1) Use your FREE DAY of premium time with your CADET BONUS to get an extra 5 million cbills, 10 million vs 15 million cbills in your first 25 matches (Thank you TANKBOYKEN for this info: http://themittani.co...our-cadet-bonus )
2) Choose your first mech chassis based on what you think you will like to play for the next 2 - 4 weeks.
3) Remember, if you have the time to play consistently 2-3 hours per day, Premium Time of 1 month is the best MC investment you can make.
4) If you are spending MC, the Champion mechs are the best value (vs stock mech plus cbill upgrades.)
Video: http://www.twitch.tv...avrck/c/3165878
Link to the Reddit.com/r/MWO disccusion:
MavRCK's Mechwarrior Online MWO Mech Tier List
Week of 29/10/2013 - Patch Number: 1.2.251 29-October-2013
UI 2.0 On Test Server!!
Guests: Lords Villz and Ryan Steel - ggclose!

- The Lords' Recommendations! (PUG Builds, Mechs and more!)
- Update on the Phoenix Mechs - Leveling Hard!
- News: Nothing New!
- Balance Issues: Nothing New!
- Skills and Tactics: How Lights and Fast Mechs Throw the Game
- Mech Tier List: Updates
- Guests: Discussion
Competitive Tournament Mech Tier List (Not PUG – Not Solo Queue)
Tier 1: Superior (Significant competitive advantage)
Tier 2: Satisfactory (Baseline)
Tier 3: Disadvantaged (Significant competitive disadvantage)
*Light Mechs (20-35 tons)*
- Tier 1: JR7-F, JR7-D, RVN-3L
- Tier 2: SDR-5D, JR7-K, COM-2D
- Tier 3: RVN-2X-4X, COM-Death’s Knell-1D-1B-3A, SDR-5K-5V, <LCT-3M-1V-3S>
*Medium Mechs (40-55 tons)*
- Tier 1: <SHD-2H-5M-2D2>, CDA-3M, CN9-A, HBK-4P, KTO-18
- Tier 2: BJ-3-1, TBT-5J-7M, HBK-4SP, CN9-AL-Yen-Lo-Wang, KTO-20-19-Golden Boy
- Tier 3: HBK-4J, CDA-X-5, CN9-D, HBK-4G-4H, CDA2A-2B-3C, TBT-3C-5N-7K, BJ-1DC-1X
*Heavy Mechs (60-75 tons)*
- Tier 1: CTF-3D, JM6-S-DD, CTF-Ilya Muromets
- Tier 2: CPLT-K2, JM6-Firebrand-A, <TDR-9SE-5S>, <Orions>, CTF-2X, CPLT-A1
- Tier 3: CTF-4X, CTF-1X, <TDR-5SS>, DRG-Fang-1N, DRG 5N-1C-Flame, CPLT-C1-C4, QKD-4G-4H-5K
*Assault Mechs (80-100 tons)*
- Tier 1: HGN-733C, AS7-DDC, <+STK-Misery>, VTR-9B-9S-DS-9K
- Tier 2: HGN 732-733-Heavy Metal, STK-3F
- Tier 3: STK-3H-4N-5M-5S, <BLR-1D-1G>, AS7-RS-D-K, HGN-733P, <BLR-1S>, AWS-9M-Pretty Baby-8Q-8R-8T-8V
(Notice that Tier 3 Assaults are mech chassis best suited to fire support roles – direct / indirect)
ECM Mechs (Best to Worst)
- Raven3L = Atlas DDC, Spider5D, Cicada3M, Commando2D
And finally... what you all really want to know in PUG land:
Overall Solo Queue Mech Tier List
In order of ability to influence a match - Best to Worst
- Light: JR7-F, JR7-D, SDR-5D, RVN-3L, COM-2D, JR7-K
- Medium: <SHD-2H-5M-2D2>, CDA-3M, CN9-A, TBT-5J-7M, BJ-1-3, KTO-18, HBK-4P, HBK-4SP
- Heavy: CTF-3D, JM6-S-DD, CTF-Ilya Muromets, CTF-4X, CPLT-K2
- Assault: HGN-733C, AS7-DDC, STK-Misery, VTR-9B-9S-DS-9K, HGN, STK-3F, <BLR-1D-1G>, STK, <BLR-1S>, Awesomes Are Not Awesome!
<+> Denotes a increase in ranking versus the previous week
<-> Denotes a decrease in ranking versus the previous week
<> Indicates a new placement
Module Ranking
1. Seismic Sensor – 250m of “wall-hacking” is an unfortunate addition to the game: over-powered. I truly believe this module should be removed or only active when a mech has been stationary for a full 2 seconds.
