I think it's been apparent for some time that PGI wants poptarting and PPD to stay in the game the way it is. They could, of course, implement mild random inaccuracy on ballistics, or something like a much more thoughtful Targeting Computer bandwidth solution suggested by the community, but after GH took so much flak for being convoluted, while its actual problem was that it just wasn't the right solution (although I thank it for the removal of 6-PPC boats), I can understand why PGI, even if it becomes inclined to solve PPD, would still hesitate to do so, because there will be another shipstorm from the part of the community that likes PPD.
All of that said, while I agree that MWO is playable, until a direct solution to PPD is implemented, the low average TTK will still be pushing mediums off the battlefield, and lights will still have to deal with occasionally being insta-gibbed, not to mention that general flow of battle will still favor taking potshots from cover over breaking cover and mounting an assault resulting in a brawl (we miss you, Rhino Stalkers
It should be mentioned that PGI is probably feeling justified in that the minimal exposure time engagements are more closely mimicking the real world armored warfare rather than brawls, as discussed in a
recent article on TMC, but MWO is a game, and with so many members of the community not enjoying it because of poptarting and PPD, I think it's still necessary to implement a solution, and I certainly hope that it will be implemented some day. At that point, ghost heat can even be removed altogether, since ballistic PPC/boats won't be able to dump their entire alpha into a single location, and there would be no need to additionally penalize them for huge alphas anymore.