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Nova Screenshots Released!

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#81 Keeshu


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 03:58 PM

Let's see here.
First off, the obvious. Legs/torso thing and overall look. I like that it has torso twist now. Would have been nice to have the legs just a smidge closer to the top part, and make the legs attach a little farther back on the torso so it gives a better illusion that they are close to the upper part. However, I mainly mention this because it makes the Center torso more .... noticeable, because right now with the way it is, it draws my attention to the box beneath the CT.
Also, lower the arms closer to the knees.
I mention these things because in Mechwarrior 2, when it came to things visually, I remembered the Nova for it having low arms, and it's head sticking forward a little bit. I didn't even think about the arms looking so tensed up because they were so close to the ground it just made sense for them to be in that position.

As for small stuff
#1 Love the new cockpit
Oh... well can't say much else for small stuff, it's pretty faithful to the original when it comes to the tiny things.

So overall I like how the Nova came out. Just move the legs and arms a tiny bit and it'd be perfect. I didn't really expect much though, because going from a no-torso twist to a twist able mech is something that will be weird. Some mechs aren't that bad to make that happen, but with a design like Nova it's hard to do make it look right (Even Kit Fox is much easy to make it look right when compared to Nova).

As for the gameplay for the Nova. I really look forward to trying it out. In MW2 I used it to alpha, then run around in circles while I cooled down since the lack of torso twist was a pain and being able to make big alphas. Nova is one of the reasons why I fell in love with Jumpjets in the first place.
I plan to do the 1-2 Punch thing with Nova. We'll have to see if it's possible to shoot one arm, then shoot the other arm before the first arm recharges, and not overheat. If not, it depends on how fast you can chainfire through the medium lasers, if it's too slow then I'll have to replace some lasers with smalls or heatsinks.

I look forward to seeing how the Nova plays out in MWO. Novas were generally a high priority target for me in MW2, they deal some crazy damage, but die really quick compared to most things that deal similar damage.

After Timberwolf, Nova will probably be the next Clan mech that I will play the most often. Though Summoner is rivaling that spot now too because I worry about the heat problems that Nova has, and because I tend to like the feel of heavies in all Mechwarrior games I've played.

#82 GunnyKintaro 01


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 04:01 PM

very nice!

#83 Utilyan


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 04:19 PM

Posted Image

This is a Nova, not a stormcrow.Posted Image

#84 John Norad


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 04:29 PM

View PostRouken, on 23 May 2014 - 12:21 PM, said:

The stock load out came from the table top game. You may also note that nobody runs stock because they are universally terrible in this game. Just swap out one arm for a ballistic arm or drop some of the ER mediums to ER smalls.

I know that it's the TT prime loadout. That was my exact point. Yet another stock loadout that just doesn't make much sense with the current game mechanics. But thanks for explaining the game to me.

View PostWabbit Swaya, on 23 May 2014 - 02:24 PM, said:

And as for those of you pissing and moaning about it actually getting a torso twist. You would be pissing and moaning even harder, after you died for the hundredth time because you had NO torso twist and just couldn't hit that (insert annoying light mech of choice here) that was circling you and punching through your leg and back armor.

Is that tone necessary? I guess not.
As for the torso twist thing - too little imagination, too little out of the box thinking. Fast turn rate and arm movement, coupled with that weapon loadout, jump jets and the non-torso-twist low silhouette should be more than enough to deal with lights.
Mechs in MWO need harder distinction, not just tiny bits of slightly different.

Edited by John Norad, 23 May 2014 - 04:34 PM.

#85 1453 R


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 04:49 PM

Lore-inappropriate torso twist or not...the sucker looks good. Gotta admit, I've been really loving the art direction on the Clan 'Mechs. Also cool to finally see so many chicken-walking non-humanoid machines! Battlefield will finally start looking proper once these bastiches get out and start dropping folks.

Also: who cares if you can only fire one arm at a time on the Prime? That's still 42 damage in each giant hamfist. That's better than some assault 'Mechs can manage. The Prime will do just fine for pilots with some trigger control.

#86 Wabbit Swaya


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 04:52 PM

Faster turn rate you say, the forums would be aflame with cries "of why does that medium clanner turn inside my jenners turning circle???"
As for distinction, how about some more maps, more game modes,instead of new types of 'mech geometry when they can't get the geometry right in a lot of the game, not just on the 'mechs.
Still hitting invisible walls when clearly exposed around a corner or over a ridge. for one.

#87 Kassatsu


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 05:00 PM

View PostOne Way Pilot, on 23 May 2014 - 11:19 AM, said:

Nobody would Alpha 12 ML anyway. Not every mech is made for Alpha striking. Like 4 ER PPC Warhawks.

Except the 1.4DHS means you'll most likely overheat chain firing two of those ER PPCs in the Warhawk, and the Nova will likely be completely unable to utilize 6 of those 12 lasers. An alpha from either mech is probably an instant suicide button.

#88 Wabbit Swaya


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 05:03 PM

Foreseeing a clan module that bumps their DHSs to a full 2 if not higher.

