Almond Brown, on 28 April 2014 - 11:02 AM, said:
If a Poll was taken, and everyone answered truthfully, not likely btw, agenda's and all, the # of deaths by HS with Air/Arty would pale in comparison to those of other weapons.
Just the other night. Match started, and Boom, one dead on the other side. It was a collective WTF (both sides) and then the text came in. "Sorry Head-shot,

So given that, whatever weapon(s) caused that poor bastishes death should be removed from MWO.
If it cause head-shots, consensus is it sucks the fun out. Or is it just weapons that some don't want to have to spend C-bills on that do it that suck the fun?
So yes, it is all QQ and whining. All head shot possibilities go or all stay. A select group do not get to select, sorry.
And when the "select few" can do that kind of selective BS, then you can kiss MWO dead.
But I like killing by head shots. I practiced long and hard to be able to be fair at it. What about My Skills? What about My fun?