When one looks at how the third person view was implemented, you can't help but get the feeling that the development of this game lacks focus, it seems as if stuff is done on the fly, with varying levels of staff agreement.
As it stands right now the third person view is bad, were this sold as a third person game I think it would be fair to call it a failure. So what it looks like is a compromise, one that in this case shouldn't have been made. I feel a lack clear design vision and focus is hurting the design of the game. If it must have a third person mode, why is the third person not done well? as it stands this current view is unlikely to keep third person enthusiasts.
Combine this with the people who don't want it at all, you have an odd situation. I say odd, because I haven't seen anyone really argue that it is good, I have seen people say "it makes no difference so why care" and "well no one uses it so why do you care?". Were the implementation of third person a good one, I feel arguments in it's favor would be a little better than that and likely be able to persuade me of it's value.
The more the view is limited, in my opinion, the worse it will get. I cannot see a compromise with this style of game working well. In my opinion it should either be a good implementation with no compromise on it or it shouldn't be in at all.
With that however I also think it must have a split queue. Go ahead and split it, then make a really good third person mode, make it so they can play fully in it with no disadvantages, no compromise, that will attract third person players, and that's cool by me. You also can make the first person only mode also with no compromises, make it as good as you can and people will come.
You could even add a "random game" search, for those that don't actually mind which they play, or for those who like a little variety, just because it's split doesn't mean you can't do some overlapping, if it is done well some people will love to do both, and those that do not wish to do one won't have to. Seems like a win win to me.
Sorry for the long ramble.
Edited by Oriius, 31 August 2013 - 06:36 AM.