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Ui Feedback

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#341 Too Much Love


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 06:55 AM

My feedback:


1) Beautiful visualisation, big mechs, wich can be rotated, many details etc.

2) Grouping mechs by tonnage - very nice

3) Inventory

4) New social features, like I can see wich mechs my teammates are running

5) I can see the full 3d models of mechs, that I don't own


1) -100) MECHLAB IS AWFUL!!! IT'S A PIECE OF #!@#$!

PGI, ppl like to play with their mechs, they love to try different loadouts, constructor is one of the most valuable parts of BT culture (if I can put words "culture" and "BT" in one sentence of cource). I'm not kidding: new mechlab gives me real headache. I want to seeFULL PICTURE of my mech, I don't want to play in the the text editor: right arm, left leg.. Give me pictures and give me the full doll of the mech.

Please, copy it from Smurthy - it's simple and it's almost perfect. Don't try to invent bicycle, just copy it from there.

There are a lot of minor problem, but they are not so important. First off all, make normal Mechlab.

#342 Alabraxis Hyperion


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:02 AM

Feedback on the UI:

1. The font in game is much more legible, especially for things like differentiating between an O and a D. However the same font on the screens in the cockpit is quite difficult to read; not that there is much information there but it is an issue.

2. The ability to double click icons would save a lot of hunting around. At present you have to click a lot of very small buttons to proceed, e.g. if I want to customise a mech I have to click the small blue "configure" button. Double clicking the mech could bring me to its mechlab and save time. Similarly, double clicking to remove or add items to a mech was the best part of the old UI!

3. It is not very clear how you save a mech configuration. Apparently you have to click "check out" which makes each customisation sound like a transaction. I entirely missed the button, and it makes no sense if you are not purchasing anything. It was extremely frustrating when clicking "back" told me that all my changes would be lost and I could not find a "save configuration" button or similar despite hunting around for it.

4. Grids are inefficient for finding information. I now have to pan both vertically and horizontally with my eyes to find what I am after. For things like engines where each icon is identical, this takes a lot of time. I suggest that you could organise items in a more efficient manner by using the grid in an intelligent manner, e.g. having delineated sections. Consider the difference between a block of text and one which is organised in paragraphs or with bullet points.

I see three ways of doing it:

i. Categories across the top, information scrolling vertically: to take the mechbays for example, your columns would be organised horizontally along the top by type: Hero, Champion, Light, Medium, Heavy, Assault. Under each heading would be a vertical list (at least one icon wide, maybe up to 3 wide especially since mechs come in 3s), with an individual scroll bar.
Equipment would be organised by type - energy, missile, ballistic; XL engines, Std engines, other equipment; ammunition.

ii. Categories along the side, information scrolling horizontally: like above but the categories are listed down the left hand side, with horizontal icon lists. This would be more similar to the old UI in feel.

iii. Grid with delimiters: Take the current grid but add category headings with spacers. Like this:
[+] Hero mechs (4)----------------------
[] [] [] []
[+] Champion mechs (1)---------------
[+]Light mechs (6)----------------------
[] [] [] [] [] []

With the [+] representing a button to show or hide that category as desired.

There could always be an empty slot at the end of each category indicating the number of free mechbays, or reading 0 free mechbays with a button to buy a new bay.

5. Mech skill trees. It is absolutely pointless to show me a list of every chassis in the game: the skills for each mech are identical and I cannot buy skills for a chassis I do not own. When I click "skills" I want to be immediately shown the skill tree for the mech that I have selected.

6. Generally speaking, the focus is on the mech I have selected. It is prominent and looks great - so all of my UI interactions ought to focus on it. Give me a one-click access to its skills, and to its mechlab. Give me a separate interface for selecting another mech or buying another mech; if I have my Heavy Metal on screen, I don't care about customising my Jenners, Catapults, or anything else.

7. I miss the old splash screen; there is now a lack of immediate news about the game when you enter the mechlab. It would not be too obtrusive to show the news in a window that could be clicked away or closed with Escape on entering the game. Especially since there are now flash sales, I want to know about them!

8. In general, all of the most important UI elements are too small. My mech name, XP count, C-bills and MC count, mech component criticals and all the buttons to access various important sections are too small, and I'm only running 1280x1024 resolution!

