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Targeting Computers And Command Console - Feedback

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#241 Tombstoner


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 03:39 AM

View PostArchon, on 08 June 2014 - 10:28 PM, said:

I don't really understand why this is what the command console does. Shouldn't it be more about relaying information to other mechs, or gaining a bonus from teammates if you're locked on to the same target? The name implies that it would be something more related to COMMANDING a lance.

This sort of range based functionality would reenforce the blob mentality. make it lance only and it would work ok.

Over all for a 2+ year wait i am underwhelmed. at the lease a TC should over lay armor status onto the mech your aiming at saving you a glance and a bush of the R button. both very minor but still a convenience in laying down shots into selected areas asap when a second does count.

I do like how yo band aided the tonnage since its based on the mechs weapon tonnage.

But the command chair is not the IS equivalent of a clan TC.

#242 C E Dwyer


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 03:53 AM

so a targeting computer, magically makes weapons go faster.

Another step away from a simulator, and a massive leap into a dumb console shoot em up game, I'm thankful I've achieved everything I want out this game and don't need to spend another penny on it, if this is the kind of thing to expect

Its basically a signal saying we can't make the game we promised, so we're coming up with stupid crap like this.

Edited by Cathy, 09 June 2014 - 03:56 AM.

#243 C E Dwyer


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 04:04 AM

View PostCarrioncrows, on 07 June 2014 - 09:37 PM, said:

Neither one of these are worth a damn.

Tonnage for scan time? That's what modules are for and hell I don't even bother with those.

Hundreds of good ideas on what to do and this is what you guys came up with?

I consider both of these idea's Failures.

Another missed opportunity.

You want feedback.

Make the Command Console work like this:

Posted Image

1. Whoever has a command console can see what loadouts enemy mechs have (If they have been scanned)

2. Whoever has a command console can then assign targeting priority to different targets (Instead of a red box around that enemy mech it might be Purple, or Yellow to let everyone on your team know to kill that one)

3. Whoever has a command console can issue orders to lances and give them Waypoints to travel to

4. Lastly, whoever has a command console can call down artillery from the map screen. (Sort of like call of duty)

Not everyday I get 100% behind CC's idea's but this is 100 times better than the dross PGI can't even get out on time

#244 Danielius


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 04:12 AM

I'd just like to chime in that I too agree with the general sentiment that these equipment should certainly have more unique functionality than mere "stat boosters". Perhaps the dev team could gather ideas from the community and put it to a community vote, and implement the kind of functionality that the community likes the best.

#245 Kilrein


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 04:54 AM

Apologize if someone has brought this up already.

Computer changes make sense and at first glance appear to be balanced with each other (only time will tell there for sure) but the CC stats seem to be a tad under-whelming for the weight.

3 tons for a very minor buff to vision and sensor ranges. Sure they can stack with other effects and at a quick glance the benefits seem to be aligned with the Clan TC but the CC benefits are all passive and do not increase any weapon values. Paying 3 tons for a minor buff, at least at first glance is something that I will take a pass on.

If the values were in the low teens (10-14%), then there might be a chance. Paying 3% of the total weight of an Atlas for the current values isn't something that makes sense to me.

Game play may reveal a different story.

#246 M4NTiC0R3X


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 05:06 AM

I cannot thank you enough for giving the command console a {scrap}ping purpose!

Finally I can't {scrap} at you about it anymore. :)

#247 Colonel Tequila


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 05:17 AM

I believe the community clearly has better ideas of a Command Console than the proposed PGI idea.

I would encourage PGI to revisit the Command Console, as in it's likely state soon to come it's going to be awful, just take a freaking BAP and you get anti-ECM too!!!

#248 DjPush


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 05:46 AM

We IS guys are gonna get the crap kicked out of us. Aren't we?

#249 wanderer


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 05:58 AM


I cannot thank you enough for giving the command console a {scrap}ping purpose!

Akin to flamers.


We IS guys are gonna get the crap kicked out of us. Aren't we?

Hahahahahaha NO.

#250 0bsidion


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:17 AM

I agree with those who have stated the CC bonuses should be team wide, as per the TT version. That's the whole point of that particular piece of equipment after all.

#251 Perilthecat


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:41 AM

I'd like to echo a lot of the comments here.

I'm glad to see that TC and CC will have a purpose very soon.

However, I think relegating the functionality to stat buffs misses a lot of opportunity to create unique, fun new additions to gameplay.

I hope that PGI takes another look at this equipment once things have settled down post-Clan launch - to give it a bit more flavour.

