1453 R, on 15 September 2014 - 08:11 AM, said:
N0mad, you're being hyperbolic. Simply because we have a Task Force Fish Bait doesn't mean that TFFB suddenly gains Ultimate Supreme Authority Over MWO Now And Forever. It can't, as it only has what power is granted to it between two bodies - Piranha and the playerbase.
TFFB has only what advisory power Piranha chooses to indulge it with. Piranha is under no obligations whatsoever to act upon anything TFFB comes up with. The only obligation they have, and it's an obligation they took upon themselves, is to listen to what TFFB comes up with and consider it. If, after due consideration and discussion, they can't/won't do it? Then hurray, we had a meaningful conversation with Piranha and we now know why something is what it is.
Furthermore, if TFFB loses the (overall) consent of the people, if the forums start erupting into constant trollthreads denouncing it and demanding its removal, guess what? Piranha will remove it. TFFB's existence doesn't mean they're going to never look at a forum post again, what it simply means is that Piranha gets a demi-semi-official mechanism for distilling popular forum opinion into effective and actionable form. The general forums are still where one goes to keep their finger on the pulse of the game, and Piranha would be incredibly foolish to simply discard that.
Nothing bad is going to happen if we try this and see where Task Force Fish Bait goes. And as for involving The Entirety Of MWO's Playerbase...every single match I've played since this went up, I've opened with "If you haven't, check out Russ' ECM Challenge in the MWO Forums. This is our chance to change things, guys." I've been doing my part to spread the word. As has been pointed out to you, over and over again...you can only work with people who're willing to work with you. Should we dismantle the American government because less than half of the total population of the country can still be assed to vote, or do we simply try and spread the word, let as many people as we can know what's going on and where to find it, and then take what community participation we can get?
Because in my humble opinion, some community participation is still light years better than none, which is what we have right now.
Actually... that TFFB already lost people trust, not even reaching the service. Dat Council is just so O7 that plyaers start to give 0 fk, about that.
Besides there is more repeated post "
for" than "
against". Which means only that BIGGER, yeah... the biggest part of a MWO Community is AGAINST.
People, whatever fraction they play for just want fair play and continue to play MWO... and definitely they don't wanted to be thrown in a cauldron full of forum politics.