Here's the thing (that most people forget or don't understand regarding Elo and MM)
You go on a nice winning streak. You eventually begin facing opponents of higher skill level. It's not the MM or Elo trying "even out" your W/L records, it's simply your Elo on a steady increase until eventually you're playing against opponents "better" than you skill wise.
it's like equating a college football player being drafted to the pros and realizing that the speed of the game has increased dramatically. It's not that the player has gotten "bad", it's that he is now playing with others at the same or higher skill level than he is at
on the entire team
as opposed to facing off against 1-2 superstars on the opposing team.
Same principle here. The MM keeps lining up opponents and nobody complains about the 10 game win streak they just came off of before going on that 12 game losing streak.
now that's not to say the MM and Elo couldn't use some work. There are still the issues of new players no longer being considered "new" after only 25 matches.
Elo being based on the team's effort as opposed to individual effort (which is why you see players with ridiculous KDR but mediocre W/L stats).
Elo is based on individual skill, it's not meant to be a "team" parameter. When you start taking averages of Elo, you've borked the whole system.
Player A = 200 Elo
Player B = 800 Elo
Average Elo = 500
That means Player B is probably going to do quite well and those players are getting the 600+ damage and multiple kills. Meanwhile, Player B is playing well above their Elo and the ones doing sub 200 damage and getting 0 kills.
Now toss in the ability to game Elo because it's set up by weight class instead of individual mech and players have the ability to "throw it off" even more.
I know a few players who keep their Locusts around just so they can have a "crappy" mech to pull out and keep their light Elo down. They don't care about that mech's stats so going in and doing poorly doesn't bother them. This drops their Elo for the entire weight class so when they pull out that optimized Jenner, they go in (at the lower Elo rating) and clean house. Then when they start losing, they switch back to the Locust.
These are the problems with how PGI has implemented Elo, not with the Elo system itself.
Duke Nedo, on 03 September 2014 - 04:03 AM, said:
Didn't we read that they now can tweak the MM seamlessly without patching?

yes they stated that