Clan Collections - Feedback
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:11 PM
Why drop this without explaining what in the name of all that is holy Clan mechs and tech will be or how OMNI MECHS will work?
What is a Unique module? Are we back to the P2W question or are you just making a unique GXP equivalent available?
Does this mean gold trim will never be available as a color option for MC?
$240... yeah maybe, if you added another 180 days premium time. Seriously, you got Phoenix so right... don't muck this up, especially when we are still waiting on UI 2.0, CW, DX11, collisions, private matches and SLI/xfire to be realized.
Seriously, who is handling your marketing?
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:12 PM
Design has started to focus on Clan Tech. It is at this time that we must stress once again that we will not be bringing Clan Tech into the game as it was originally written. Game balance is going to take precedence over any values/behaviors found previously in other MechWarrior/BattleTech titles. Yes, there will be growing pains but we will make sure that Clan Tech does have a unique flavor when compared to InnerSphere Tech but not to the extent of everything just being over powered out of the gate.
Currently on the hot-seat is a discussion as to how Clan BattleMechs will be customized. We will update everyone once the final call has been made and who knows, maybe one of the planned BattleMechs will be announced soon™!
Sooooooo, PGI have given themselves 6 months to deliver the Clans when its been over a year and they STILL haven't implemented UI2.0 and Community Warfare.
PGI I put it too you that as a studio you have bitten off waaaaaaaay more than you can chew. Now, unless you have a mad recruitment drive and get in more artists and dev's than you have now you are never going to meet this deadline.
As for the prices?? That simply speaks for itself. You are alienating AT LEAST 90% of the player base. The other 10% have the money to waste and go them but I for one do not. I bought a Founders to support development, I skipped Phoenix because you treat customers like trash and these Clan packs just how how little you care about the game and more about lining your own pockets.
I came back to MWO a few days ago after a two month break to see how things were. Guess I'll be going permanently now...
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:12 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:12 PM
What in the world could possibly make you think this offer is even remotely well timed or structured? Who approved this?
This is BEYOND the pale.
I am still waiting for you to release a SINGE game feature which would justify taking the BETA tag off of the logo.
You TRICKED us in to buying the phoenix packages. STILL NO FEATURES. NO GAME.
You now think we have forgotten SO SOON and will mindlessly pay you SIX MONTHS IN ADVANCE for a NEW MECH PACK?
Oh I understand.
Your going out of business in February and this is a last minute cash grab.
I am sorry to hear the bad news, I had high hopes for this game. I love the IP and I thought you were a faithful license holder who was going to produce this generations great Mechwarrior game. It is sad that you have failed. I hope your next project is a success.
Now time to start waiting for the next Mechwarrior license holder to be announced.
For those of you in this LOYAL COMMUNITY that buy this package, think of it not as a game purchase, because frankly this game will not be here in six months and you will never get to use this package. No, rather think of it as a charitable donation to this failed business. And you know what it is the season for charity, so that is OK.
Rest in Peace you Greedy Delusional Liars.
[imagine in this space something worthy of redaction]
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:13 PM
(the package's pricing is okay, though frankly our options are absurdly limited)
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:13 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:14 PM
Edited by William Knight, 13 December 2013 - 06:14 PM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:14 PM
Serapth, on 13 December 2013 - 04:58 PM, said:
It's called "The tipping point"
You didn't only reach it, you blew right past it. Only the whales are going to bite at these obscene prices, and even then, there are going to be much less whales.
That's what I'm hoping for, if I plan it just right, I could get all the gold ones.

Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:15 PM
GrizzlyViking, on 13 December 2013 - 05:01 PM, said:
Yeahh the package looks great and neato and stuff
but these prices were made while under the influence or something
edit: yea im with kahn what does that even mean in battletech?!
Edited by kesuga7, 13 December 2013 - 06:19 PM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:15 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:15 PM
BigTaeng, on 13 December 2013 - 06:05 PM, said:
We are not all Mercenaries, you know. Some of us have been waiting for the opportunity to finally show our true colors and join the Touman!
Have fun dropping against all the Steiners and Davions using Clan mechs against you. I guess factions really aren't going to matter, just determine your starting positions.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:15 PM
First, some basic numbers. 1 MC = 2500 c-bills for mech pricing. Hero mechs cost 75 MC per ton. 250 MC costs 1 USD (at the 100 USD price point for best efficiency).
Each Clan mech is 10 USD regardless of weight. The cheapest pack is the Uller at 30 tons. As a Hero mech it should cost 2250 MC, or 9 USD. The other two variants, being non-Hero (no c-bill bonus), should be priced based on c-bill cost. Reversing the price conversion we find that they ought to run roughly 6,250,000 c-bills each. This price will hold true for all non-bonus variants (which is super low for most of them, considering they use expensive Clan tech and most are much heavier than the Uller.
The Daishi Hero, at 100 tons, should cost 7500 MC, or 30 USD just for the one variant. The other two variants will likely cost roughly 30 million c-bills, or 12,000 MC (nearly double the Hero price), which equals 48 USD. That makes the 10 USD per variant price point crazy low for the heavier mechs here. Really only the Uller and maybe the Puma are overpriced, the others are pretty much all way cheaper in the pack than they would be otherwise.
