Darth Bane001, on 06 June 2014 - 11:55 PM, said:
... If I choose to uninstall the game to make a statement and come back when I feel they done something right to make it worth my time to play then thats my right. You cant decide that for me.
While this is both entirely true and within your rights, your "statement" is a complete and utter waste of your time.
Because PGI is not monitoring your machine to see which programs are installed (at least I hope so, because that woiuld be highly illegal in most countries). Therefore uninstalling does nothing more than to free up space on your hard drive.
And while they probably monitor downloads of the installer, one person more updating his game to current status is not something any company with more than 50 customers would realistically take notice of.
So you may be making a statement, but the only one the message is getting delivered to is you
That`s a large part of why many of us laugh every time you uninstall and reinstall, as you`re consistently only "damaging" /inconveniencing yourself, yet stating that it is somehow a message to PGI.
Yor supposed refund of hte clan pack is a much more clear statement..... But with the exception of EXACT weapon values and what the TC will do, we do actually know almost everything that`s actually important about the clan: variants, projected HPs, when and how we can use them, modules, warhorns, most of how the omni system will work...
What we DON`T know is really just: TC details, exact weapon stats, whether we can raise /lower total armor or just redistribute, and whether JJS will be locked to a pod or a CT.
So, if you wish to once again inconvenience yourself by waiting for the 17th, feel free to do so...