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August 8Th Weapon Balance Update And Hotfix - Feedback

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#221 Kilo 40


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 01:51 AM

View PostDaehoth, on 08 August 2014 - 11:06 PM, said:

We're entitled our opinions, but we are wrong...omg...lol..you crack me up.
You're one of those blokes who can't even accept the possibility of a different viewpoint...truly...PGI has you in their pockets...probably rigged your account so that nothing is nerfed at all....lol

apparently you don't understand what a fallacy is.

#222 Magos Titanicus


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 01:53 AM

can you please fire Paul and hire someone who actually knows how to balance this game?

2 Seconds burn time for the cER-Las is far from beeing a sane solution just as the jumpjet nerf: why not just beeing unable to fire at all while in air? that would have kept maneuverability at least. now they are just another piece of junk.

#223 Magos Titanicus


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 02:07 AM

Announce the nerf, roll back the nerf..... because you don't know what you do.

#224 CarnageINC


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 02:10 AM

Typical PGI, twitch programming. Do something without meaningful thought put into it and through testing. Just slap some patches around in hopes of blindly making the game better. Then resending a huge mistake, which doesn't happen very often with them.

Great business model you got going on PGI, enrage your community often with your slap dash approach to see how long your loyal customers stick around. Don't you guys see the repeated behavior of your actions? I am so burnt out on the drunken stumbling of your attempts to balance the game. This all should of been worked out in Beta....Oh...that's right, this game never left Beta did it...my bad :D

#225 meteorol


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 02:12 AM

Listen, i really enjoy your game and i can get along with quite a few things other are upset about. But guys, is there no communication on your team whatsoever?

You patch in a hotfix that you hotfixed back a few hours later. Really? Great move if you wanted to mask the PPC nerf, but otherwise this is something that absolutely shouldn't happen. You got the feedback that the ghostheat was overkill before you patched in the first hotfix.

The fact that the only other weapon that has a ghostheat limit of two was mentioned more than a few times before you patched it in. Seriously guys, ramp up your communication.

But anyway, thanks for the quick reaction.

Edited by meteorol, 09 August 2014 - 02:12 AM.

#226 MischiefSC


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 02:21 AM

View PostSandpit, on 08 August 2014 - 10:15 PM, said:

I understand that, I'm not referring to "suggestions" like "this sucks, fix it!" or "this sucks remove it!"

There are several well thought out ideas with plenty of support that WOULD work. They were expressed in very detailed posts in that feedback thread. They were good ideas that WOULD fix the FLD and PPD issues. They WERE ignored. They've been ignored for 3 years.
Homeless Bill's idea
and a few others (sorry can't remember specific names)

My convergence idea WOULD solve the FLD and PPD without removing PPD and FLD and without adding in a bunch of complicated and disliked nerfs and mechanics

I could come up with excuses for why they were not taken -

all of which would be completely assumptive.

Also, in the end, irrelevant.

The question then starts to become 'Does PGI owe us an explanation for why they make the choices they do?'

That's a particularly difficult one to answer. The instinctual one for the consumer is 'Oh hell yes they do. You want my money you give me the reasons why you do X' while the business is universally going to respond 'oh hell no I don't. Don't like it? Don't buy it. I answer to every complaint like this I'll never get any work done, I have to justify myself to my existing manager already. Oh, and F**K YOU for being such an entitled S.O.B'.

Both are wrong is the problem. A business needs to give justification in an overall sense for the directions its going if it wants to build trust. The Clan Packages were a great example; almost no information was given about the Clan mechs in any useful sense prior to the PTS stuff - at which point people went 'A-HA! You're going with "they should be fun to play" this time instead of the "everything should be, at best, mediocre" approach you took with the last bundle. HERE'S MY MONEY'.

However you can't open up a debate on why you decide to do what you do as a business. You're in it to make money; that generally means getting the most possible money for the least possible work. That's no lazy that's conservation of energy. The idea being that you do A and D and skip B and C because, well, D can work well enough to get sold with just A and B and C just don't add a lot of value for the time invested (true or not, that's what the decision in the meeting was, right?) You can't just tell your consumers though 'Look, that's a lot of work and, bluntly, we just don't give that much of a **** about it. You got your robots and they're pretty and they go PEW and BOOM and KA-WOOSH. Everything past that is icing. Expensive icing'.

You want to say that but you can't. So you say 'in order to better focus on looking busy while cruising for nekkid pictures on the interwebs critical game features we just don't have the resources to put into that now but it's certainly something we're looking at.' Then you show them something shiny to distract them.