#89 Felio


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 05:22 PM

Kind of a slowpoke, but I suppose it has to be without Endo or FF to free up weight. That leaves room for the heat sinks, though. Doubt it will have much free tonnage to use the ballistic omnipods of its variants to great effect.

#90 Grimmrog


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:19 PM

View Postshad0w4life, on 23 May 2014 - 12:32 PM, said:

you COULD probably Alpha this badboy... Clan weps lower heat, so this thing might be nastier than a pop tart or ac40 JM.

Well, an Alpha simulated with just medium lasers is like taking you out by overhating for 30 seconds (which means quite a lot internal damage by heat) and this is simulated with only 4 heat/laser while the ER Mediums would have 5 Heat , if using battletech numbers. So Alphaing this is a stupid Idea except knowing you are going to die. and I guess the ER MEdiums will get a ghostheat at a Number of 5 o at least 6 too. maybe the Prima variant may come with a special quirk allowing to negate ghostheat up to 6 medium lasers. that would be a nice thing.

But the amount of lasers is not useless. if you can expose only half of the mech, you can still fire a volley of 5 or 6. So you are not dependend on "going around the right side"

Anyways, some fun builds are going to be possible

10x ER Mediums
4 MG's


13 flamers


Edited by Grimmrog, 23 May 2014 - 06:42 PM.

#91 GrandLocomon


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:32 PM

The nova is meh, I prefer to cuteness of the other clan mechs.

#92 Keira RAVEN McKenna


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:36 PM

hahaha sooo many players will be blowing themselves up in desperation mashing that Alpha Fire button! Looking forward to seeing that.

Maybe just 2 ER LL and the rest into armour and Speed for a giant sizes Raven?

Edited by Keira_NZ, 23 May 2014 - 06:38 PM.

#93 Alik Kerensky


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:36 PM

Though I like it alot... I think you got your mechs confused... the Nova doesn't have a torso twist like it's little brother the Supernova (a 90 ton mech) which does.

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Posted Image

#94 Ardney


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:39 PM

View PostKeira_NZ, on 23 May 2014 - 06:36 PM, said:

Maybe just 2 ER LL and the rest into armour and Speed for a giant sizes Raven?

Neg, you won't be able to tweak engine size so not much to be done about its speed.

#95 Keira RAVEN McKenna


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:48 PM

View PostArdney, on 23 May 2014 - 06:39 PM, said:

Neg, you won't be able to tweak engine size so not much to be done about its speed.

Really??? Suck! This lady will be staying loyal to her Ebon Crow and other Ravens a while longer then.

"Neg" what does that mean? ;)

#96 S3dition


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:53 PM

View PostKeira_NZ, on 23 May 2014 - 06:48 PM, said:

Really??? Suck! This lady will be staying loyal to her Ebon Crow and other Ravens a while longer then.

"Neg" what does that mean? :blink:

clan speak for negative

aff = affirmative


Laughing at all the people who are just figuring out the nova has a torso, despite the concept art being up for months. Explains all the 12:0 matches ;)

Edited by S3dition, 23 May 2014 - 06:55 PM.

#97 Outlaw


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:53 PM

Neg also short for Negative, or in laymans terms "NO".

I love it, looks great and honestly in Table Top the Prime couldnt handle an alpha anyways. Personally plan on dropping 4 of the ERMLs for 4 more heat sinks. I dont get why people try to say something is DOA based on the primary configuration... I mean seriously unless you are in a stock league you are going to modify the dang thing anyways.

#98 Alik Kerensky


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:55 PM

View PostKeira_NZ, on 23 May 2014 - 06:48 PM, said:

Really??? Suck! This lady will be staying loyal to her Ebon Crow and other Ravens a while longer then.

"Neg" what does that mean? :blink:

Short for negative... clanners like saying things like neg and aff (affirmative)...

Edit: Someone beat me to the answer... ;)

Edited by Alik Kerensky, 23 May 2014 - 06:56 PM.

#99 Keira RAVEN McKenna


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 06:59 PM

o....k.... some of you the life just a little too deeply

#100 Grimmrog


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Posted 23 May 2014 - 07:00 PM

View PostKeira_NZ, on 23 May 2014 - 06:36 PM, said:

hahaha sooo many players will be blowing themselves up in desperation mashing that Alpha Fire button! Looking forward to seeing that.

Maybe just 2 ER LL and the rest into armour and Speed for a giant sizes Raven?

clan mechs can't change engine rating. But taking off some ER Mediums for extra DHS and armor, since I guess it isn't maxed, is mostlikely what is going to happen.

View PostAlik Kerensky, on 23 May 2014 - 06:36 PM, said:

Though I like it alot... I think you got your mechs confused... the Nova doesn't have a torso twist like it's little brother the Supernova (a 90 ton mech) which does.

Posted Image


I totally love the Supernova as my most favourite mech.
And thats basically the only reason why I am fine with the "misconception" of the Nova in MWO. Since the Nova we have here is now more like a "Mini Super"nova crossdesign. And with 4ER LL it is much like a Medium version of the Supernova. Just the amazing arm design and chassis design of the Supernova are missing.

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