I even opened a huge thread adressing those problems and how to fix em:
(Unfortunatly the mods moved it to "feature suggestions", the forum which nobody cares about)
PPCs are currently by far the BEST weapon in this game and PGI's imbecile Heat-Idea will do nothing to change that.
Until yesterday I didn't own a Stalker myself, because I considered them to be too cheesy.
But I had no idea HOW broken they actually are, until I rage-bought one:

I mastered DRG, QKD, JM6, HGN and AS7. This Stalker has only Basics.
And my next best KD with a sufficient amount of matches is my JM6 with 2.21. (I am slightly better than that, but I dropped a lot due to the malformed packet bug until it was patched)
This game is currently a Joke. Sitting in a STK is like playing an entirely different game. It's like slaughtering puppies.
This is not about bragging. This is about how retardedly one-sided the balancing currently is and how people with "normal" layouts and Mechs are in a huge disadvantage.
And no, I am not bashing Noobs all the time. I am also getting matched against top ELO players who stream and/or won challenges in the past.
I know that 44 matches are not a HUGE amount to draw a profound conclusion, but this is at least showing a trend very clearly.
Edited by Stat1cVoiD, 22 June 2013 - 04:37 PM.