9. The mech information on hovering over a mech would be great except it is sorely lacking in places. For instance I cannot see modules or other items equipped at a glance. Similarly the diamond showing strengths and weaknesses is absolutely pointless because all mechs will show the same pattern. Taking them in order:

- Heat management is a good value to display, but it dwarfs the others considerably. I think it needs to be more variable between mechs; my mechs that have great heat efficiency and those with bad efficiency look identical on the diamond.

- Armour distribution is quite pointless as it will almost always be at its max value. Remember that this diamond is comparing ALL mechs to one another - why not have it be an absolute scale rather than relative to the chassis' maximum? So a light mech will have a smaller point than an assault unless the assault had 0 armour allocated to it.

- Firepower: very useless. The values are always so far from the 200 maximum as to be indistinguishable. There needs to be a better calculation here rather than simply the alpha value of all systems added up for a single shot, because a mech with lousy damage output and one with amazing output look identical visually.

- Tonnage: COMPLETELY redundant. This will always read maximum because nobody enters a match with tonnage missing. All it shows is that your mech is missing its engine or a large number of weapons; it serves no purpose to differentiate chassis at a glance. I'd replace this with top speed, again on an absolute scale, to make the shape meaningful.

10. I experience slowdown between tab transitions due to the large number of icons, making the smooth transition quite abrubt instead. The old 'loading' icon was more elegant in that regard. Either it needs to be optimised or something similar should cause a delay for the assets to load, then play the nice smooth transition animation.

#343 Alabraxis Hyperion


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:13 AM

Just to add some further suggestions:

- There are icons for all of the cockpit items as well as modules. Why not display these inside the frame of each mech's icon? If they are distinctive enough it would let us see which mechs had which modules at a glance. They also should appear named, alongside each icon, in the mech loadout pop-out window for information.

- I think the colour for basic and elite should be swapped. Why? Because of the MMO connotations of green and blue since World of Warcraft. Green>Blue>Gold/orange is now reasonably established in the popular mindset. Alternatively change them to bronze-silver-gold or similar, but currently it's confusing. It would also make sense to change the icon based on level, rather than have the same icon for all tiers, especially with colour blindness being an issue. I am not colour blind but the green and blue look very similar!

- Another bug: I cannot select the top most item on the vertical lists, e.g. inventory.

- The ability to select a location by clicking the mech was excellent and should be implemented again. The mech is such a focus that it feels intuitive to click it to change locations rather than from a vertical menu.

- Icons for weapons and other equipment should list their tonnage and crits on them rather than requiring a few seconds to hover over them to find that info.

- The information listed on items should take into account the chassis as well as other values. It doesn't make sense for engines to list their rating out of 400 since most variants can't go that high; the scale ought to indicate the maximum for a chassis (as well as the 400 maximum if that really must be present).

- It'd be nice if the info screen for items persisted somehow. The icons down the bottom side are not intuitive at all and clicking them or hovering over them seems like an intuitive way to find information, but that is not possible. Text under each icon would help, otherwise. Also it should be possible to compare two items, after all, what good are stat bars if you can't see the difference between two items?

Edited by Alabraxis Hyperion, 05 February 2014 - 07:27 AM.

#344 Eric Generic


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:18 AM

Is there a way to get back the old UI? Seriously, it worked and wasn't a huge pain in the ass. Everything about the new UI except for renaming mechs and setting weapon groups is complete shit. Roll it back. Start over. You should be better than this.

#345 DrXitomatl


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:18 AM

View PostWar Steiner, on 05 February 2014 - 04:29 AM, said:

OK so I want to comment about UI2.0 and although my comments are negative, I would hope PGI doesn't take them that way. I honestly see where the new interface could be a benefit further down the road with the things that have been announced and what we expect of the game.

However, it is currently worse than the previous interface. I am not talking about bugs but talking about actual usefulness. For instance. Upon leaving a match, just to change mechs and install artillery shot modules, it is a minimum of 16 clicks of the mouse and often 2 scrolls of the mouse wheel before I am "READY" with my lance mates. I say again. MINIMUM 16 CLICKS and 2 Scrolls.

I could suggest simple remedies for this and other issues, but tis time you will have to solicit them when you are ready. No sense in typing/talking to no one listening.

