Craig Steele, on 20 April 2014 - 08:18 PM, said:
Ha ha aha ha ahaha
I love reading your posts Randy.
Consistently without fail you paint me as all the things you feel and express about yourself. You must be so angry with yourself? What happened Randy, why so much pain?
You say I need to understand how the world works but then tell me that you "purchase" an investment. hahahahahahahahahaha
You make an analogy about a house and a bus without appreciating the old "buyer beware" credos of life, but then of course you in your timeless wisdom and wordly life experieince (you did your 20 remember) would know that but if it doesn't suit your argument you don't make the correlation. Oh wait, did you say the same thing to me?
Your analogy was poor. Buying a Founders pack is not making an investment. Ergo it was poor. I didn't make an argument did I so it can hardly be "against" my argument. It was just a poor analogy. ANYONE who has actually made an investment in the sharemarket would know that.
You can add dismissive, you've been dismissive of anyone who questions your opinion for so long I am not surprised you like the word. It would resonate with your quite a bit.
And seeing as you never bother to read a thread before jumping in with your baseless acqusations you wouldn't know how wrong you are.
I know exactly what I want Randy, it's just that what you think I want is very different to what I actually want. If there are drugs that increase a persons reading comprehesion, you should maybe get a prescription. MIght ease your anger levels if you could understand what people are saying without overlaying your predisposed beliefs.
Before you post again, heres some words from a wise man for you to reflect on.
PS, I am quite impressed with your progress Randy, thats three posts now without direct abuse. Soon I'll be able to introduce you to real people with a level of confidence in your manners and conduct.
Angry? because of a troll, and especially a troll like you? you don't have the parts for that. All you are achieving here is thanking me for wearing a uniform and protecting your ability to act like a total idiot and say what ever you like without fear of reprisals in the real world. That's it, nothing else. For you to think that I am mad over anything you have said simply shows that you think I care one iota whether or not you are still drawing breath, which I do not and so therefore you and your posts mean nothing to me.
Impressive that you do have a high opinion of yourself but that goes with the God Complex after all so I'm not surprised in the slightest.
So now it's buyer be ware is it, that's a very different tune your speaking, which Craig Steele am I talking to now, there are so many of you based upon what you are trying to respond to. When something is sold as an investment that's what it is, look it up in business law, plain as day. Nice try though but your opinion is once again just wrong. again I'm not surprised.
I lol'd at you saying that you know what you want, depending what thread you read you want anything from solo only ques and nothing else to full group ques so that you and your huge clan of 7 people can drop together. You should be saying that you know what you want... this minute... but just wait, I'll change my mind in a second. That is after all your pattern
I see you found the size button, very good, you can have a cookie. As for your invitation to come and meet the staff at the hospital where you are being kept, I have to say No, as I don't care if you are still drawing breath I won't put the poor people of the hospital through the time and effort that it would take to try and make you in any way even slightly presentable. I know that breaks your heart, I can hear you sobbing all the way over here but that's just the way life is.
lol I know you are going to respond to this one as well which means I will win the bet. I can't wait.
Your Pal