX are your main guns so lets keep those, instead remove a SRM ammo, redristributing ammo accordingly we can use that ton to make things less pathetic.
Looking better, now leg hunters or a laser skim across the head wont instantly kill you.
Hmm oh hah, did you know the different SRM systems have different flight paths?
If you switch the SRM4s for two SRM2s each you can utilize the straighter flight path that SRM2s possess with no change in firepower. Entirely a preference change I suppose, but it should increase accuracy at longer ranges.
It kinda is for brawling. I tried to use the right proportion of ammo so that I can use the LB and SRMs together and they run out of ammo basically together. I only have 2 armor on the head because it small compared to the rest of the torso and I have yet to die by getting my head blasted. Most of my deaths are from center torso destruction so that's why my center torso has more armor.
I designed it as a flanking heavy with good strike capabilities.
I am trying to think if I should get rid of the medium lasers and use that weight for armor or ammo.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 04:02 PM
How's this?
Key concerns are whether or not Artemis is worth the 2 tons, or if I should go for a larger engine. The Atlas needs all the help it can get at close range, especially against light mechs.
If the build can be more effective, I'd be happy to hear some advice!
Posted 07 April 2013 - 05:09 PM
Artemis tightens up the firing pattern, but at close range its not that big a deal, Artemis for SRms generally feels like you get less benefit than LRMs do.
Messing around in the mechlab ended me up with this. Two less DHS but runs a 360std, does remove AMS though (I personally feel disdain for AMS systems)
Now it is my opinion that one shouldnt bother heavily armoring an Atlas arm, noone wants to take it off on purpose, and if they do remove it you lose almost nothing of value compared to losing a side torso. As such scraping armor of the arms is surprisingly acceptable if you need a little bit more tonnage
This might be an acceptable middleground
Posted 07 April 2013 - 05:46 PM
Gidonihah, on 07 April 2013 - 05:09 PM, said:
Artemis tightens up the firing pattern, but at close range its not that big a deal, Artemis for SRms generally feels like you get less benefit than LRMs do.
Messing around in the mechlab ended me up with this. Two less DHS but runs a 360std, does remove AMS though (I personally feel disdain for AMS systems)
Now it is my opinion that one shouldnt bother heavily armoring an Atlas arm, noone wants to take it off on purpose, and if they do remove it you lose almost nothing of value compared to losing a side torso. As such scraping armor of the arms is surprisingly acceptable if you need a little bit more tonnage
This might be an acceptable middleground
i second his feelings about artemis on srms, they really don't seem to benefit since you will be suing them as a high powered shotgun after getting in really close anyways
Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:49 PM
Is the only difference between ferro armor and standard armor, the weight per ton and that ferro takes more slots? Because, I am not sure if I should have ferro armor and one ton less SRM ammo or standard armor with the extra SRM ammo. If that's the case I am thinking about this build instead.
EDIT: I have upgraded the engine because I had some tonnage left over. Here is the new build.
Edited by Kevin Harxen, 07 April 2013 - 07:03 PM.
Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:51 PM
Kevin Harxen, on 07 April 2013 - 03:38 PM, said:
It kinda is for brawling. I tried to use the right proportion of ammo so that I can use the LB and SRMs together and they run out of ammo basically together. I only have 2 armor on the head because it small compared to the rest of the torso and I have yet to die by getting my head blasted. Most of my deaths are from center torso destruction so that's why my center torso has more armor.
I designed it as a flanking heavy with good strike capabilities.
I am trying to think if I should get rid of the medium lasers and use that weight for armor or ammo.
This is the version of the JM6-A that I use and I love it. Yes it has an XL but it hasn't been a factor for me as of yet.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 08:20 AM
Now, the trial mech that won my heart was the DRG-5N©. Now, it was only after I purchased my own that I realised that making that mech was going to take a fair bit more time and that apparently learning to play in a Dragon is learning to play in hard mode. Well it's happening now. I don't particularly want to change.
This is what I have now.
But I was thinking that this would be more efficient?
Not sure, putting this out to you guys so you can give it some love
Now, in continuing with a bad idea and running with it, I've been scoping out the DRG-1C
Is this a thing that can or should be done? I was contemplating going up some engine sizes for MORE ZOOM. I also like the LB-10X for some SMASHSMASH. The missiles are for the obvious WOOSH WOOSH. And the pulse lasers are for the BRUDBRUDBRUDBRUDBRUD (As opposed to PEEEEEEEW)
Edited by Pliskkenn D, 09 April 2013 - 08:25 AM.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 11:54 AM
Yig, on 09 April 2013 - 11:37 AM, said:
You gotta get that ammo out of the chest and into the legs. If the ammo blows in an XL engine torso piece, you die then and there. Don't be that dude.
