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Reward Last Call

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#81 Dymlos2003


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 12:07 AM

View PostDarth Bane001, on 07 June 2014 - 12:00 AM, said:

To troll me? Nah I dont see the humor.

I am not taking sarna as the legit source for what they are gonna set the clan mechs for. It's all just speculation based on what a manual says the mech can field and what it can do but this is pgi who have different take on the franchise which a lot of people tend to disagree with to a point anways.

Pretty much tonnage, criticals, range, damage and heat are gonna be the same. The only one that could be different are damage and heat and that's by a little bit. You want your info you have 30 years of it all around you on the internet. Use it.
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Edited by Dymlos2003, 07 June 2014 - 12:09 AM.

#82 Koniving

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Posted 07 June 2014 - 12:14 AM

View PostButane9000, on 06 June 2014 - 03:23 PM, said:

Really? Because I still haven't seen an update and they've got 35 minutes.

There was a post pinned in General Discussion saying Monday for that.

#83 anonymous161


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 12:19 AM

View PostDymlos2003, on 07 June 2014 - 12:07 AM, said:

Pretty much tonnage, criticals, range, damage and heat are gonna be the same. The only one that could be different are damage and heat and that's by a little bit. You want your info you have 30 years of it all around you on the internet. Use it.
Posted Image

I understand what you are saying but pgi isn't sticking with the lore in this game, no one has any concrete proof of just how these mechs are gonna play or if they are gonna be released broken or unfinished.

If they work great and actually improve the game then I'll rebuy it, but gonna wait until reviews come out.

#84 Zerberus


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 01:18 AM

View PostDarth Bane001, on 06 June 2014 - 11:55 PM, said:

... If I choose to uninstall the game to make a statement and come back when I feel they done something right to make it worth my time to play then thats my right. You cant decide that for me.

While this is both entirely true and within your rights, your "statement" is a complete and utter waste of your time.


Because PGI is not monitoring your machine to see which programs are installed (at least I hope so, because that woiuld be highly illegal in most countries). Therefore uninstalling does nothing more than to free up space on your hard drive.

And while they probably monitor downloads of the installer, one person more updating his game to current status is not something any company with more than 50 customers would realistically take notice of.

So you may be making a statement, but the only one the message is getting delivered to is you ^_^

That`s a large part of why many of us laugh every time you uninstall and reinstall, as you`re consistently only "damaging" /inconveniencing yourself, yet stating that it is somehow a message to PGI.

Yor supposed refund of hte clan pack is a much more clear statement..... But with the exception of EXACT weapon values and what the TC will do, we do actually know almost everything that`s actually important about the clan: variants, projected HPs, when and how we can use them, modules, warhorns, most of how the omni system will work...

What we DON`T know is really just: TC details, exact weapon stats, whether we can raise /lower total armor or just redistribute, and whether JJS will be locked to a pod or a CT.

So, if you wish to once again inconvenience yourself by waiting for the 17th, feel free to do so... :D

#85 MountainCopper


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 01:50 AM

View PostZerberus, on 07 June 2014 - 01:18 AM, said:

...we do actually know almost everything that`s actually important about the clan: variants, projected HPs, when and how we can use them, modules, warhorns, most of how the omni system will work...

Psst, where is the information on the variants? Thx.

#86 Theycallmetheworkingman


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 02:27 AM

View PostZerberus, on 07 June 2014 - 01:18 AM, said:

So, if you wish to once again inconvenience yourself by waiting for the 17th, feel free to do so... ^_^

Missing out on paint that no one cares about and superficial items (two of which will be leaked immediately) dude....so inconvenienced.

What a joke.

#87 Alex Warden


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 03:54 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 06 June 2014 - 12:41 PM, said:

Not really, its often management thinking its worth the advertising.

Germany's most successful beer is not makign any advertise, because the boss simply said: we can keep the price low if we do not make stupid horrifiyng expensive ads. And tbh, I doubt that deals for multimillions with some celebreties really do increase the sales so far that they even income the money for this advertising deal. But as long as some strange guys in management think it is, it keeps going.

5.0 black can ftw ^_^ their policy and mouth to mouth advertisement made it the most successful beer... everyone i know who drives to a festival or such buys that ...

no fancy colours or pictures, no huge advertisement campaigns or what ever keep the price low while still providing best quality ... works out

a counter product to "you pay for the name" policies :D
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Edited by Alex Warden, 07 June 2014 - 04:02 AM.

#88 TLBFestus


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 08:46 AM

Reading about the Clan Packs and this thread almost made we want to break my self-imposed financial protest with PGI.

Not for the obvious reason, Clan Mechs, mechs that are (as usual) over-priced, and they haven't released sufficient information about, but so I could lay my hands on those priceless digital prints and wall-paper and then post them here on the forums and taunt everyone without them; "Suck it Losers, look what I've got!"

