[ The Lrm Commandments ]
Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:27 PM

Posted 12 December 2013 - 10:41 PM
@Victor Morson I think you may be going a bit too far with expressing your thoughts and opinions, but you've gotten into quite a few arguments on this kind of stuff. Just saying, you may want to tone down your expression.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:13 AM

Victor Morson, on 09 December 2013 - 09:20 PM, said:
What mechs are left as an LRM boat?
The typical catapult which is considered an LRM boat and one of the lightest LRM boats you normally encounter in PUG play can go 86,4 kph with it's biggest engine so it would be out (by a little bit, though and I get what you want to say with the speed "limit" ).
That leaves the Trebuchet as a missile plattform? Kintaro?
You said it yourself, LRMs are heavy, ammo is heavy and you need big numbers in both to actually do anything.
So... what is your optimized LRM Mech?
Why not post some builds for example?
Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:26 AM
only one I really disagree with.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:49 AM
627, on 13 December 2013 - 05:13 AM, said:
You said it yourself, LRMs are heavy, ammo is heavy and you need big numbers in both to actually do anything.
Victor has stated that his two favorite LRM mechs are Shadowhawk & Centurian.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:00 AM
Stuff like 3x AC2, 2x AC5+1-2PPC's is a much deadlier direct firesupport arrangement in the hands of a talented marksman than those fat LRM Whales boating 60-80 launchers ever will be, Konovings videos or not.
There are few mechs that are better used for LRM boating today and the top three are these:
Almost all other mechs won't do nearly as well for a variety of reasons. To maximize TAG uptime you need 70kph and JumpJets. If you don't have those you are a slow lumbering useless blob of scrapmetal entirely dependant on your pug lance to do your job for you. Putting even a single LRM 5/10/15 on your mechs generally means less ammo for ballistics,smaller ballistic weaponsystems, less heatsinks and energy weapons. All of which will leave a dent in your overall preformance.
Edited by MisterPlanetarian, 13 December 2013 - 06:11 AM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:16 AM
Nathan Bloodguard, on 12 December 2013 - 09:26 PM, said:
With the current client you have to use a macro, or jam a nickel coin strategically into your keyboard.
I personally dislike keeping TAG on at all times. In many maps it pretty much advertises your position. I just put TAG on mousebutton 2, and add TAG to any weapon group that includes lasers.
Basically I don't like disclosing that I am carrying TAG too early in the game. Best to catch them unawares.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:36 AM
MisterPlanetarian, on 13 December 2013 - 06:00 AM, said:
I think that this would be a better build -http://mwo.smurfy-ne...45f816b306d28ff
1 less launcher - but it adds artemis. More importantly - your build is rather low on ammo.
Edited by Charons Little Helper, 13 December 2013 - 06:44 AM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 08:23 AM
luxebo, on 12 December 2013 - 10:41 PM, said:
@Victor Morson I think you may be going a bit too far with expressing your thoughts and opinions, but you've gotten into quite a few arguments on this kind of stuff. Just saying, you may want to tone down your expression.
Just for your information, it wasn't Shar Wolf that posted about the AC10 Locust being better then the Commando, nor was it even in this thread. Its original post was made by Koniving in this thread http://mwomercs.com/...__fromsearch__1 first page, post #6.
Edit: to clarify, it was Victor Morson that did the misquote. I have no idea why or even if it was on purpose, but I do assume it was a complete accident otherwise it would be one heck of a low blow directed at the wrong person... Page 6 of this thread. Post: #117
Edited by Nathan Bloodguard, 13 December 2013 - 08:33 AM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 10:25 AM
TAG, optional. Replace a med laser for TAG if one wishes. BAP, optional. Can be adjusted to fit personal style.
(PS: As of right now, Quickdraw side torsos are actually rather safe. And with that XL, if you lose a side torso, you are dead anyway...)
Posted 13 December 2013 - 12:57 PM
627, on 13 December 2013 - 05:13 AM, said:
The typical catapult which is considered an LRM boat and one of the lightest LRM boats you normally encounter in PUG play can go 86,4 kph with it's biggest engine so it would be out (by a little bit, though and I get what you want to say with the speed "limit" ).
That leaves the Trebuchet as a missile plattform? Kintaro?
You said it yourself, LRMs are heavy, ammo is heavy and you need big numbers in both to actually do anything.
So... what is your optimized LRM Mech?
Why not post some builds for example?
Ranked in order of effectiveness:
Shadow Hawk 2D2 - 55 tons - 1x LRM15, 1x LRM10, 1x LRM5 1x TAG + Artemis & BAP.
Centurion 9D - 50 Tons - 2x LRM15, 1x TAG + Artemis & BAP.
Trebuchet 7M - 50 Tons - 2 LRM15, 1x TAG + Artemis & BAP.
Kintaro-18 - 55 Tons - 2 LRM15, 1x TAG + Artemis & BAP. [ There may be better missile configs for the Kintaro; I don't own one so I'm not positive on it's port layout. ]
Rule exceptions: Battlemaster. In a pug game (I wouldn't use one of these in a weight limited game though), a BattleMaster with LRMs can even be heavy enough to carry those backup weapons and still not break the rules in other ways. Still, you should be moving in the 80s anyway. 2x LRM20 2x LRM5 is a nasty missile setup for one, but I think 2x 15 2x 5 is about optimal.
Battlemaster LRM
[ EDIT: If you're curious why I think the BattleMaster can got a little slower, it's simple: The armor kind of makes up for it. It's only losing a few KPH and won't be able to range mediums anymore, but it should still be able to dominate heavies and up. ]
The thing you'll notice with all of these are mediums or at most, a very light heavy. I think that you'll be hard pressed to find a good missile boat outside of the 50-60 ton range; heavier starts slowing down a lot, and lighter can't carry enough firepower.
Note: The reason for the staggered launchers on the Shadow Hawk:
- The LRM5 fires as apart of the initial salvo instead of the back-to-back follow up, coming from the chest, helping overwhelm AMS effectively.
- Against non-AMS targets you can fire at maximum speed, gaining a lot of DPS out of the 5 & 10; you can hold them for the 15 against AMS.
- The tighter groupings from the 5 & 10 perfectly accent the 15.
Edited by Victor Morson, 13 December 2013 - 01:37 PM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 01:08 PM
LRM/20s for 6 tons can be considered secondary weapons, for crying out loud! There's literally 35 tonners that are superior to every 'mech I just listed when this happens..
Edited by Victor Morson, 13 December 2013 - 01:10 PM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 01:21 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 01:36 PM
luxebo, on 13 December 2013 - 01:21 PM, said:
I was going to say that'd still be fine but then I looked at the missile tubing on smurfy's.
Didn't realize that. There's a reason I said I never tried it.

