Edited by Kay Wolf, 24 January 2015 - 07:53 PM.

Clan Balance Update - Feedback
Posted 24 January 2015 - 07:52 PM
Posted 24 January 2015 - 09:41 PM
Kay Wolf, on 24 January 2015 - 07:52 PM, said:
Yes, light mechs were never meant to be brawlers.
Posted 24 January 2015 - 09:56 PM
Posted 24 January 2015 - 10:29 PM
Kay Wolf, on 24 January 2015 - 09:56 PM, said:
Unfortunately things like running around and narcing and tagging sort of take a backseat to combat. Otherwise you are just ez bait for some real light mech.
Posted 24 January 2015 - 10:52 PM
Kin3ticX, on 24 January 2015 - 10:29 PM, said:
Next, come Information Warfare, which was originally billed as being both internal and external to the combat drops, themselves. In the drop, we know about sharing information between 'Mechs for spotting and locating purposes, especially for LRMs, and so groups can be brought together more quickly. However, information was also supposed to be external, pre-drop Community Warfare information, such as the disposition and composition of forces which, of course PGI may eventually get to, if they can make Community Warfare the size it's going to need to be to make the universe PGI wanted to build a reality.
With Information Warfare, attacking commanders should be able to find out and use information they purchase or otherwise acquire to plan objectives in a drop -hopefully there will be raids as well as all the other stuff PGI seems to deem important, now, which ain't much, frankly-, while defending commanders can use other information to find out who's coming against them, where they're likely to strike, etc. There was supposed to be information commander's could pay for like this, but also misinformation that could lead to other problems. Alas, this community is not mature enough to be able to handle that, I'm afraid.
Posted 24 January 2015 - 11:32 PM

Also something like 'HPG Manifold transmission' (virtual ECM active map-wide) and 'Viridian bog night' (with set of rings, moons and fireflies and glowing shrooms for scenery) to have more interesting environments and more maps (maybe with same geometry for now until the map pool is large enough)? As this, should the environment affect mechs and weapons more than just cooling efficiency? E.g. reduce lasers range on low visibility maps, ballistic range on high gravity maps (JJs and fall damage also affected) and locks lost on 'thunderstorm'-like maps (probably energy weapons discharge also)?
Posted 24 January 2015 - 11:39 PM
Posted 25 January 2015 - 12:04 AM
As for technical side for restrictions on NARC and TAG and strikes, there are already restrictions for TC/CC, so functionality is in place, there is just no decision or will to make such decision in devs mind. Or this restrictions with more restrictions on configs tempering in mechlab (weapon physical sizes, shielding for PPCs, reinforced frame for heavy ACs and so on) are in devs view against making game interesting for majority of players. The question is more political then technical, and surely not code or engine related.
For the maps and environment effects also everything looks like in place as the heat is map dependent, just more dependences or 'hidden quirkes' your mech get entering such map. If there will be strong request for 'more maps right now' and 'inflate content now, enhance it later' then we will have those maps (and the list can be long, including night, T-storm and low visibility variant I every map), as they already have all 'lines and angles' and require less work to do than brand new map.
The question is, do we really want it more than 'enhanced CW and some more mechs' right now?
To get back to topic, clans should be stronger, balanced by 12vs10 rule.
Posted 25 January 2015 - 12:23 AM
However, there could have been several solutions to balance out clan advantages without buffing IS mech directly.
In BT, the IS could strike back the clans by sheer forced but also by better logistics. This should be reflected ingame by:
1. Current modules only available for IS
2. re-do UAV, air/artillery strike and coolant flush as a one time buy module that cost 3 mill Cbill but refill after match
2. Add one "reinforcement" type module slot per IS mech
The reinforcement modules would allow IS mech to profit from their better infrastructure.
These special modules would e.g.
- repair a damages mechs armor by 10 points per part
- refill all used ammo
- re-attach an random destroyed part with without armor but will full structure
Using these special action would however shut down the mech for 10 secs.
Edited by xe N on, 25 January 2015 - 12:23 AM.
Posted 25 January 2015 - 12:38 AM
Posted 25 January 2015 - 01:54 AM
Finaly 4 me Pyro is on the right way with his last sentence.
Let´s use thefiction:
Clans made assaultdrops. With normaly just 1 second wave ( u know it ....) . The IS has had stoppd them with tricks and Manpower ( and a lot of stuff ) .
So lets see. If we want to Play the timeline the IS will loos a lot of games ( all at last) , but intha case nobody will ply IS. If they nerve the Clan to much , is like cheating for me. They have more powerfull Mechs , so thegenerall balancing is OK for me atm.
If we will do a FW thats playable for both sides they have to give th IS more reserves. Maybe 4 Mechs/Player on IS and 2-3 Mechs/Player for the Clans. So they have to Play a little bit more with thinking... and not just Standing and eating the IS-fire ....
Or they have to give every mech a BV like in the Tabletop. They maybe use an average BV for both sides and Change the tons for eatch drop.
if clanmechs are v.e. 30 % more powerfull, they just have 70% of the tons that the IS can use, or 30% less on reinforcements - every Clanplayer can only use 3 of his 4 Chosen mechs...
Sorry for my shity english, but i have the flu . And remember , i never played Clans in FW so i dont how they are for a Player , just know them as enemys..
Edited by Khalar Terres, 25 January 2015 - 01:56 AM.
Posted 25 January 2015 - 05:05 AM
Khalar Terres, on 25 January 2015 - 01:54 AM, said:
Finaly 4 me Pyro is on the right way with his last sentence.
Let´s use thefiction:
Clans made assaultdrops. With normaly just 1 second wave ( u know it ....) . The IS has had stoppd them with tricks and Manpower ( and a lot of stuff ) .
So lets see. If we want to Play the timeline the IS will loos a lot of games ( all at last) , but intha case nobody will ply IS. If they nerve the Clan to much , is like cheating for me. They have more powerfull Mechs , so thegenerall balancing is OK for me atm.
If we will do a FW thats playable for both sides they have to give th IS more reserves. Maybe 4 Mechs/Player on IS and 2-3 Mechs/Player for the Clans. So they have to Play a little bit more with thinking... and not just Standing and eating the IS-fire ....
Or they have to give every mech a BV like in the Tabletop. They maybe use an average BV for both sides and Change the tons for eatch drop.
if clanmechs are v.e. 30 % more powerfull, they just have 70% of the tons that the IS can use, or 30% less on reinforcements - every Clanplayer can only use 3 of his 4 Chosen mechs...
Sorry for my shity english, but i have the flu . And remember , i never played Clans in FW so i dont how they are for a Player , just know them as enemys..
Clans are not near 30% more powerful. Maybe a stock build vs a stock build the clans are better, but once you add in player customization, naw....they are alot more equal...and in some regards, given IS quirks, the IS are actually the ones who are better.
Posted 25 January 2015 - 06:20 AM
LordKnightFandragon, on 25 January 2015 - 05:05 AM, said:
Well, as I think, that is the point adressed here. Balance not through mech equality, but through other means. Denerf Clans back and give not-dps-related buff to IS (12vs10 and balance tech on normal matches). As a weak analogy I'd refer to chess vs chekers

