It's great to see I-Dub back up in here! #crowdgoeswild
Follow up...
To redeem myself after the above match of struggle, I partner up with my unit mate (a chap I have personally witnessed drop 400-600 damage in his much loved Enforcer, regularly).
I'm once again in my TDK, and he's in a newer ENF-4R build he's trying out.
Hit launch, this time, no glitches, things go smoothly...wouldn't you know, we end up in an Assault match on...Caustic Valley again, with a mostly premade team.
I dart in, and start harassing the Op-For, pop a UAV to counter their ECM mechs (Loki's, of which they are sporting a couple), and crest the ridge at D4 to get a couple of alphas in before planning to run back and circle around.
Take a headshot that almost kills me (DAMN, headshot to a TDK at full speed? Nice shooting Tex!!!)...but, I survive. Drop my Arty in the midst of the main force, and run back to my team, hoping at least a few of them are dense enough to squirrel chase for a bit longer.
See an enemy TDK coming in on our left flank to harass, and it attacks a lone Masakari of ours near our rear. I circle back to chase it off, and the Masakari also starts firing LRMs at it. It runs behind cover, but I'm strafing it, and blow it's arm off, and then manage to nail it's ST which had taken some missile and was paper thin. Get the kill.
Bit by bit, we're whittling them down, until finally, there's only one single Stormcrow left, and 7 of us.
Inevitably, we kill him, and the score pops up...
55 damage.
That's roughly 1/4 of what I managed when I had no targeting reticule to speak of in the previous match.
Better yet, against all odds (like I say, I see this guy drop nice numbers all the time), my unit-mate who also got one kill, before he was killed in turn...had 87 damage.
Meaning, we had a grand total of 142 damage...combined...with our two kills.
I should re-read Lord of the Rings again, since it seems I need some refreshers from one "Boromir", on how one redeems oneself in battle...
Try again tomorrow...