Posted 21 October 2014 - 07:07 PM
Anyone else noticed that when you edit one of the JJ "nerfed" mechs and it strips off the offending omnipod, that the components removed are actually GONE from your inventory? First noticed this when I was trying to refit my KFX-S and one of the C-UAC/2 was stripped off the torso was not in my inventory AND not on the torso. So I backed out without saving.
Thinking it was just a glitch, I went over to my timberwolf, opened that up for editing and discovered the same thing happened with the 2 C-LRM20's from the torsos, gone from torso and not available in inventory to be reequipped.
I suspect that saving it with empty omnipods and reopening the loadout may have my equipment in my inventory, but I'd rather not risk losing millions in equipment.
Base capping being accelerated in conquest was a welcome change, given the nature of that mode, but now assault has devolved into a race to pile all your mechs into the enemy base before they do in order to win in under 5 minutes without any tactics or fighting. I assume this was not the intended effect for assault mode.
Also to comment on the new rewards, they are MUCH too low, especially on the XP side of things. I'd like to see side-by-side comparisons of the 1.0 and 2.0 rewards in the table above. I'm consistently stunned by the low XP gained, I mean I am seeing the hud scroll with +0 XP items, not to mention the slap in the face +1XP is for kill assists. +1? You get 10x more XP for getting a 0.1s burn at 500m "flanking" than actually assisting for a kill which is rather ridiculous. Put that in perspective, that's 750 assists for the CHEAPEST mech tree item, keep in mind that ~40000 XP is required to get one mech to full elite? That's no longer a game, it's become a chore.
C-bills nerf, I could almost stomach (we've been down that road before last year), but nerfing XP is inexcusable. You want me to keep playing at a literal disadvantage to try grind "new" mechs compared to those that mastered them 3-5X faster months ago?
After 2-3 weeks of happily playing since I finally gave in and dropped another $400 on this game, I am feeling pretty cheated and am considering filing for a refund. After getting burned last year on CW after preordering the phoenix pack, I swore not to spend another dime on this game until that promise was fulfilled. I got ahead of myself with your recent work, and my faith seemed restored after you guys broke away from IGP and appeared to be going on the right path with weekly challenges, more community events and the customer appreciation initiative was what really pushed me over the edge.
With this patch, I am starting to regret going back on my decision and feel like you are giving us the "IGP" treatment again, stretch out the grind, reduce in-game currency to pressure people into more MC? I've already spent more than the better part of a thousand dollars on a SINGLE game (which is arguably unfinished) and you are going to degrade the experience for me for more? Some would call this bait and switch.
I appreciate that you'd like to encourage team play, I'm with you on that but it was (hopefully unintentionally) too heavy handed overall and I certainly hope that you rectify this situation very quickly, or you risk undoing all the good will and brownie points you've gained in the last couple months going in the right direction. If I need to go through with getting a refund, I certainly will not be looking back again, as they say, "Fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice..."