Edited by pyrocomp, 25 January 2015 - 06:21 AM.
Posted 25 January 2015 - 09:37 AM
pyrocomp, on 25 January 2015 - 12:04 AM, said:
Posted 25 January 2015 - 04:16 PM
"but lore says" witch is not how you translate a table top game in to an action shooter high bread and make a good game and fact is making a good game trumps lore 100% of the time period and most of the people making said suggestions get told why there idea is bad or wont work / is just plain imbalanced and rather then listen and try to come up with an idea that would work and is reasonably balanced they wine and through a fit and complain now im not saying this community is a bad one what im saying is they need to be open minded and try to come up with practical ideas that are actually viable 10v12 is the best example of a bad balance idea thats been given and despite having been explained very well why this is a bad idea it keeps showing up
Posted 25 January 2015 - 04:34 PM
Anything that is peripheral to the combat engine, there is absolutely ZERO excuse for going by anything other than what's already been provided in the lore, and that's where PGI is falling down. If they would have done things by the lore, including the development of units in the game -BattleTech is, after all, about organized military combat, not the BS we have going on, now- including rank, position, and awards structures, strategic planning, raids, small, medium, and large contracts, sequential -or at least multiple- drops to complete single contracts, you would have that fun game. Right now, it's little more than a slaughter-only fest, it's MechWarrior IVs garbage all over again.
See, you're coming from the standpoint that you just want to kill things, over and over and over again. Well, BattleTech isn't Heavy Gear, it's not any of the former MechWarrior games, except perhaps MechWarrior III, it's not Hawken, and it deserves the right treatment to make it more than just a shoot-em-up with the right weapons and names. What you're not seeing, my little incorrectly verbal twitcher pal, is that this game is not only about you and your fellow twitchers, it's supposed to be about the whole of the community, and the ONLY part of the community being served at this time are those who will give their time and money to the game, now, with zero hope of return for PGI down the road, when you get tired and go do something else.
Posted 25 January 2015 - 05:00 PM
mechwarrior game not a battletech mmo in all honesty they are doing a very good job and trying to be lore friendly and no im not here just to kill things as you put im here to play a good game actually this game is what has gotten me in to battletech despite all the not head in its community and no im not leaving any time soon
Posted 25 January 2015 - 05:06 PM
kosmos1214, on 25 January 2015 - 05:00 PM, said:
Do I want a BattleTech MMO? Absolutely! However, what I want for this game, now, is what PGI originally said THEY wanted to do with the game. It's why I paid for Founders, and it's why I've invested about five times more money in this game than I ever would in any cover, thus far. There are folks out there that have spent hundreds of times more than the standard game would cost, were it sold in a story. No, I want what PGI said they were going to do and, thus far, they are far off the mark.
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