The thing is though, convergence + PPFLD will never go away. It's inescapable. It's a pain to code a fix for I'm sure, it's a lot of zots spent of development/coding time and that's the most precious commodity a gaming company has. You can't stand in line for a latte without pushing past a dozen starving would-be digital artists but a legit coder who actually, you know, codes. Consistently. Every day they come to work - which should be 5 days a week. Those are rare and hard fought over. It's not hard to get a half-a$$ed coder who will make a lot of promises, tell you everything you want to do is impossible then only spend 4 out of every 40 hours coding something that's nothing like the specs before throwing a tantrum in a meeting because he's about as well socialized as a coked up Lindsy Lohan or Justin Beiber.

I don't know what the people who work for PGI are like. Regardless of my opinions of the balance decisions themselves at least they've taken to regularly completing customer-facing content. That I like a *lot*. I'd just about rather take bad changes than nothing at all.

PPFLD though.... it's inevitable. It's like Global Warming for MW:O. Nobody wants to deal with it, suggestions about it get put off or excuses made but sooner or later your ocean front property is now a home for some really freaked out fish and 'Canadian wine' isn't the punchline of some hipster joke.

The question is, when that hammer finally drops (and it will, inevitably) what is it going to look like?

My opinion? You keep posting links from time to time, I say screw that. Copy-pasta the whole thing in, the whole suggestion itself. Condense it down to less than 3 paragraphs and 3 bullet points, max. Not even every thread but periodically drop that ****, in full, into threads like this.

Did you ever read Terry Pratchett? Love his stuff. He once said that ideas are actually particles, like neutrinos. Suddenly out of nowhere one hits you, you get the idea and hopefully do something with it. In reality it's more like you run into an idea that fits a solution you're working on right now. This means getting a good idea into the right hands and in the right conversations is more about persistence than passion, more quantity than quality. It's an odds game. When that moment hits when someone who actually CAN take the idea onto the road to fruition is looking for an idea in that vein you want them to run into your idea (or an idea you like).

So you keep that **** recycling here periodically. Within forum ToS of course but still. Threads like this don't need a link to 'someone had this idea once'. They need a solid, concise and easy to grasp copy of the idea here. That's the odds game you want to play. You also do NOT want that idea associated with 'hey you dumba$$es, do this so you don't suck so much' or 'this is better than what Johnny Smallberries put in that last patch'. Cuz... ya know. All that stuff I said before.

#227 SVK Puskin


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 02:23 AM

View PostLukoi, on 08 August 2014 - 10:06 PM, said:

You agreed with longer duration, agreed? That's ultimately my point.

No one asked for the already longer duration to be lowered. We asked for the NEWLY increased duration of 2 seconds to be reverted back to the original 1.5s duration which is already longer.

So, people are not necessarily "bitching" they are illustrating the ****** game design PGI chose to use to nerf the weapon further.

Btw, PGI does not need you to defend their ideas, so maybe you quit saying people are bitching when you demonstrate you did not then understand the game's actual mechanics and then maybe we'll stop having misunderstandings eh?


We will see which adjusments will be best.

#228 Eltir


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 03:20 AM


Ususally never post on forum but have been there for a moment now, and saw all nerf and buffs from the release. CErll been too good before I can agreed, but PPC where fine, perhaps 1500 ms should been reduced a bit (1200 ?) but the real problem is Gauss/PPC combo could you not put them in the same group fot ghost heat ? So the Dire Wolf should shoot less often now, or bring 2Cppc/2 Gauss to an automatic shut down so it will be not viable anymore.

For the clan balance as a whole why not make sudden death matches if the clan loss a full star (5 Mechs) and a win for IS ? All the clan rules in the Battletech universe exist because of scaritiy of ressources. It will perhaps bring the result more in line with the 50/50 you want to have ? Nerfing the Clan mechs and weapons are not the way to go imho. But tweak the gameplay to have different flavor that should be cool.

#229 XxEDGExX


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 03:38 AM

I can semi understand the nerf's for balancing the multiplayer experience but I'm pretty certain its only come now because the clan pack sales have started to dry up.

on a side note instead of 12 vs 10 it should of just stayed as it was pre nerf and been 12 vs 8 , 3 of each innersphere class vs 2 of each clan class, I think that was the balancing right there but your main issue is the player base of around 50 - 100 people that play this game which is why you chose to hide the current online player numbers many patches ago

as it stands we only have a poor league in RHOD (which granted is a good attempt to keep people playing this game just needs refining so its more regular like the mwolobby attempt) or back to back public games over and over and over which is about as fun as watching paint dry, This alone shows how much community Warfare needs to be finished off and hopefully this would pull majority of the players you lost back and more

#230 MadTulip


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 03:57 AM

Compleetly correct decision!