### Will be nerfed in November.###
2. Cool Shot – More important in tournament than solo queue. Reset your heat when needed.
3. Target decay – 3.75s; I feel this is more useful than 360 when chasing one on one, but it's a personal preference
4. Advanced Sensor Range – 25% increase in sensor range.
5. Capture Accelerator – 15% increase; more useful in solo queue than tournament play (depending on tactics)
6. Target Info Gathering – 25% increase speed in getting information sooner - important on light assassins such as the SDR-5D where you need to focus fire on vulnerable locations to get a kill.
7. 360 Target Retention – Very useful following lights but if you're a light you might find target decay works well enough
8. Advanced Zoom – newly improved; it looks fantastic. How useful for sniping is up to the individual pilot. There is some lag to the crosshairs when using it.
XX. Artillery Strike – Priority Air Strike - This has become very useful for light mechs which can drop a signficant amount of damage to a group of enemies. Less useful for slower mechs.
XX. UAV – See ECM-cloaked mechs in a limited area for a limited period of time: very specific to your team’s composition and tactics. A light mech dropping this on an enemy group can make a huge difference! I don't want to rank this module because it's so situational - so teams may find it works for them, other teams may not need it, etc. etc.
Module Ranking by Role:
- Scout / Assassin (examples: RVN-3L, SDR-5D, COM-2D, CDA-3M)
1. Seismic Sensor
2. Advanced Sensor Range
3. Target Info Gathering
4. Target Decay
5. Cool Shot
Consider: UAV, Artillery Strike (Airstrike)
These are my top 5 modules for these scouts / assassins. As the COM-2D uses streaks, I would use Target Decay or 360 Target Retention over Target Info Gathering. For the RVN-3L this is a more difficult choice.
- Brawler (examples: JR7-F, RVN-3L, CN9-A, HBK-4P, AS7-DDC)
1. Seismic Sensor
2. Cool Shot
3. Target Decay
4. 360 Target Retention
5. Target Info Gathering
- Support - Direct / Sniper (examples: TBT-7M, BJ-3, CTF-3D, HGN-732)
1. Seismic Sensor
2. Cool Shot
3. Target Decay
4. Advanced Sensor Range
5. Target Info Gathering
- Support – Indirect / LRM (examples: KTO-18, CPLT-A1, AWS-8R, STK-3F)
1. Advanced Sensor Range
2. Target Decay
3. Cool Shot
4. Seismic Sensor
- Guides and Forum Posts:
Wadde’s New Pilot Guide: http://mwomercs.com/...s-guide-to-mwo/
Smurfy’s MWO Reference: http://mwo.smurfy-net.de/
LiLab by Li Song - Another mechlab builder but you do this without an internet connection!: http://mwomercs.com/...b-mechlab-tool/
Skunkworks Windows Phone Mech Lab: http://mwomercs.com/...ab-for-windows/
80Bit’s Review of All 76 Mechs: http://mwomercs.com/...f-all-76-mechs/
Best fan comic ever by SirDubDub: http://mwomercs.com/...are/page__st__0
Highly relevant and useful read through all the pages - RHoD and Competitive Builds: http://mwomercs.com/...e-mech-designs/
- Streams and Videos:
Kaffeangst – HBA's Big Guy - one of the best players out there: http://www.twitch.tv/kaffeangst
Peefsmash – HBA's Ace Light Duelist - if you want to learn how to play a light quickly, I can't think of a better resource: http://www.twitch.tv/peefsmash (Wipsy, Adiuvo)
Adiuvo - PEEF's Goose

JagerXII - Steel Jaguar's own Jager - the pilot - Winner of Launch Tournament - his grasp of teamplay and fundamentals is outstanding: http://www.twitch.tv/jagerxii
Proton - Black Omen's Ace from Mother Russia - probably the best Jager pilot in MWO: http://www.twitch.tv/prtn_spz
LethalRose with NGNGTV - http://twitch.tv/lethalrose
Lord Villz' Youtube: http://youtube.com/villzmwo
Match Casting by Siriothrax: http://www.youtube.c...-h3hr1uQ/videos
- Groups and Teamspeak Info:
Headhunters of Davion – HhoD – runs the House Davion Ts3 Server – one of the best groups and largest groups in MWO – excellent training program: http://mwomercs.com/...s-rct-want-you/
List of community chat services and teamspeak servers: http://mwomercs.com/...e-chat-servers/
Gman's Guide to Top Meta - Competitive Builds used by mechs in the tier list!!
War Room Episode 4
Edited by MavRCK, 04 November 2013 - 11:56 PM.
updated with link of the edited version - Thanks MavRCK :)