Jabilo, on 02 March 2014 - 04:14 PM, said:
BAP does a lot of cool stuff, but because none of it is combat critical it gets left on the shelf; because it is never as good as spending 1.5 tons on weapons, ammo or heatsinks.
As someone pointed out earlier, BAP is a Streak tax and the only time you will see it on a config is when you have a non ECM mech running Streaks.
Frankly the entire way that information warfare works needs to be thrown out of the window and started again. In the meantime you could make BAP 1 ton instead of 1.5 and at least you would see people using it.
I equip all of my 'Mechs with Beagle as a matter of course.
DocBach, on 02 February 2014 - 07:20 PM, said:
MechWarrior 3 didn't have electronic warfare, and MW4 was very limited. MWO is following the double blind detection rules from advanced Battletech pretty well, with the exception of how the individual electronic warfare equipment works, notably ECM.
Actually, MW3 did have some semblance of EWAR.
Electronic Equipment: These devices assist with targeting, command and control, performance enhancement and electronic countermeasures.
- Artemis IV Fire Control System: This unit provides faster missile locks and allows your missiles to track the target more aggresively than usual. Best used on mechs that rely heavily on long range missile weapons, the enhanced targeting and tracking can make a sizable difference in the effectiveness of these systems. NOTE: Must be placed in same area as launcher to be effective! (Example: LRM-20 system in left torso must have Artemis IV in left torso. Only shots from left torso will be enhanced.)
- Beagle Active Probe (BAP): An active seeker that dispays even shut down mech units on the radar. Can be useful against enemies with a habit of hiding, then launching an attack on unsuspecting units. Its weight, size and specialized mission make it's use in multiplayer games questionable.
- C3 Computer: A two part system, consisting of a Master and a Slave unit. Will augument radar effectiveness by displaying lancemate or allied radar signals on the host radar display, effectively increasing the range. A very heavy device for the value obtained. Avoid this equipment unless specialized mission requirements neccessitate it.
- ECM Suite: A very valuable device for the resources required to carry it. Will disable enemy Targeting Computers, Artemis IV systems, NARC beacons, C3 Computers, Streak Missiles and Beagle Active Probes. TAG is unaffected by ECM, being an optical device. Pilots facing opponents with missile systems, will benefit greatly from the addition of an ECM suite. It is highly recommended. Enemies using Targeting Computers to assist with ballistic weapon targeting will suufer a decreased effectiveness of their targeting capability.
- Myomer Acceleration Signal Circuitry (MASC): This equipment acts as a turbo-charger for your mech. When engaged, speed is inceased by 25%. In a Thor, with a top speed of 81.0 kph, MASC will increase the top speed to 100.2 kph. Acceleration and throttle response are also improved. MASC does generate a good deal of heat while engaged however, and sufficient heat sinks must be equipped to prevent an overheat and shutdown condition. Can be toggled on and off with the "V" key. Best used on mechs that can use the extra speed provided.
- NARC Missile Beacon: - NARC used by itself causes NO DAMAGE to targets! -. A small device fired like a missile, it attaches itself to the target, and provides a homing beacon for subsequent missile launches. The weapon system and ammunition are both quite heavy, and given the inherent accuracy of missile systems, this device may be redundant. Plus, it's effects are nullified by the ECM suite, rendering NARC a heavy, useless piece of junk on the battlefield. It's use , especially in multi player games is inadvisable.
- Radar: Standard equipment in all mechs, the radar serves to locate and identify any active units on the battlefield.The radar operates in 2 separate modes, Passive and Active, radar modes are toggled by the "ALT+R" command. Passive radar is indicated by yellow lines in the radar display, it provides a detection range of 500 meters, it also limits enemy detection of your unit to 500 meters, and should be used when stealth is more important than detection range. It will also limit an enemies ability to acheive weapons lock beyond that range. When facing enemies using LRM missiles, or any weapon system with a range exceeding 500 meters the radar should always be set to passive mode. Active mode is identified by green lines in the radar display, it is the default staus of the radar and provides 1000 meters of detection range. Active mode should be used when arming your mech with long range weapons systems. The radar disply also has 2 modes of operation, Standard and Map mode. The display modes are toggled with the "SHIFT+R" command. Standard mode displays a small, transparent display in the upper left hand corner of the HUD. In addition, Standard mode can be toggled from small to large diplay with the "R" command. Large display mode will fill the entire HUD with the ranging and veiw lines of the radar display. Map mode also displays in the upper left hand corner, but super imposes it's range and view lines over a map display. This can be useful for navigation in an unknown area, but the map is not transparent and will limit the view from the cockpit. This is especially true in lower resolution modes.