The rest of the CERLL stats remain to be monitored and fine tuned over time i guess as i personaly was nerver percieving this weapon as OP. Apart from the Ghost heat 2->1 change the rest of the stat changes where imo exactly that high frequent fine tuning of stats everyone would like to see. Just the 2->1 ghost heat cap was a compleete hammer.

The heat sink scale of 12 is btw. also out of line compared to the other lasers.:
3rd ER LARGE LASER -> ~4 more heat
3rd LARGE LASER -> ~4 more heat
3rd LRG PULSE LASER -> ~4 more heat
3rd C-LRG PULSE LASER -> ~4 more heat
3rd C-ER LRG LASER -> ~20 more heat !

I would also like to add that i believe that the difference between normal and pulse lasers should in general be the beam duration. Just from "feeling" i believe that about 40-70% of the normal laser duration should be the beam duration of pulse lasers thoughout all lasers types for consistency where 40% is feeling to powerfull and 70% to neglectible. In that sense i like the relation 2.0 vs 1.3 of the CERLL vs. CERLPL for inside the lasers comparison. For the comparison or balancing of lasers vs. other weapons i believe those two values should alsways be shifted TOGETHER and maybe reduced to like 1.7 and 1.0. This ratio should be consistent over all lasers sizes (S,M,L) for easier balancing(reduction of one variable) and more feeling of consistency. I.e. 0.8 and 1.5 for pulse and normal medium lasers.

DAMAGE/HEAT RATIO of normal vs. pulse lasers
For the last two years the main aspect of picking pulse vs. normal lasers was always and only the damage/heat ratio of both weapons as the beam duration was always neglectible in effect. The heat your mech can cool away over the course of a battle IS the damage it can put out, at a given payload. I believe that we should take a look at the ratio of damage/heat of normal lasers vs. damage/heat of pulse lasers and also unify that to about 5% to 10% more damage/heat for pulse lasers compared to theire normal counterpart at reduced ranges of about 30%-40% for the pulse lasers.

For both of the above cases the one thing in comon, no matter the actual values, is that the values of interest for balance are ratios between two single numbers instead of just one scalar value. Those ratios should be balanced vs. the other weapon systems (ACs, PPCs) but they should be constant for weapon systems of the same family (lasers) for a consistent feal and a reduced number of variables in the system to be balanced imo. We have examples of well balanced lasers which prooved to work well and those should be used as a basis to align the above mentioned ratios of the others.

Edited by MadTulip, 09 August 2014 - 04:36 AM.

#231 Fury Pilot


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:00 AM

After running my PPC cicada today, I figure it is time to retire it.
The PPC has effectively had its range halved, as enemies were literally dodging blasts further out.
It certainly feels like being penalised for a meta (PPC/Gauss or AC5) that it isn't running.

#232 Colonel Tequila


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:03 AM

Rollback this entire weeks patch - it's awful. All swearing aside. It's terrible.

#233 Herr Vorragend


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:04 AM

Okay, after taking part in mostly now closed threads here my conclusion:

It´s a fail!

The 2secs beam time ist ridiculous. You also need to go back. Others stated enough arguments, so I don´t want to repeat those. But as in the closed threads I also want to mention here:

You already took one weapon out of the game. The Gauss.
With the nerf (this awful fire-mechanic) you adressed double-gauss-builds mostly. But with that you killed a lot builds using one single gauss. You have the statistics and can look it up for yourselves: How many Heavy Metals with a gaussrifle do you see? How many Flames with Gauss do you see?

A lot of diversity is gone by that point. Now you´re repeating that with the CERLL. I´m no PPC guy. I replaced gauss with ac10 and sold them. And I´m using lasers. Many lasers in heat efficient builds.

MWO was definitly more fun in winter 2k13. We didn´t have as many maps. We didn´t have as many mechs. But we had a lot of fun while hanging out in TS. Now it´s more frustrating and your recent changes were the top of that.
Maybe you should roll back every balancing and start off from scratch.

Why don´t try balancing IS 12 - 10 CLAN? In Clan only matches the CERLL should be quite fine.
Bring back the old Gauss.

There are many more things you should care about than "nuclear-explosion"-balancing weapons.
Community Warfare, Maps.

