Ultimatum X, on 06 April 2014 - 03:13 PM, said:
And there are more than a few of us making reasoned posts, based on straight numbers - the only thing that matters.
What does that have to do with the Victor's turn rate?
Exactly Zero.
If you want to go make threads how they need their hitboxes shaved down again, be my guest. I'll be in that thread to support you.
Using another poorly designed example to justify a nerf on a completely different mech that doesn't even solve the root problem (which is actually convergence, and not Poptarting, or Victors, or Highlanders or AC 5s or PPCs) that is irrational, is just hollow and without real merit or value.
Seems like you are having trouble with Plain English yourself.
Torso Pitch
Torso Yaw
Arm Turn Speed
That's what most of us are focused on in this thread.
That's what the data points support.
The Awesome and Battleturd aren't paragons of agility by any means. Before this nerf the Victor turned like it was a Medium mech.
They are in the same tonnage range as the Victor. I would have thought the comparison and the reasons for them being there would be bloody obvious.
My mistake.
People saying "zomg they suck now worse than a battlemaster!" Seriously, I was even posting back and forth with someone.
I wasn't even the one that brought up the original comparison.
Context chump.
Edited by Mavairo, 06 April 2014 - 03:22 PM.