#252 Mister Blastman


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:43 AM

So instead of killing pinpoint and making it accessible to only targeting control computer users... They went with a cop-out... Typical PGI.

#253 DustySkunk


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:45 AM

Two years to think about it.

Hundreds of great, balanced ideas from the community.

Three generations of Mechwarrior games to draw inspiration from.

Thirty years of Battletech lore to honor.

... and they produce something that is totally uninspired. Something that serves only makes the current metagame more entrenched. Something (I fear) that is purely designed to drive sales of Clan mechs and tech.

In terms of the CC I think the worst part is that there are posters who are just so sick of waiting that they are actually happy and grateful to have the CC do something, even if the functionality is ridiculous. They are actually thanking the developers for this. This version of a CC would have been acceptable two years ago with the rationale of "Hey guys, since we're in beta and we're not sure what to do with this equipment yet, we are gonna make it boost stats until we can figure out the best way to implement it." Seeing this is the best you can come up with now.....yeah.

I've been patiently watching this game go through crisis after crisis and trying to give PGI the benefit of the doubt. This latest news has really put me on the edge, though. If the clan-tech release goes like I fear it will, I might just go back to MWLL unless something drastically changes. Anyone else feel the same?

#254 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:50 AM

Only one question.
How does a targeting computer make Cannon shells and Amplified light move FASTER? Seriously? :)

#255 Onmyoudo


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:52 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 09 June 2014 - 06:50 AM, said:

Only one question.
How does a targeting computer make Cannon shells and Amplified light move FASTER? Seriously? :)

If you don't know, it's not worth explaining to you. ;)

#256 DocBach


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:54 AM

Joe - here is a fluff explanation for it - the faster autocannons were too much calculation strain on older targeting computers. Cannons tied to advanced targeting computers are actually different, higher fps weapon systems that the advanced tc's can take advantage of.... or something

#257 BlackDeathLegion


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:56 AM

View PostBarantor, on 07 June 2014 - 08:54 PM, said:

Is the command console only going to be available for those mechs that it comes with?


CC should be treated like ECM, so far ONLY the ATLAS-DDC should be able to use CC.
Later on, the 90 ton IS* CYCLOPS mech should be another one to ONLY use CC.

We dont need ******* Raven-3Ls running around with CC also.

#258 DocBach


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 06:57 AM

View PostBlackDeathLegion, on 09 June 2014 - 06:56 AM, said:


CC should be treated like ECM, so far ONLY the ATLAS-DDC should be able to use CC.
Later on, the 90 ton IS* CYCLOPS mech should be another one to ONLY use CC.

We dont need ******* Raven-3Ls running around with CC also.

and, like ECM - CC should have its effects be an area of an effect that provides bonuses to friendly units around it.
and for kicks and giggles, make ECM and CC mutually exclusive, so players have to choose one or the other.

#259 BlackDeathLegion


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 07:03 AM

View PostDustySkunk, on 09 June 2014 - 06:45 AM, said:

Two years to think about it.

Hundreds of great, balanced ideas from the community.

Three generations of Mechwarrior games to draw inspiration from.

Thirty years of Battletech lore to honor.

... and they produce something that is totally uninspired. Something that serves only makes the current metagame more entrenched. Something (I fear) that is purely designed to drive sales of Clan mechs and tech.

In terms of the CC I think the worst part is that there are posters who are just so sick of waiting that they are actually happy and grateful to have the CC do something, even if the functionality is ridiculous. They are actually thanking the developers for this. This version of a CC would have been acceptable two years ago with the rationale of "Hey guys, since we're in beta and we're not sure what to do with this equipment yet, we are gonna make it boost stats until we can figure out the best way to implement it." Seeing this is the best you can come up with now.....yeah.

I've been patiently watching this game go through crisis after crisis and trying to give PGI the benefit of the doubt. This latest news has really put me on the edge, though. If the clan-tech release goes like I fear it will, I might just go back to MWLL unless something drastically changes. Anyone else feel the same?

+1000 Man I'm with you!

I've only been playing MWO for like 1.1 years and this game would be sooo much greater... if in the hands of BETTER gaming company. So we are STUCK being FED ****, Hoping for a First Class Meal!!!

#260 AgroAlba


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Posted 09 June 2014 - 07:13 AM

The clan targeting computers are interesting I suppose, but the Command console seems really dissapoiting.

At 3 tons, and what it does, I don't think anybody is going to take it.

Hope you guys perhaps revisit this, and come up with something a bit more flavorful and fun!

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