Also, you need 4 tons of ammo, 21 shots just isn't enough (hopefully). Shave armour out of the legs to make the space, or drop a heatsink. I find the YLW doesn't need any extra sinks then the 10 internal DSH in the engine.
Personally, I like to run my YLW with a standard engine. It becomes a very scrappy long lasting mech when you can sacrifice the entire left side and lose nothing of value. While the value of being able to zombie around with 2 MLAS is debatable, I like to be able to do it.
The YLW has an incredibly slender CT that is difficult to hit. It's large shoulder sides are another story. On the other hand, the extra 20kph of the XL300 might let you avoid more damage or reposition better. With most mechs I prefer speed above most other concerns, but I find the YLW does fine at 87kph. It's up to you to decide what you like better.
I build mine like this.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 12:15 PM
Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:19 PM
Pliskkenn D, on 09 April 2013 - 08:20 AM, said:
Now, the trial mech that won my heart was the DRG-5N©. Now, it was only after I purchased my own that I realised that making that mech was going to take a fair bit more time and that apparently learning to play in a Dragon is learning to play in hard mode. Well it's happening now. I don't particularly want to change.
This is what I have now.
But I was thinking that this would be more efficient?
Not sure, putting this out to you guys so you can give it some love
Well its better than the first design, you can shave leg armor down to 43ish to fit in another Ton of Ammo if you wish. Or upgrade the engine to a xl330.
But it looks like a good solid 5N design, with the only real upgrade being switching the Chasis for the 1C, but at least the 1C cant do anything spectacularly better than it either.
Pliskkenn D, on 09 April 2013 - 08:20 AM, said:
Is this a thing that can or should be done? I was contemplating going up some engine sizes for MORE ZOOM. I also like the LB-10X for some SMASHSMASH. The missiles are for the obvious WOOSH WOOSH. And the pulse lasers are for the BRUDBRUDBRUDBRUDBRUD (As opposed to PEEEEEEEW)
.....What do I even? I hesitate to critique a build thats trying to claim to be art XD
Right, first basic Optimization: Remove one DHS add Ferous and upgrade the engine to a xl330. Netting higher leg armor and 10 more engine power at a cost of 0DHS.
At minimum you can do this
Buildwise we run into a problem. You have only 15Shots on that LBX that you wasted 11 Tons on, it either needs to go or have its ammo upped by at least one.
(Or you can go all musical, sure why not)
Currently SRMs are a tad weak, so you could downgrade to a SRM4 in order to add anouther ton of ammo, but I'm hesitant to recommend changes due to weapon balance when weapon balance can change so drastically every patch. (similarly LBX10s are a bit weak, but any minor tweak and they could suddenly become good)
4Medium Pulse is fine, I prefer it over 2Medium 2 MedPulse just cause its kinda confusing. Going to 4 Medium Laser is alright, but Pulses do have their own feel.
Srm4 in exchange for more Ammo
Dragon with smaller Ballistic (Bigger Engine)
Max engine Dragon (severe weapon adjustments)
Max Engine (alternate)
Edited by Gidonihah, 09 April 2013 - 04:26 PM.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 08:30 PM
Posted 09 April 2013 - 08:55 PM
RockanRoll, on 09 April 2013 - 08:30 PM, said:
Hmm I'm assuming cash does matter in this case, so I'll start with something cheap and work my way up from there.
First change: Switch that LRM in the center torso for Two Srm4s, lets also increase the armor values of the stock mech a bit.
From there.. Honestly the Dragon needs massive upgrades to hit its true potential, cost wise you would be able to get multiple smaller mechs for the cost of optimizing this one.
In particular Hunchbacks are relatively cheap and are close range brawlers....
But if you like grinding up Cbills heres a higher end build.
DHS and Endosteel are relatively cheap, but getting the larger Xl engines Dragons often require will have you spending more than you bought the mech for.
Though if anyone wants to chime in with other variations of Close Range Brawler Dragons they can.
Edited by Gidonihah, 09 April 2013 - 09:03 PM.
Posted 09 April 2013 - 11:41 PM
I've configured one out in the mech builder with full armor cept legs but im worried Id overheat or be too slow....not sure what the lowest engine I should drop to is even. Im thinking a 250 engine would rock..but then I got no extra HS haha...Man Im going insane. TY
EDIT: I should add I have 9 million creds and 20k MC. Id prefer not to use my MC unless I really really had to. I can upgrade a bit at a time with the free creds. Ya Im a cheap *******

EDIT2: Just for ***** and giggles what might a LBX10 or AC5 be like to replace the AC20?
Edited by daehawk, 09 April 2013 - 11:44 PM.
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