Alicia Price, on 26 July 2023 - 02:41 PM, said:
specifically because if the oceanic server outage now if we do ANYTHING in game like team damage or accidental teamkill we get hugely penalized.
The penalty system has nothing to do with your home server and everything with how many penalties you have stacked for team kills, team damage and leaving matches while you still have a mech.
fo example in the urbie event i was rac5'ing an enemy and a dead-on legs teammate walked in front of my fire and died cause rac 5 to open red ct urbie. i had a 4 min penalty for that match. another time i was running my mad iic with twin ac20's and a teammate got close to an enemy and when i fired it hit him instead of the enemy because he moved between me and the enemy needless to say he died.
Your teammates were, to put it bluntly, idiots, but failing to realize a teammate is getting so close to your fire is an issue on your end.
what can i do about this can we get these penalties fixed for accidents or something?
Learn to control your itchy trigger finger better. PGI doesn't respond to tickets fast enough to do anything about the penalties, sorry.
Edited by Horseman, 26 July 2023 - 10:02 PM.