Clan Package Thoughts
Posted 13 December 2013 - 11:26 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 11:27 PM
Coming from a guy who has supported this game from day 1 and spent over $600. WHAT THE FK ARE YOU PEOPLE WORKING ON? we have been asking for CW / Game lobby / more games modes / UI 2.0 for a year now! instead we have an option to pay $500 for a gold skin.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 11:38 PM
But seriously, what the flying F**K were they smoking when they made up the prices?! Not even considering how much blind faith it'd require to throw that amount of money at MWO after all the empty promises about content to be released at launch...
Posted 13 December 2013 - 11:46 PM
I believe us fans deserve an apologoy and a lot more than just a cash grab package thats 6 months away.
I would rather see this company be forced to sell the rights of the ip to someone more worthy of our support.
I hope you as$Holes lose your jobs.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 11:47 PM
So, PGI was able to make some healthy profit out of it, otherwise i wouldn't think we would see those current packages being ninja released 1 1/2 months after the phoenix sale ended, and just after saber reinforcement package sale was out.
So, yeah, no sweat.....Let's go get that "MASAKARI" Super-Duper collection, forum badges, medallions,warhorns etc etc etc and forget about everything else. I wouldn't even be surprised if we found out that, many of us will be "GOLDEN KHANS" by june 17th lol....

Posted 13 December 2013 - 11:48 PM
Posted 13 December 2013 - 11:50 PM
210$ USD is a lot of money = about 650PLN.
NO WAY IN HELL to pay this much, IT IS INSANE....
PS. For something we will see in about 6 months

PS2. I will rather invest in new hardware (CPU+MB+RAM+CASE+ew.GPU) and maybe GW2 stones