So well said I thought I'd just quote him so it would be said again.

#346 Masterrix


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:18 AM

now, its impossible to investigate the "hitbox"-layouts.

the selected bodyparts aren't "highlighted" anymore.

its very important to investigate the hitbox-layout for:
- armor shifting decissions
- XL vs standard engine decissions
- knowing where I have to shoot.

I liked the interactive "3D-model-doll" of 1.5 much more. It gave an visuel feedback of the selected bodypart and it made it possible to investigate hitboxes

Edited by Masterrix, 05 February 2014 - 08:36 AM.

#347 Khaelis


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:19 AM

I need immediate help I cannot figure out how to SELL A MECH in UI 2.0 this was so beyond easy before and i have now spent a half hour trying to figure it out and am beyond frustrated

#348 Meridian


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:23 AM

View PostBugstomper, on 05 February 2014 - 06:30 AM, said:

Next time say your not ready, say your behind. Don't release a sports car with wooden wheels.
Use your community and let them test this for longer.

You're being way too generous. There were public tests and almost all of these issues were brought up as a result of them. They were then ignored.

Since feedback is ignored I can only assume that public testing is a matter of stress testing backed systems and that's it. There is no interest in actual feedback.

#349 Eric Generic


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:24 AM

Things that are worse than before:

1. Everything except for two items in the mechlab.

2. Everything about the Play Now/Select a mode every ******* time you want to play a match.

3. The font. The FONT!! It hurts my eyes. I mean that literally. It causes pain in my head. By looking at it. A game should never do that unless you play it for hours and most of them still don't after that.

4. clickclickclickclickclickbackbackbackbackbackback

5. The drugs you've been doing lately.

Things that are not worse than before:

1. Renaming Mechs.

2. Sorting weapon groups outside of matches.

#350 MAX3D2


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:25 AM

UI 2.0 One word! Cumbersome! Not what I had been expecting. 2nd Word: Disappointment!

#351 Tanafras


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:25 AM

Oh, so you say you liked clicking on the mech location to transition between sections and see a complete dialog of your loadout during configuration?

Posted Image

PGI knows what's good for you...

Here's the list of annoyances/bugs I've run into:
1 - removing equipment doesn't necessarily recalculate properly back into the inventory. modules affected moreso than non-module items (which I believe to be related to the consumables bug doc'd already).
2 - filters are present but not working properly.
3 - unable to sort mechs in filter.
4 - grouped by "PGI class" not by class - causes mechs to split in your view - example: Champion/Trial/Everything else.
5 - can't create my own folders to store my mechs in.
6 - In-game - "R" Targeting works sporadically on and off - multiple people confirmed concurrently in-game.
7 - instant crash to desktop when configuring a mech in bay. no warning, debug dialog, etc.
8 - "refreshing data" randomly pops up - seriously, wtf you can't process batch in background without nagging?
9 - "THAT SOUND" when I click anything. I curse you!
10 - lost my favorites checkbox for my top 4 mechs? Fail. Expected more like 8 or 12, not 0.
11 - chat took some steps back. biggest issue - that icon is hell to find. Irritating issue - dialog on left locked, have to click x at far right. That's weird.
12 - Where'd my save button go? check out? WTH? Oh, and no way to cancel out but top left backbackback yes.. this is a.. fail.
13 - locating the cash spend button next to the check out - sneaky/underhanded. Don't do that. Folks have told me they've accidentally spent already - good for you.. 1 time. Not for long term happiness that equates to spending.
14 - All popup dialogs are LOCKED into position, these should be floatable objects and include standards such as max, min, close.
15 - Many dialogs cause me to look far left of screen and then look far right for detailed confirmation of information - this is not an eyeball marathon, you should be grouping data in a meaningful way.

missing features (step backwards)
16 - seeing configuration while editing
17 - clicking on mech location to edit.

best in-game new features:
18 - turrets
19 - font - yes I like it.
20 - better gfx overall. dx11?

irritating issue that nags me:
21 - locking gpu fps - there's a big difference between 5000 fps and a burnout and 60fps lock. please set the gpu fps lock higher, or make it configurable - 250 would be nice.
22 - please code my fov - i run in 1-3 monitors, make it my choice. Totalbiscuit recommends you let plays select their fov via UX. Smart guy.

what is still! not missing with mwo debugging:
23 - automatic telemetry opt in for customer experience improvement program (seriously wtf.. this is standard with client/server/cloud apps these days)
24 - you should be enforcing the texture re-download or at a minimum rescan binaries/textures/etc for consistency checking between patches
25 - absolutely no guidance on if I should be using the mworepair tool or not any more - or if there is a new one? !