Then I realized that if I just wait a day or so they will be available through the generosity of the internet and I could save my money.


#89 anonymous161


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 10:05 AM

View PostZerberus, on 07 June 2014 - 01:18 AM, said:

While this is both entirely true and within your rights, your "statement" is a complete and utter waste of your time.


Because PGI is not monitoring your machine to see which programs are installed (at least I hope so, because that woiuld be highly illegal in most countries). Therefore uninstalling does nothing more than to free up space on your hard drive.

And while they probably monitor downloads of the installer, one person more updating his game to current status is not something any company with more than 50 customers would realistically take notice of.

So you may be making a statement, but the only one the message is getting delivered to is you ^_^

That`s a large part of why many of us laugh every time you uninstall and reinstall, as you`re consistently only "damaging" /inconveniencing yourself, yet stating that it is somehow a message to PGI.

Yor supposed refund of hte clan pack is a much more clear statement..... But with the exception of EXACT weapon values and what the TC will do, we do actually know almost everything that`s actually important about the clan: variants, projected HPs, when and how we can use them, modules, warhorns, most of how the omni system will work...

What we DON`T know is really just: TC details, exact weapon stats, whether we can raise /lower total armor or just redistribute, and whether JJS will be locked to a pod or a CT.

So, if you wish to once again inconvenience yourself by waiting for the 17th, feel free to do so... :D

How is it such an inconvenience? I clearly dont spend nearly as much time posting on the forum as you do so if anyone is wasting more time it would be you no offense. I dont see why you have such a big issue with me getting a refund and not kissing pgi's ass over the clan mechs. Lately they haven't proven to be excellent game makers they have screwed up pretty much every patch they have ever released and I'm pretty much at the point that I cant really take anything what they say to be a true or honest fact.

I'll believe the clan mechs work like they should when they are released and people either give the green light or red light.

If I choose to uninstall the game thats my choice I dont really care if you mock the decision or not, it takes very little time for me to re install if I choose to anyways.

I wouldn't be even talking like this if the game weren't so damn boring sick of the maps hell I haven't even played therma in like a month now and I play a few matches every day, so thats one less map I even really see. It's mostly alpine/caustic*worst map ever* thats mostly what I'm put on anymore. Game is dull it needs more gameplay other than rofl stomping.

What this game needs is a single player element with use of talented actors and their voices, for it to be put on a physical disk so I can play it whenever I want and not worry about online part going away probably wouldn't care if this had a good enough story.

#90 Belorion


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 10:20 AM

View PostRogue Jedi, on 06 June 2014 - 02:29 PM, said:

the Mechs will be available for use on and after Tuesday June 17th, presumably by midday eastern time, posted back in December with the initial clan pack details, see the bottom of the page in the link below

anyone regardless of allegiance can use the Clan Mechs, if you are an Inner Sphere player conciser them salvaged.

This does leave the question of how IS Mechwarriors salvage Clan Mechs 9 months before first encountering them,

but please remember this is a game set 1,035 years in the future where a lot of available technology is less advanced than modern technology.
The Clans are genetically engineered supermen with a tribal warrior type society, descended from an elite group of warriors.
All the Clan weapons are extremely advanced, they have lost no technology but are still unable to make a guidance systems with range equal to 1960s technology.

I have not seen it stated anywhere that IS or Merc will be able to use Clan Mechs in CW. I could care less about pug matches.

Edited by Belorion, 07 June 2014 - 10:26 AM.

#91 Xoxim SC


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 10:22 AM

View PostTLBFestus, on 07 June 2014 - 08:46 AM, said:

Reading about the Clan Packs and this thread almost made we want to break my self-imposed financial protest with PGI.

Not for the obvious reason, Clan Mechs, mechs that are (as usual) over-priced, and they haven't released sufficient information about, but so I could lay my hands on those priceless digital prints and wall-paper and then post them here on the forums and taunt everyone without them; "Suck it Losers, look what I've got!"

Then I realized that if I just wait a day or so they will be available through the generosity of the internet and I could save my money.


Don't blame you for waiting, I'm hoping they release more info on Tuesday so I can go ahead and upgrade mine to a higher tier. I will say the 52? or however many days we got for pre-ordering back in February definitely made it worth it.

#92 Deux


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 10:36 AM

View PostCavendish, on 06 June 2014 - 10:55 PM, said:

Well for one, we have not "invested" anything, we have purchased digital toys. So yes, the money we spent on goods are used up and gone, and so they need to sell more toys to continue their buisness. This does not, of course, mean that they "dont care" about previous customers. In fact, one could argue that a good way to secure future income is to manage customer relations with both previous and potential customers.

