LOL, you guys are hilarious.
Absolutely no ability to empathise with anyone outside your own agenda it seems
Bhael Fire, on 16 April 2014 - 05:48 PM, said:
You misunderstand the general proposal that's been posted in this thread several times; Solo players that "opt in" to be included in the GROUP+SOLO queue would drop primarily in the SOLO ONLY queue unless they are needed to fill in a spot in the GROUP+SOLO queue.
No, the proposal is to allow groups to drop with any number of players from 2-12 and to allow solo players to play the game without having to face grouped players.
You misunderstand that Dad + 1 or two brothers having a game or two before dinner do not have the same game play desires as the "team player". They want to play and get on with their day.
Your system puts them at the bottom of the queue (timewise) in the search paranters and they are a larger demographic (alledgedly) than the "5 - 11" crowd.
Try some empathy and look at it from their point of view.
Bhael Fire, on 16 April 2014 - 05:52 PM, said:
They do have the same choices, that's the beauty of the proposal; they would be able drop with any sized group as they want (2-12) or they can drop solo.
Or are you indirectly asking for the ability to take advantage of PUGs instead of playing with other grouped players?
Nice, I get called for mis representing and then you come up with this. I've already said (and we all know) that 2 or 3 man teams have a much lower capability of stomping PUG's but you make the insinuation regardless to throw doubt on my motives. I'll just leave this here for you.
Sandpit, on 14 April 2014 - 06:33 PM, said:
no it's just another example of
"I really have no rational reason or argument against anything they've said so I'll resort to attacking them to try and distract from their ideas and maybe even get them baited into attacking me so I can either derail the thread or get them moderated"
It's a pretty common tactic used around here
Davers, on 16 April 2014 - 05:57 PM, said:
I guess Craig's point is that he drops in small groups and would rather fight pugs than other groups.
I'll just leave this here for you.
Sandpit, on 14 April 2014 - 06:33 PM, said:
no it's just another example of
"I really have no rational reason or argument against anything they've said so I'll resort to attacking them to try and distract from their ideas and maybe even get them baited into attacking me so I can either derail the thread or get them moderated"
It's a pretty common tactic used around here
Osric Lancaster, on 16 April 2014 - 06:01 PM, said:
You're arguing against people with arguments they haven't made. Eg. Say person A made a statement around premise D in support of a system person B suggested based on premise C, and then person F claims that person B is wrong because of some flaw in premise D. That's pointedly misconstruing their argument.
Or to put it more bluntly -
Quick, someone agree with Craig using a completely inane central argument so that I can claim that was his real argument all along!
This is a non argument. A two man can have better, more cohesive teamwork than a larger group.
Per my earlier post, small two man groups will 'tend' to get matched against groups of similar size. If they want to play as pure PUGs they have that option, just not as a team. Letting a team join the pug queue defeats the purpose of separate queues and deflates the speed and efficacy of the match maker.
Let me be blunt then so you don't have to tax your mind with abstract "Person A says premise D" scenario's.
Letting a small team capped at one per side in a PUG population is not going to stomp.
I get that you guys want to get as many people into the team queue as possible because on PGI's stats, it's looks pretty ordinary for the wait times but switching the problem from one demographic to another is not the sustainable answer.
If you're going to take a moral high ground and argue "we want more choices" than the smaller teams of 2 or 3 man should have the same argument right? Or is that argument only applicable when it suits the needs you have?
Roland, on 16 April 2014 - 06:02 PM, said:
How is it telling them how they should play?
They're allowed to drop as much as they want, in groups of any size they want.
They only thing they aren't allowed to do is play with people who specifically say that they don't want to play with grouped players.
What exactly is restrictive about that?
The only choice they don't have is the choice to play with people who don't want to play with groups... because they're a group, and thus their playing in the solo queue would be at direct odds with the solo players who choose to play there because they don't want to play with groups.
Ah... Ok, maybe now I see your issue.
I wouldn't impose things like "Only one group per team" or anything like that. So they wouldn't need to wait for a 7 or 10 man to log on.
They also wouldn't be limited to some kind of "leftover tonnage" or anything.
It's actually win for everyone... it's a win for the solo players who specifically don't want to play with groups, because they no longer will be forced to, and it's a win for groups because they can freely play with whomever they like.
It seems like you are imagining some third group of people who like to group, but only like to play in pug matches against groups smaller than themselves.
That's silly. If you're grouped, you play in the big boys queue... you don't get to go prey upon pugs who specifically do not want to play with you.
What about their right to say "I don't want to play against 10 man teams"? That argument is equally valid. Shoudl they be "preyed upon" by bigger fish. We are assuming that MM takes all these factors into acocunt and creates some sort of balance right? Otherwise it's just an 11 man auto win scnerio isn't it.
As for imagining, no I'm not. I remember some guy a few months back talking about his son in college and MW:O was one of the ways they got to spend some time together. He painted himself as no Pro, no interest in larger teams, it was just something he and his son liked to do to spend some time together. I imagine he is far from alone in his sentiment.
So if we are arguing to PGI that our ideas are more representative of the player base desires (cause you know, we think their stats are just plain wrong), lets actually try and think of ways to accommodate more of the player base instead of pushing one angle.