Here's the simplest I can put this:
There is absolutely
no reason whatsoever after a year of delays that this release should resemble what we've been given. The condition the UI is in is absolutely terrible. It's completely terrible for new players as well as more experienced players. I can honestly say I won't be bothering to adjust or mess with my mech builds until such time as a smurfys style/old UI mech lab is introduced again.
So here's how you fix it
1). Social tab should not bring up an overlay removing you from the main screen. It should open sub windows you can move around. There are also far too many windows and pop up menus off of other menus. Simplify this and make groups easier to form and launch.
2). We should be able to search between any and a set. Don't want conquest? Search just for assault/skirmish. You shouldn't be forced into a one or all. Not when it appears by the UI we can choose.
3). You absolutely need a smurfys style overview of the entire mech. Where you have that giant window that shows every piece of hardware should be the overlay with your mech on the side where you can see the changes. This is something that was complained about via the various public tests. The fact that something so simple didn't make it in is inexcusable.
4). The fact that a much touted feature and sorely anticipated feature as organizing your mech bays is not in at the release of the new UI is simply terrible. While you've generally got some sort of sorting going it's incomplete. It should always go lightest to heaviest. You should never put the champions/founders/phoenix/heroes mechs ahead of the others if it messes with organization. You need to implement custom filters and quickly.
5). Since I know all my feedback isn't negative here's some positive. You can finally rename your mechs. Thank you, I literally spent 10-15 minutes going through my various mechs and renaming them. However as with everything else it's buried behind multiple layers of a drop down menu.
6). Why on earth did you get rid of the 4 ready quick switch mech bays. That's an immensely useful feature you've gotten rid of.
I could keep going but it's just more and more negative. Fix it PGI, There is no reason it should be this bad.
Also the entire tab lists people as online but I cannot communicate with them or invite them. When I hadn't joined into game yet friends attempted to invite me. You've tied the website status into game status. But you just list them online instead of "website" like you list "mechlab" which is a mistake that needs to be addressed.
Edited by Butane9000, 04 February 2014 - 07:09 PM.