- Target Aquisition Gear (TAG): Used as a targeting laser for Arrow IV artillery support. "Painting" a target with TAG will increase inbound missile accuracy. If the mission does not feature Arrow IV, do not equip this device. Arrow IV is never used in multi player games.
- Targeting Computer: A valuable unit, allowing you to target specific body locations, and provides an aiming cicle to help target moving enemies. Especially useful for ballistic and long range missile weapons, it's value to energy based attacks is less. Lasers reach the target almost instantly, so there is no need to lead a moving target. Machine guns, too, with their limited range and fast projectiles usually do not require additional support for aiming and firing. It's effectiveness is severely limited by the use of the ECM suite, rendering the aiming circle choppy and unstable.
Artemis, Beagle, Guardian, Narc, and TAG are already implemented in MWO.
MASC (needed for the
Flea, among others) and Targeting Computers (needed for both the
Puma and the
Masakari, among others) are being worked on with regard to MWO implementation.
The role C3 filled in MW3 has been largely supplanted by MWO's implementation of the standard data-sharing systems built into all BattleMechs (see page 39 of
TechManual), such that an alternate implementation (such as
this one, for example) would be needed to make it distinct & useful.
Strum Wealh, on 23 February 2014 - 05:57 PM, said:
Then again, maybe they'll implement
C3 Networks (with the associated
C3 Command Units and
C3 Slave Units), with data-sharing capabilities beyond what is currently available through the BattleMechs' basic data-sharing systems.
Doing so would open up variants like the
MAL-C Mauler (a 3051 variant, based on the MAL-1R, that trades one ton of AC ammo for a C3 Slave Unit) and the
PNT-C Panther (a 3051 variant, based on the PNT-10K, that trades the Artemis IV FCS for a C3 Slave Unit) and the
CP-11-C Cyclops (a 3050 variant, based on the CP-11-A, that trades its LRM-10 launcher for a C3 Command Unit and two additional tons of armor).
Potential capabilities of a hypothetical MWO C3 Network:
- Decreased target info acquisition time (similar to Beagle, but to a lesser degree - perhaps 15% or so, versus Beagle's 25%) for all members of the network.
- Improves base sensor range (similar to Beagle, but to a lesser degree - perhaps 15% or so, versus Beagle's 25%) for all members of the network.
- Improves the lock-on-time and tracking strength of LRMs (similar to Artemis, but to a lesser degree - perhaps 25% or so, versus Artemis' 50%, Narc's 50%, and TAG's 50%) for all members of the network.
- Improves the grouping size of SRM volleys (similar to Artemis, but to a lesser degree - perhaps 15% or so, versus Artemis' 34%) for all members of the network.
- Improves convergence speed of torso and arm weapons (similar to "Pinpoint" 'Mech Tree Elite Efficiency, but to a lesser degree - perhaps 8% or so, versus Pinpoint's 15%) for all members of the network.
- All C3 bonuses stack with similar bonuses from other equipment.
- All C3 bonuses are active so long as one's 'Mech is carrying a functioning C3 Command Unit (5.0 tons, 5 critical slots) OR one's 'Mech is carrying a functioning C3 Slave Unit (1.0 tons, 1 critical slot) that can reach a lancemate's functioning C3 Command Unit.
- C3 Networks would automatically configure themselves at the start of a match (with the Lance Commander's C3 Command Unit taking precedence if there are multiple C3 Command Units, or precedence being randomly assigned if there is no designated Lance Commander, and the Company Commander's C3 Command Unit taking precedence among the Lance Commanders, or precedence being randomly assigned if there is no designated Company Commander).
- C3 systems have no ECM-countering ability, and members of a C3 network may be cut off from the network (and lose their C3-granted bonuses) when covered by a hostile ECM field.
In this way, the proposed C3 Network provides a wide breadth of benefits to a Lance or Company, but the benefits to the individual units/players do not necessarily supplant the places of dedicated equipment - C3 becomes the proverbial "jack of all benefits, master of none", and its effectiveness both increases with coordination and promotes coordination and communication.
Additionally, its presence opens up the availability of certain 'Mech variants (see
here for 'Mechs with at least one variant equipped with a C3 Command Unit, and
here for 'Mechs with at least one variant equipped with a C3 Slave Unit), and it would also serve as something of an IS counterpart to the Clans'
Targeting Computer (which is fixed equipment on the
Masakari chassis and pod-mounted equipment on the
Puma Prime).

Edited by Strum Wealh, 02 March 2014 - 05:29 PM.