'Mechs used: CPLT-C4, CN9-AL
First drop, got dumped to 'MechLab.
Second drop, could
not activate Third Person using F4 - in fact, it activated Night Vision instead even though F4 was mapped to 3PV (and NV had no alternate mapping).
Third drop onward, mapped 3PV to J key and was able to switch.
It was hard to aim using 3PV, possibly because the reticule is 'Mech-centric while the camera is drone-centric. Basically had to aim lower than expected.
The drone did not like being in close quarters (lots of jumping), and could not keep up with my circle-strafing Centurion. Also, in certain situations, the drone would clip back into cockpit view (particularly when a 'Mech landed immediately behind me from an altitude).
The drone is very cute, however.
This is my evaulation so far:
-I like my cute little drone buddy. He follows me wherever I go. But it's hard for him to keep up. Poor lil buddy.
-My cute little drone buddy should be vulnerable. I suggest that he become a cheap module, OR an integral and destroyable part of every 'Mech - this way they can be used at will, but newbies can be weaned off of them the hard way.
Edited by ValdnadHartagga, 01 August 2013 - 10:07 AM.