Now we got a confusing UI2, crippled weapons. We still need to help each other in TS to find functions and stuff, although we play together since open beta.
Searching for built in modules or engines is a frustrating crap when you got 70+ mechs....

yours angry customer

#234 Jonny Taco


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:13 AM

Now I must be thankful that a portion of the extremely heavy handed Clan ERLL nerf was removed however I still have some opinions about what's left...

My major area of concern is, like most others, the two second burn time. The previous 1.5 second burn time was already very long relative to other lasers and the "new" 2.0 second burn time just feels awkwardly long... I much rather would have seen a reduction in range to around 850m, increase it's heat to 9.5, or lower it's damage to 11... Regardless, the "new" changes are less than 24 hours old and per RUSS, there will likely be no new balance tweaks within the next couple weeks. Best thing we can do now is use the altered weapons and lets the gathered metrics speak for themselves. If they Clan ERLL is determined to be an over nerf with the 2.0 duration (as was clearly the case with ghost heat at two), I'm sure there will be some changes...

#235 VirtualSmitty


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:27 AM

View PostColonel Tequila, on 09 August 2014 - 04:03 AM, said:

Rollback this entire weeks patch - it's awful. All swearing aside. It's terrible.

Agreed. The PPC is slower than it's ever been, considering they cut it's speed so drastically they should have at least dropped the heat some. They are so slow now, worthless at long range.

#236 EvilCow


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:42 AM

Normal PPCs are now worthless at long range and remain worthless at short range because the ridicoulous 90mt limit. Heat prevents ERPPCs from being a serious options at short range.

My suggestion:
- Undo the patch.
- Cut CERLL range to 800mt. Excessive range is the only real problem with the weapon and the patch changed all the wrong things...
- Cap group fire to 30 points of pinpoint damage (any pinpoint weapon, including ACs). If the total is greater than 30 then fire the excess weapons after 1 second. Not just PPC and Gauss, all pinpoint weapons. Call it "power drain and chassis shock safety mechanism".

Edited by EvilCow, 09 August 2014 - 04:44 AM.

#237 Sardauker Legion


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:43 AM

IF you continue about complicating this game, maybe i go back to Wechwarrior 4 Mercenaries.
You got me to buy ClanMechs with real money, and now they are becoming to be unplayable.

Can't thank you for this.

#238 MadTulip


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:46 AM

PPC projectile as a TRAIN OF DOTS instead of a DOT solution for PPC pinpoint damage.

Idea: Similar to the way the CUACs work the PPC fires a train of projectiles visualized as a lighning arc. The train is very fast (1500 maybe as before) but also very long so that the last car of the train hits the target delayed by i.e. 250ms. This spreads the damage on moving targets. Still THE WHOLE TRAIN STARTS AT THE POINT WHERE THE GUN HAS BEEN FIRED FIRST no matter where the shooter is located 250ms after firing. This allows for the poptart mechanics of the PPC from the shooters point of view and thus differs it from an AC where all the bullets come from the current position of the firing gun over a course of the salvo duration.

The train could also be weighted in damage. I.e. the first "car" does 3 damage, the following does 2 and all the remaining do 1 damage each up for a total sum of of the weapons damage, i.e. 10.:

<- 250ms ->

This allows to shift more in the direction of first hard hitting impact or more spreaded over time.

Edited by MadTulip, 09 August 2014 - 04:50 AM.

#239 EvilCow


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 04:50 AM

View PostMadTulip, on 09 August 2014 - 04:46 AM, said:

PPC projectile as a TRAIN OF DOTS instead of a DOT solution for PPC pinpoint damage.

Idea: Similar to the way the CUACs work the PPC fires a train of projectiles visualized as a lighning arc. The train is very fast (1500 maybe as before) but also very long so that the last car of the train hits the target delayed by i.e. 250ms. This spreads the damage on moving targets. Still THE WHOLE TRAIN STARTS AT THE POINT WHERE THE GUN HAS BEEN FIRED FIRST no matter where the shooter is located 250ms after firing. This allows for the poptart mechanics of the PPC from the shooters point of view and thus differs it from an AC where all the bullets come from the current position of the firing gun over a course of the salvo duration.

The train could also be weighted in damage. I.e. the first "car" does 3 damage, the following does 2 and all the remaining do 1 damage each up for a total sum of of the weapons damage, i.e. 10.:


This allows do shift more in the direction of first hard hitting impact or more spreaded over time.

I like this but it should not be in addition to the "arcing" thing.

#240 Daehoth


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Posted 09 August 2014 - 05:01 AM

View PostKilo 40, on 09 August 2014 - 01:51 AM, said:

apparently you don't understand what a fallacy is.

apparently, you haven't followed the thread closely enough.

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