Darth Bane001, on 07 June 2014 - 10:05 AM, said:
How is it such an inconvenience? I clearly dont spend nearly as much time posting on the forum as you do so if anyone is wasting more time it would be you no offense. I dont see why you have such a big issue with me getting a refund and not kissing pgi's ass over the clan mechs. Lately they haven't proven to be excellent game makers they have screwed up pretty much every patch they have ever released and I'm pretty much at the point that I cant really take anything what they say to be a true or honest fact.
I'll believe the clan mechs work like they should when they are released and people either give the green light or red light.
If I choose to uninstall the game thats my choice I dont really care if you mock the decision or not, it takes very little time for me to re install if I choose to anyways.
I wouldn't be even talking like this if the game weren't so damn boring sick of the maps hell I haven't even played therma in like a month now and I play a few matches every day, so thats one less map I even really see. It's mostly alpine/caustic*worst map ever* thats mostly what I'm put on anymore. Game is dull it needs more gameplay other than rofl stomping.
Well, you obviously don`t know **** about me but think much too highly of yourself with regards to your value for other people . Just because I have more posts than you do says nothing about the time I spend here. Nor do I have an "issue" with what you or any other bag of pixels does with their money. I only care about the underlying reasons for purely statistical purposes.
I think your modus operandi of weekly flip-flopping is thoroughly brain dead and am thoroughly surprised that an intelligent, self-aware being can be so indecisive about something as petty as a video game, assuming of course that they also interact with the outside world as opposed to making the game their life and then acting like a jilted lover when something annoys them.
And this quirky behaviour actually defies most behavioural science hypotheses, so I`m interested in somehow eventually figuring out the underlying cause, for reasons you (and most people that feel that their moral compass is somehow more valid than others´ ) likely would not agree with.
In other words your behaviour intrigues my curiosity for understanding the root causes of the steady decline of average human intelligence over the past 30 years at a rate significantly higher than it ever rose in recorded history.... No more, no less. Whether you want to accept it or not, and this truth just might hurt your ego, you are, in essence, a lab rat for my behavioural studies.

I`m sure one of the mast3r k0derZ here that understand so much about game design they can do it better in just a few months can hamfistedly smash on his keyboard until you have just such a solution. Will probably only take an hour or so according to their statements.

But if you want a SP experience and nothing else, online multiplayer games are the most obvious worst possible choice to make. Especially F2P ones.
Edited by Zerberus, 08 June 2014 - 05:55 AM.