I do not think that they ignore you as soon as you have bought something from them, quite the opposit, but I do think they are looking more at metrics then reading though the forums day and night to try to divine what the current players want (NERF POPTARTS! POPTARTING TAKES SKILL! POPTARTING IS FOR LOSERS! DIE META! LOVE META! NERF ACs! BOOST ACs! and so on) since the players want widely diffrent things.

Ohhhhh no they don't ignore us at all *cough* 3rd person *cough*.... But on the bright side look kool aid drink up.

#93 anonymous161


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 11:05 AM

Well considering they keep telling them what we want, after a while we get pissed off because obviously they are ignoring us. They listen to very select number of people or go to a guy who they think knows what we want.

#94 Hayato1983


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 11:44 AM

Aight time to buckle up.

#95 Chimerahawk


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 01:37 PM

Gotta say it is pretty funny how many people are crying about not knowing every detail of the clan mechs. That's not the point of PRE-ORDER. Butt-tons of people pre-order mainstream video games all the time, and the only information they have to go on is sequals, (Which we have), and trailers. Admittedly the clan trailer didn't do much, however we can still see all the basic hardpoints for the clan mechs and what varients we'll get. If you don't like pre-ordering, then don't pre-order. Simple as that.

#96 Pihoqahiak


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 01:42 PM

View PostTodd Lightbringer, on 07 June 2014 - 10:22 AM, said:

Don't blame you for waiting, I'm hoping they release more info on Tuesday so I can go ahead and upgrade mine to a higher tier. I will say the 52? or however many days we got for pre-ordering back in February definitely made it worth it.

People actually use that? Huh. I have over 6 months of it waiting to be activated, lol. There just isn't anything worth activating it for in the game.

#97 dangerzone


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 01:44 PM

View PostZerberus, on 06 June 2014 - 11:23 AM, said:

Why do companies that already earn millions or even billions pay spammers to flood your inbox?
Why does McDonalds even advertise anymore, everyon on teh planet knows who they are and what they sell?
Why does Microsoft advertise? TTheir OS comes preinstalled on 2/3 or more of all computers sold around the world.

I`ll tell you why, and it`s really simple: becasue, in business, you can never earn too much money. And advertising your product generally increases sales. Every 5 year old with a lemonade stand instinctively knows this, that`s why they write "Lemonade, 5c" on the front of their stand.

Never assume a complicated explanation when a stupidly simple one does just as well or better. :D

You're my hero. :P You can be my wingman anytime...

#98 Cavendish


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Posted 07 June 2014 - 01:52 PM

View PostDeux, on 07 June 2014 - 10:36 AM, said:

Ohhhhh no they don't ignore us at all *cough* 3rd person *cough*.... But on the bright side look kool aid drink up.

Well, if you read up on the 3pv it was more or less forced upon them according to the devs (hey it might be a lie too, what do I know) but on the positive side you can now toggle that in private lobbys.

Also, just because they dont change things to how YOU personaly want the game to be (because they take into consideration what other peope think and try to find a solution that they belive is the best for their game ) it still do not mean they IGNORE you, they just dont agree with you.

Honestly, just read through one page of general and you will see that to "not ignore" people they have to increase LRM speed, lower LRM speed, increase the LRM damage, decrease it, increase MG damage or crit rate while lowering the cit rate..... how do you suggest they do this in a way that shows they listen to everyone?

Hell, if PGI did everything to MWO that I wanted I doubt a lot of other people would play it.

Now, lets remember that PGI has worked long and hard to make the MWO community a cynical bunch of suspicious people due to lying to them (CW release 90 days after release anyone?), changing their "position at the time", introduced systems that are needlessly complicated (ghost heat) to fix things that simpler solutions would have fixed just as well and so on. They are not the "good but missunderstood" guys, but lately it seems like they are more open with what is going on and I think that is a baby-step in the right direction.

Edited by Cavendish, 07 June 2014 - 01:55 PM.

#99 Trystan Thorne


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 04:49 AM

I'm happy with my Project Phoenix package. I was tempted to get some Clan stuff at so point, but so glad I didn't go for it.

The best thing about the Clan Plackages are the Forum Avatar. That Clan Wolf Avatar really fits well with my Overlord badge. :P

#100 Butane9000


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Posted 08 June 2014 - 05:18 AM

View PostTrystan Thorne, on 08 June 2014 - 04:49 AM, said:

I'm happy with my Project Phoenix package. I was tempted to get some Clan stuff at so point, but so glad I didn't go for it.

The best thing about the Clan Plackages are the Forum Avatar. That Clan Wolf Avatar really fits well with my Overlord badge. :P

What if I told you that you didn't need a Clan package to use the Clan Wolf avatar?

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