rollermint, on 14 November 2011 - 06:51 AM, said:
The MWO boards was awesome the first couple days. Everyone's just happy for another Mech game, backpatting each other, internet high fives, a couple brofists perhaps...really cool.
But after that, it sort of degenerated into the pettiest of whines.
Other MMOs at least, consistently whines about class or some other balance issue...
but here...I mean, whining about other players for staying IC? Really? What are you people, over sensitive juveniles? lol
People are just stubborn people like Winson (see what I did there Winson? I addressed you, because
ignoring someone who is directly challenging you is childish. How many more people will you fight with, and then move on cause you can’t beat them or
heaven forfend just admit they have a point, right or wrong) who cover their ears and scream loudly.
Jaroth Winson, on 14 November 2011 - 07:15 AM, said:
yet more angry ranting by the one who claims they do not rant
For all your veneration of logic, you have yet to submit to us the logic behind your position.
Beyond the statement “I am RP-ing cause I wanna” you don’t provide any counterpoints to the question raised at you:
“why are you RP-ing so obsessively in the General Discussion forum when there is clearly a spot for Roleplay…in fact 3 of them: Houses, Merc Cos. And Fan Fiction”
You’re glad to accept Tsen’s concession, but you never make any of your own, only an irrational person believes in the perfection of their argument in the face of strong counterpoints.
I guess the most d a mming thing is, by choosing to ignore the evidence I gathered against your claim of ‘non-disruptive rp’ you know I’m right.
The crux of the annoyance leveled at you can summed as this: by playing a clanner, you cannot properly discuss the validity of the claim ‘are the clans x/y/z’ because you are completely colored by your characters views. By incessantly playing your character, all you can really do is just quote source material, you can’t draw inferences or even consider out-of-game concepts or ideas because it would break your RP and
as a character you can just nonchalantly pass off any counterpoint as incorrect because in an RP that defense works. Now imagine someone having to
talk to this kind of perspective? It would be downright annoying! Most conversations then would just be shouting matches over whose the better faction!
Winson you even check out that podcast that’s been posted?
that’s the kind of material that goes into a General Discussion
I’m all for rational, calm, human discourse…RP any sort of character does not fall into this category, it’s a façade.
Gawain raises the point perfectly; it is your right and
responsibility so be responsible, RP
but accept the criticism of what you are doing
CoffiNail, on 14 November 2011 - 06:20 AM, said:
Is this thread silly? Absolutely; the absurd lies in the stubbornness of some people when given an outlet (3 sub-foras for RP) say ‘well I don’t like those, I don’t like you, ***** you haterzzz!”
How come when we call you RP-ers out, we’re the ones who have to deal? We are labeled as whiners? So people who want rational and
real talk on the game are whiners?
So you RP, we push back and we’re the whiners? How about you all? What are you doing right here and now? Whining about this thread and its viewpoint!
And finally?
Clairvoyant Disease, on 14 November 2011 - 03:42 AM, said:
I lol’ed
oh yes , and Jaroth if you are truly RP-ing a clanner, how come you stopped responding to my arguments about Clan Meritocracy and the fallacy that it is? so your character just ignores those who disagree with him? hows does that work
in a forum!?
or the clans being OP? how could you ever argue that legitamely IC!?
Edited by Aaron DeChavilier, 14 November 2011 - 09:12 AM.