Krivvan, on 12 June 2013 - 12:31 AM, said:
In MWO, yes. If you knew how to use the JJ correctly. <- you start slowing down as soon as you are off the ground with JJ, sry you just dont move that speed physically. even if you can make good time. there is no way to physically maintain 150 KPH while jetting. that is a fact of this game, JJ do not make you go faster, you physically move slower when jetting. yes you can get over terrain much faster, because you dont have to deal with getting clipped on small rocks/outcroppings....... but your not maintaining that speed so overall no, you are not outrunning the atlas 3-4 times like a light should, more like 2-3 times on average. lights are supposed to leave assaults in the dust, kinda part of that being a tin can mech.
As long as you don't get motion sick, aiming with jump jets is still extremely easy. I would know, it's still all I do. If I absolutely need a pin-point shot then I fire right at the apex of a jump. If anything that means it takes more skill to use. <- eh... after hearing what some people have to say, and after trying some combinations of JJ on my mechs, spiders, treb, cataphract and catapult, highlander. sigh.... i think lights dont need any of this at all. its garbage for them completely. for med im gonna have to say it it nerfs them to, the most powerful med "poptart" (if you can call it that) is my jumping Treb and it has 2erppc and SRM6, the erppc are useless as expected, the srm eh only cuz you dont shoot them that far anyways, and its a shotgun, kinda hits still, doesn't really surprise people the way it used to tho.... for heavies eh don't understand for crap, the catapult is a purpose built mobility mech, purpose built mobility missile carrier, yet it feels like JJ were a secondary consideration in the engineering process now? same with the highlander..... its a purpose built JJ assault, but the JJ dont feel like they were designed for this mech..... feels like someone stole my real JJ and strapped some M80-s to my mech and lit the fuse...... oh and the victor is coming out and its a purpose built JJ assault..... that is going to likely feel like my M80 strapped highlanders...... im just saying if you think about it, ALL THE JJ MECHS in this game. are purpose built jummpers, not one of them strays from TT configs at all in stock config concerning JJ. yet JJ mechs in this game are nerfed constantly under some pretense of balance. when everyone already has already ascertained that PPC boating is the problem not "poptarting".
responces in italics
and it still doesnt really reflect a lights very real ability in TT to simply use its JJ to move and attack larger slower mechs and still have the movement points to get behind cover, in 1 turn. that is what lights truest advantage was in TT. their sheer mobility/speed for scouting and the ability for any light to retreat from almost any slower foe, to use tactics and speed to overcome another mechs (usually) far superior firepower.
being that even in TT lights usually lack firepower as well. its called game balance. see if someone can shoot a light in 1 shot with an atlas, good, an atlas should be at least powerful enough to level lights in 1 or 2 shots straight up. but if it takes even 20 (dont take at exact value, just a roundedish number, think of how many shots a spider has to really get off to get a kill vs a streak raven, or vs a laser Jenner) shots from a light to kill an atlas, because he cant stop moving for even a moment....lest he be cheesed in 1 shot,
no second chances at all from this one, just death...... then JJ should allow even more
novice pilots to be able to get a good 15 of those shots in somewhat cleanly, with tactics and a little skill maybe the other 5 happen in a brawl for the lights life. <- that would be balance, the atlas only needs 1 shot 1 chance to kill the light, and he will get that 1 chance at least 15-20 times before that light kills him, that light has to keep hammering the atlas, that means the light has 15-20 chances of dying, and he cant waist any of them up until the last for the kill shot itself. thats why JJ need to be usefull, because it simply isnt fair for some mechs to cheese other mechs, if those mechs have no way of ONE HITTING ther other at all. they need a tactical solution, speed, mobility, range,
something so they can actually fight back.
in a game of firepower generally (but not always) he who brings the bigger guns wins. this is true mostly for the novices, they just get blasted in half from dakka dakka alphastriking monster mechs. not even really knowing what to do, its painful to watch some players get chewed up and spit out so hard, watching 4 assaults fight over who gets the kill...... really JJ are noob friendly because they allow newcommers a tactic that fatlas and LRM boats have failed to consider, the 3d dimension. it changes the rules of the game, makes it so dakka dakka alpha strike isnt the ONLY solution, in fact brawlers are kinda meek and weak in TT if not properly used. see in TT if i made my lance 100% brawler, sure i would blast a few of my foes mechs in half, but its likely only half my team will even live long enough to shoot at an enemy mech, if my foe has a
varied and balanced team, with mechs chosen to play off each-others strengths as well as cover each-others weaknesses. its very likely that half to most of my lance would be leveled before they got within firing range, that is how important combined arms and balanced load outs are in TT. and they should be just as important here.
while you can move much much faster than an atlas with a prebuilt JJ Jenner, your still not really moving the 3-4 times faster than an atlas can go, atlas tops out at 64ish? the jenner is capped at 150, so it doesnt even really go 3 times as fast as an atlas, which in tabletop, almost all light mechs could accomplish even with stock configs, also in tabletop JJ don't just make you pop up or hoover around, they actually allow you to know, jump a distance with such a speed that it is a like a tactical flank........ not something that can be done very well in this game. and not that it matters but only my HM is set up as a pure jump snipe (erppc/guass) and i refuse to change it, my other two 733c and 733 are jump SRM LL guass/ac20 brawlers. don't like the look of the 733P as much however, too much firepower on one side, too easy to disable with a good shot.
Edited by Mellifluer, 12 June 2013 - 07:57 AM.