Posted 13 December 2013 - 01:42 PM
luxebo, on 13 December 2013 - 01:21 PM, said:
Of note - in MW4 the LRM tonnage was, in practice, lower than that. Each LRM slot came with ammo at that tonnage. (either 120 or 240, I forget) I only remember because I loaded it up a month or two back when I was hankering for some PvE. It both made me long for tanks/choppers/skimmers etc, and appreciate the core engine of MWO. MWO is a very solid core - it just still needs nearly everything else.

Posted 13 December 2013 - 01:48 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 02:36 PM
Charons Little Helper, on 13 December 2013 - 06:36 AM, said:
1 less launcher - but it adds artemis. More importantly - your build is rather low on ammo.
Yep - yours is a definite upgrade.
The biggest downside to your Hawk however is the amount of tonnage you're spending on armoring and mounting that single medium laser; it's not going to turn the tide but a few more tons of ammo might.
Here's what I'm running right now:
Shadow Hawk Skirmisher
The XL300 for 5 less missiles could totally work out well though.
Edited by Victor Morson, 13 December 2013 - 02:37 PM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 02:40 PM
Victor Morson, on 13 December 2013 - 12:57 PM, said:
Not to be picky, but my LRM based Quickdraw does fairly well. It just launches two waves of missiles, one being 15 and a second wave as 10. Could also be two very quick succession waves of 15 depending upon your loadout even. Or you can add in an LRM 5 into the CT to make it a wave of 19 and a wave of 11-16.
Just because it doesn't fit into an area you like, does not mean it isn't able to still work. Now, the Catapult has more tubes available, so you can send more missiles in one massive wave making it probably a little better overall. But launching in two quick waves isn't too bad either.
Hunchback can be good too from my experience: (Was the first mech I used in the game as a Hunchback 4J (trial), and became the first mech I owned as the Hunchback 4J, 4SP and some other third one.)
Or if one insists on TAG:
w/TAG and Artemis even:
or http://mwo.smurfy-ne...bcd7c300ca466ad
(Exact placement of ammo and TAG are optional.)
I'm sure one can figure out how to get BAP on if they wished.
For the most part, you will shoot your missiles off in 3 bursts of 10. The slow speed isn't much of a hamper for the design as you can play this in several different ways due to it's weapon placement. You can determine the weapon range you engage at, and is never open to a weak range. I tend to use this mech with the LRMs launching as I approach from range and open the arm, then if I need to I can close in and engage with my Med Lasers. If I need to, and it's too dangerous for close range, I can stay at range with the LRMs. If I come across a bigger LRM mech, I can close the distance (hopefully wisely with cover) and engage inside their minimum range.
The Standard Engine is to keep me going even if I loose a side. I'd rather still be alive with half a mech and still be doing damage, than to be dead already and no longer helping the team. The Lasers are very threatening, but can make the mech run a little hot, but that is where the cooler running LRMs can come in handy. Back up and use LRMs if you can to cool down. You need to engage wisely, and not charge into a target. Look and see what they have. Use terrain to you advantage.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 03:00 PM
Nathan Bloodguard, on 13 December 2013 - 08:23 AM, said:
At that point I was replying to about 8 people every 15 minutes, so I bet you anything i pasted the wrong quote header. I apologize for any misunderstandings, but it definitely was not intentional.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:20 PM
Nathan Bloodguard, on 12 December 2013 - 09:26 PM, said:
Joystick slaved to the throttle function.
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