Posted 13 December 2013 - 11:51 PM
everyone who is fed up with these prices and what pgi is doing just stop buying things. they are making promises and not keeping them and throwing away many peoples money in the process. they deserve to loose money, even if we have game content that we paid for its more worth it to see them fall rather than taking more and more money and throwing it down the drain on things that we dont want and giving us things that we are specifically telling them to stop giving us.
remember those phoenix packages that i also bought into? remember how awesome that concept art was and how everyone loved it but when we saw the actual mechs it was a huge downer? same thing is going to happen here, i bet everyones beloved timber wolf is just going to be a catapult base with cataphract arms and legs tossed on to it.
and im still waiting on the griffin and wolverine and i bet those are going to look poor too.
at least wait like 2 months before the mechs are ready rather than immediatly announce them and wait until you have more solid info to give us rather than a blind purchase.
also once again i need to say 240$? WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING! i could buy 4 full games with that that have like 60 times more content and playability than this game. i would value the warhawk pack at like 180 tops. even thats asking a little high for 8 mechs
EDIT: i bet pgi probably did something really strange and already spent all the phoenix money.
also because of how much money i spent on the phoenix pack and because of the terribleness of the mechs i got in return whenever i look at my mechbay i see those 4 chassis that serve as glorious memories as to the dissapointment i felt when reciving them. seriously whenever i think it might be a fun idea to play this game again i log on look at my mech bay and just feel this shame in my self and close the game because i cant stand the look of the mechs, i can only survive looking at my orions because i didnt blow my money on glorifyed trash cans, sometimes i force myself to use phieonix mechs but it just does not feel right.
Edited by stinkypuppy, 14 December 2013 - 12:11 AM.
Posted 13 December 2013 - 11:54 PM
Ya know, Phoenix pack I could almost justify because I knew you guys had screwed yourselves over in cost and were drying up; that's why you keep focusing on selling {Scrap} instead of fixing this game.
However, this insanity of pricing needs to stop now. You've taken the supposed "Free to Play" aspect of this game and turned it into "Pay into prestige (not to win, cause bad pilots are still bad pilots regardless of mech)" with astronomical figures. From the start, PGI has over priced their "mods" trying to make a living off of this {Scrap}. No more. Think its time to retire and find a cheaper hobby... like golf.
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:08 AM
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:12 AM
sbogo, on 13 December 2013 - 09:30 PM, said:
-cap at 90 premium time when it should go up to 180
-No forums avatar
-$240 level should have significant bonuses on top of the rest
$500 gold mechs are probably gonna have some sweet feature with them. Also they are limited in quantity and designed for a certain type of person, one who like to stand out and that reason only. Just because you don't have $500 to say "look at me, I had $500 dollars recently" doesn't mean they are stupid. PGI offers to those who want to show off. I have bought all the top packages and to be able to show off that I did played into my decision. I am not buying these as of right now because I don't know if I will play very much more but we'll see over the next few months.
-Gold Mechs should offered lifetime premium time, it would still limit to a few harcore players but give incentives for the bling investment.
Be wary of a mad cash grab and run leaving everyone with the sad memories of a game they thought they would once have. You received what you were legally obligated to receive per your purchases already, they have no other obligations. You think this would be the first game to grab and run you would be mistaken.
some of it makes sense.... to some extent yes... but doubt pgi going to do much to change the package....
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:13 AM
Pissybird, on 13 December 2013 - 07:22 PM, said:
apparently you don't know that much about omnimechs. anything on the main chassis is UNTOUCHABLE for swapping out. the variants have different hardwired stuff on the main chassis. like, say, the fact that a Hellbriger Prime has ECM and some of the other variants don't, or like how the Timber Wolf's got machine guns OR lasers sidecarring the cockpit dependent on variant. ....that being said... seriously PGI? you couldn't've just sound, i dunno.. two separate clan packs? and...seriously... FFS... anyone who pays for ANY of those gold skins is goign to be priority target. hell, likely for his own teammates.
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:26 AM
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:26 AM
employee24601, on 13 December 2013 - 06:47 PM, said:
While he decided to pass, I can give it to you. You buy Ferrari, your neighbour buys Ferrari and gets it gold plated. It doesn't make it any better than your ferrari, but he just likes to show off he has even more money than you do. Nothing wrong in that, really.
And that gold mech idea is straight from World of Tanks, they used to sell golden Type59 in their china server, it was around $600 IIRC. They also had a tendency to become teamkilled quite often.
IMO it doesn't bother me. If that's what people want to spend their money, it's not stupid to sell. What I don't like, is that you need to buy half dozen mechs to get the one you want. Luckily not for me though, can't see Warhammer there.
Edited by xRatas, 14 December 2013 - 12:35 AM.
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:33 AM
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:41 AM
xRatas, on 14 December 2013 - 12:26 AM, said:
And that gold mech idea is straight from World of Tanks, they used to sell golden Type59 in their china server, it was around $600 IIRC. They also had a tendency to become teamkilled quite often.
IMO it doesn't bother me. If that's what people want to spend their money, it's not stupid to sell. What I don't like, is that you need to buy half dozen mechs to get the one you want. Luckily not for me though, can't see Warhammer there.
And my Ferrari analogy was disregarded, LOL
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:44 AM
Trashforged, on 14 December 2013 - 12:33 AM, said:
you hope. they've got a LOT of **** they've promised to get in. honestly, whether or not i keep playing come june rides on whether they actually HAVE Community Warfare and UI 2.0 ingame, and i think about 80% of the rest of the fans of the game are behind me on this.
PGI, Don't @#$% yourselves over, or your playerbase, and GET THE DAMN CONTENT IN THE GAME. SCREW more mechs. more play modes, a lobby, a better UI, Community warfare, THAT will make the game better. THEN start releasing mech packs.
also, $500 Clan Mech is a big "Shoot me, I'm an ***** with more money than sense" sign.
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:46 AM
stinkypuppy, on 13 December 2013 - 11:51 PM, said:
everyone who is fed up with these prices and what pgi is doing just stop buying things. they are making promises and not keeping them and throwing away many peoples money in the process. they deserve to loose money, even if we have game content that we paid for its more worth it to see them fall rather than taking more and more money and throwing it down the drain on things that we dont want and giving us things that we are specifically telling them to stop giving us.
remember those phoenix packages that i also bought into? remember how awesome that concept art was and how everyone loved it but when we saw the actual mechs it was a huge downer? same thing is going to happen here, i bet everyones beloved timber wolf is just going to be a catapult base with cataphract arms and legs tossed on to it.
and im still waiting on the griffin and wolverine and i bet those are going to look poor too.
at least wait like 2 months before the mechs are ready rather than immediatly announce them and wait until you have more solid info to give us rather than a blind purchase.
also once again i need to say 240$? WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING! i could buy 4 full games with that that have like 60 times more content and playability than this game. i would value the warhawk pack at like 180 tops. even thats asking a little high for 8 mechs
EDIT: i bet pgi probably did something really strange and already spent all the phoenix money.
also because of how much money i spent on the phoenix pack and because of the terribleness of the mechs i got in return whenever i look at my mechbay i see those 4 chassis that serve as glorious memories as to the dissapointment i felt when reciving them. seriously whenever i think it might be a fun idea to play this game again i log on look at my mech bay and just feel this shame in my self and close the game because i cant stand the look of the mechs, i can only survive looking at my orions because i didnt blow my money on glorifyed trash cans, sometimes i force myself to use phieonix mechs but it just does not feel right.
Mr. Wall of whiny text, don't spend your money on it if you think it is not worth your money! The mechs look nice and the War Hawk deal is actually pretty good if you do the math, but you don't have to spend any money on it to be able to continue playing the game. You can wait and be b u t t hurt as you die to clanners, until the C bill variants come out. As I have said before, CW is going to be dead in the water, because everyone will be playing clans.
Edited by Ed Steele, 14 December 2013 - 12:47 AM.
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:50 AM
Posted 14 December 2013 - 12:50 AM
Vidarok, on 13 December 2013 - 09:26 PM, said:
True, but they had $500 to waste on golden pixels and you didn't.
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