^^that was yesterday.
this morning things got worse.
Posted ImageI know Microsoft. I know.. features are missing. more will be lost over time it appears.. like... everything..

Posted Image
Yes Microsoft... I too feel your pain. Solutions you say? I have ideas...
Posted Image
... yes.. I have solutions.

2/6 Thursday. Post-Hotfix? Was it a hotfix? update.. (Server going down in 10 makes me hope that it was applied.. but maybe not?) No update on what was fixed or why servers went down... all bugs remain.

Edited by Tanafras, 06 February 2014 - 12:29 PM.

#352 3rdworld


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:25 AM

Can you make it so that the mechlab operates in windowed mode, and the game is in fullscreen?

Having mechlab in window, lets people look at other things (TS, Smurphy, Forums) while waiting to drop. This game has never handled ALT-Tabing and causes cursor bug pretty frequently. This would fix many of the issues.

#353 mad kat


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:27 AM

View PostPudgei, on 05 February 2014 - 02:55 AM, said:

Please give us the old UI back... it was a massive improvement over this.

They've obviously never heard, "If it ain't broke don't fix it" or "keep it simple stupid".

#354 Meridian


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:29 AM

View Postmad kat, on 05 February 2014 - 07:27 AM, said:

They've obviously never heard, "If it ain't broke don't fix it" or "keep it simple stupid".

But are big fans of "Working as intended".

#355 HotrodHG


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:32 AM

The only thing I REALLY WANT is the option to have the UI in windows mode while keeping the actually game in full screen like it used to be!

#356 Alabraxis Hyperion


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:32 AM

Also, why can't I exit the game directly? Logging out to the splash screen only helps if I have multiple accounts.

#357 Rudi Cajevec


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:32 AM

The reason they rushed this bugged out piece of crap out is probably because of the massive backlash to their shameless "$500 CLANTECH!!!" moneygrab. This is in no way an improvement.

#358 cmslick3


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:34 AM

I have one small request related to running the mechlab in full screen mode.

A clock.

Doesn't have to be super fancy just a simple clock readout. It's impossible to get back to windows to see what time it is and I don't readily have a clock near my computer.

Alternatively I would accept running the mechlab in windowed mode, IF I could re-size it to fit within the 1360x768 resolution that my TV supports as native.


#359 Meridian


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:34 AM

View PostRudi Cajevec, on 05 February 2014 - 07:32 AM, said:

The reason they rushed this bugged out piece of crap out is probably because of the massive backlash to their shameless "$500 CLANTECH!!!" moneygrab. This is in no way an improvement.

Just you wait til you see what "Community Warfare" is. I bet it'll essentially be a bar graph. Then they can check it off their list as "completed".

#360 thelostson


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Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:37 AM

Harsh, but necessary:
  • Before I mention the look & feel - stability is gotten worse. Testing ... done any?
  • I think this is an update driven by the product folks who want to make sure people see immediately how to buy stuff. Buy, Purchase ... are the most dominant messages, this is a game and immersion is an important factor. The new UI is as immersive as a santa's grotto in a shopping mall. Don't get me wrong I am happy to spend money on a game I like, but I prefer the game to be more prominent than the store.
  • It is a bit soulless, feels like a Microsoft desktop application. I have seen some comments on colors etc. and I think less shiny would be better.
  • The old mech bay had some flair, now it is rather worse to use.
  • Not sure about the overall allocation of real estate, there is nothing here which is new and exciting like social feature - e.g. evaluate potential friends, their mechs and create trial teams
  • This was a lot of work, so I ask myself why wasn't this money spent on something the players would actually like - anything: community warfare, new mechs/maps/modes, and so on. Until I see more progress on this front my money will not be spent here anymore. You have to vote with something the product folks understand, and that is ARPPU.
  • To sum it up - disappointing and the outlook is worrying.

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