Justy Starflare, on 25 April 2014 - 02:10 PM, said:
ive gotten about 15 people to play this game not counting myself of those that still play im the
only one and what the OP is writing about is exactly why they all quit playing. i play because im
sick of mmorpgs and need an outlet. ive seen the matches where vet players are matched against a bunch of newbs and im on the newbs team its fun getting killed and then viewing them to see how they are doing they cannot shoot dont know how to move or twist and dont know how to lock a target. ive been in matches where one team gets 2-3 d-dc's several missile boats and a couple of scouts with ecm while the other team gets nothing with ecm no missiles or maybe 1 missile boat only to get obliterated by the well equiped team. btw the stick fig cartoon is hillarious.
You know, I'm gonna grab this post (out of ALL the others, just cause), and use to emphasize something.
Jun, and all the other crybabies out there state:
- I persuaded X number of my friends to play, but they all complained we got our collective tushies handed to us, so we/they stopped playing.
Now, am I missing something here? But, to me that statement implies they must somehow be *gasp*....
wait for it.....Playing as a premade! The same thing they are complaining about!
I don't know about you, but every one of my friends I have persuaded to try the game, tried it while I was online. Most of the conversations went like this:
ME: Hey Bob, you should try MWO, it's lots of fun!
BOB: OK, I'll try it, when do you play?
ME: I play at such-and-such a time, my online name is NeonKnight. Download the game, send me a friend request, and we'll drop together.
Bob, goes home downloads game, we get on phone/TS/VENT and I walk him through starting up & MECHLAB, we then form a group and drop.
Sure, Bob will likely die, but Bob is mature, (because 99% of my friends are not in Highschool, 99% of my friends have KIDS in Highschool), and so we laugh, we cry, we drop again, and again. We have fun.
I certainly don't say to Bob: "
I only solo drop, so learn the game without my help!" Because then Bob would say to me: "
Get bent" and certainly not download/play the game.
But apparently people like the quoted person above, and the OP all have 0 friends on their friends list, because to have a friend on their friend's list is to ADMIT they form groups and drop as such, or *shudder* try and SYNC DROP.
So, the point being...every single person here who points to the OP comic, applauds it for
thruth it portrays, that they say they've experienced, is thus a hypocrite if they think otherwise.
You can't complain: "
my friends and I dropped and got beat, so premades are the death of the game", because obviously Premades are not uber powerful, because your Premade lost, maybe you lost because of a multitude of other factors.
Yes, I play premade
Yes, Sometimes I win
Yes, sometimes they are total massacares.
But wait!
Yes, Sometimes I lose
and Yes, sometimes they are total massacares.
If I want to win every single drop I do, I'll just play
training grounds or someother game where I can put on a "God Mode"