KuruptU4Fun, on 29 March 2013 - 02:17 PM, said:
Merc Corps will bid for contracts posted by Houses, since mercenaries always get paid more than regular army. Payback comes with those perks, a "subscribed" Merc Corps. gets a small additional XP/C Bill bonus for members participating in the battle. They will never know if they are fighting another Merc Corps or a House group.
Think of the "subscription" as Union dues, get a lot for a little extra money a month.
my issue isn't the extra xp/cb for premium that's fine, the problem is if they don't limit the group size of drops there not going to be very successful at getting ppl to pay 10 bucks a month to drop with there own merc corps instead of paying nothing to do the same thing.
If they do CW is going to be a pub stomp.
If they split the groups of f2p and prem there will be 10 min waits for games
The implementation of paying to be in a merc corp is bad just like 3rd person and coolant flush there not horrible ideas but there execution is fundamentally flawed.