All this is aside from the 7200 MC in Mech Bays (or 28.8 USD) for the largest pack. Then you can factor in the premium time, which caps at 90 days and costs 7500 MC (if you buy 3 sets of 30; it'd be 6750 if you took half the 180 day pack), or 30 USD.
I don't feel like going through each and every mech, but all in all the package is super price efficient, especially as the total weight of the mechs increases and the number of ancillary benefits grows.
The real mystery has to be the Gold mechs, but those are obviously limited-edition vanity rides that are targeting a tiny portion of the player base. We don't know details, and the unique module and special warhorn could be meaningful. Until PGI releases more info we can't really judge them, but my guess is they will be vanity or convenience only.
TLDR - The package is very price efficient, and gets even more so the higher up you go on the tier list.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:16 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:16 PM
Seriously... where is Community Warfare? Where are new maps? Where is UI 2.0?
For $500 I want one of those Kuratas Robots from Japan.
Seems PGI has too many modelers and animators and not enough programmers and map makers.....
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:16 PM
I think we can agree we all want CW and UI 2.0. I'd rather have a fun mech game with IS tech than a ****** one with clan mechs.
Pretty sure PGI doesn't take this feedback seriously and are just laughing and rolling their eyes at the comments on this thread claiming "If they only knew how behind the scene REALLY works" Guess what? I and I'm sure many of us know what it's like to be behind the curtain at a development company.
Lower the price and get many more players to purchase. Go after the long term revenue and shun the instant "now now" bulk money.
ya'll could just lower the price where it's obtainable by EVERYONE and not just the people with disposable income. Those "casuals" that you claim to be so very important? You are alienating them.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:16 PM
So assuming within the next 6 months there is some advancement in terms of CW and gameplay.
Why the hell are your packages so money grubingly expensive?
Why cant you just have separate packages? Why cant I just buy 2 $30 packs so I can own both light mechs instead of paying $150 and getting 3 other mech lines that I do not want. Why aren't they in weight classes? And making the fans pay $210 for 6 other mech lines just to get the fan fav madcat is just wrong.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:17 PM
Levi Porphyrogenitus, on 13 December 2013 - 06:15 PM, said:
First, some basic numbers. 1 MC = 2500 c-bills for mech pricing. Hero mechs cost 75 MC per ton. 250 MC costs 1 USD (at the 100 USD price point for best efficiency).
Each Clan mech is 10 USD regardless of weight. The cheapest pack is the Uller at 30 tons. As a Hero mech it should cost 2250 MC, or 9 USD. The other two variants, being non-Hero (no c-bill bonus), should be priced based on c-bill cost. Reversing the price conversion we find that they ought to run roughly 6,250,000 c-bills each. This price will hold true for all non-bonus variants (which is super low for most of them, considering they use expensive Clan tech and most are much heavier than the Uller.
The Daishi Hero, at 100 tons, should cost 7500 MC, or 30 USD just for the one variant. The other two variants will likely cost roughly 30 million c-bills, or 12,000 MC (nearly double the Hero price), which equals 48 USD. That makes the 10 USD per variant price point crazy low for the heavier mechs here. Really only the Uller and maybe the Puma are overpriced, the others are pretty much all way cheaper in the pack than they would be otherwise.
All this is aside from the 7200 MC in Mech Bays (or 28.8 USD) for the largest pack. Then you can factor in the premium time, which caps at 90 days and costs 7500 MC (if you buy 3 sets of 30; it'd be 6750 if you took half the 180 day pack), or 30 USD.
I don't feel like going through each and every mech, but all in all the package is super price efficient, especially as the total weight of the mechs increases and the number of ancillary benefits grows.
The real mystery has to be the Gold mechs, but those are obviously limited-edition vanity rides that are targeting a tiny portion of the player base. We don't know details, and the unique module and special warhorn could be meaningful. Until PGI releases more info we can't really judge them, but my guess is they will be vanity or convenience only.
TLDR - The package is very price efficient, and gets even more so the higher up you go on the tier list.
The reguar packages also include Unique modules. Masakari includes +4 Unique Modules.
Edited by Wu Jen, 13 December 2013 - 06:18 PM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:17 PM
Edited by Dredhawk, 13 December 2013 - 06:22 PM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:17 PM
Get a clue - each package comes with all the lower ones included.
And the $500 Mechs are pay-to-win? Since when does a gold Mech that stands out like a sore thumb make it a Win Machine? How is any of this Pay-to-Win if they're ALL going to be made available for purchase with C-Bills (except the gold-colored ones with the zero-superpowers)?
Some people have no right to complain.
If you can't buy the Packages, then just buy the darn Mechs when they come out. Sheesh.
Edited by Prosperity Park, 13 December 2013 - 06:19 PM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:17 PM
This money grab attempt is so blatantly an act of desperation to adjust the UI2.0 and CW expectations to June that it is painful to see Battletech associated with it.
You won't get my money this time. And you won't keep people around by promising new mechs seven months from now. Fix your game's problems now. Or even better, invent a time machine and fix your game's problems 18 months ago when we all told you what the problems were. Clan mechs won't solve anything.
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