Logan Hawke, on 23 October 2014 - 01:09 PM, said:
What you described as the gameplay for TC's End War online play is exactly what I'd like to see for CW.
I suppose I can see some validity in that argument from an immersion side, though I would think of it like 'alright fellas, we defended the IS/took terra/whatever goal brought you to the win event, now let's see if we can take it before those Davion/Jaguar/Kurita jags can get halfway there!'
Additionally with that, what I would really like to see is cycling campaigns like in MekWars. Start with Clan Invasion, then flip to 3039, then Jihad, then 2nd Succession War, then FedCom civil war, then Amaris uprising, etc etc etc. There'd be enough time between the same seasons that when you do finally get back to the Clan Invasion it feels fresh, almost like you're driving for Terra for the first time.
Keep in mind that in End War you fight on about 45 maps i think. In CW we are going to fight (not at the sime time of course) on many more planets. It is much harder for a single faction to own the whole map, and this is one of the main concerns of the pro-season people
You cannot forget the first time
I admit i would like to play in different eras. However, i believe we can get some of both.
With CW, in any way it works, we will be shaping our own history of the Inner Sphere. However, they said that lore-based battles and events may still take place. Then, assuming this is final , i believewe could "mash" the canon events with our own IS history.
For example, the Clans reach Terra, but they are pushed back and decide to deviate to surround it. They start capturing a strip of Kurita and Davion worlds. Then, new alliances and backstabbings happen (everyday stuff in the Inner Sphere).. And in the meantime, the timeline is advanced. It is now 3067. Whatever the situation of the IS is, a new faction is available: Word of Blake. They start from the worlds of the Blake Protectorate (was it the name? ) and they can attack both Clan and IS in any direction.. New, fresh direction!
At the same time, some new tech and 'Mech packs can be released (unless the weapons were released for the Civil War.. But i see it as a bit harder to represent in CW, they will have to sort it out)! Fresh equipment and 'Mechs! Then, it goes forward, maybe to Dark Age, or maybe no, who knows
Anyway, their first design had seasons all the same replay of Op. Revival. You can see why some of us hated them so much
Fantastic Ergo, on 23 October 2014 - 01:20 PM, said:
With all due respect I think your logic is flawed and you are only seeing this from your own roleplaying point of view.
Rewards are earn by dedication, effort and skill. these things should not be taken away.
Whether you bring something or wear something from another faction, that is a choice which is based on role playing.
If I go to Yale and I get a masters, but then decide to switch to MIT and switch my Major, then I will have to start there and get that but no one will take away the master degree already obtain.
If a QB in football achieves the record passing yards in one season, then he goes to another team and plays for them. No one takes away his record in the other team.
Brining your reward into the game from another faction should be a choice, and most people will not choose to bring it, that's what role playing is. but something that you earn should not be taken away, you earned it.
I am all for the loyalty points going down, that makes sense, but achievements, rewards, recognition. No these are each pilot's merits.
In the B-tech books there are plenty of examples, Gray Death Legion, had to work with his arch enemy in order to get the cache of Star league tech, and he was respected by his enemy and honored their deal based on Gray's merits.
Justin Xiang Allard was accepted in high command by the Capellan Confederation because of his merits and knowledge obtain in House Davion and Solaris, yes they thought he was a Davion traitor but that's not what got him a high place on their command, it was his merits.
So leave role playing a choice, but don't take away rewards and merits one achieves in this game.
The Golden Keshik.. I see where you are coming from. Competitive mindset, quiaff?
Well, we are talking about a "hardcore roleplaying gamemode" so RP is not a choice, apparently.
I understand what you say, but i think yours are not truly perfect examples. If one day you walk away from your barracks on a Davion garrison base and hop on a Kurita DropShip, you do not lose your experience with 'Mechs (and in-game you would not lose, for example, our unlocked skills). However, if you are now a Kurita MechWarrior, why would you use a Davion skin or fly a sunburst? Why would a WWII german officer allow one of his tank crews to paint an american Star on their Panzer? I am talking about a much more simple issue
Logan Hawke, on 23 October 2014 - 01:25 PM, said:
At least 10,000% agreed. Rewards are rewards are rewards. If you lose them by switching... why switch? And that in and of itself will create another stale atmosphere where you're permanently locked in.
This is one of the purposes
It is not like any MechWarrior jumps around fighting for all the factions. I think that very few would become traitors or simply think of joining their hated enemy's army..
Gerhardt Jorgensson, on 23 October 2014 - 01:40 PM, said:
The thing about those merits, where that they were earned and respected by their specific Houses -- the Gray Death Legion for example worked elusively for House Steiner and Justin Allard had a death sentence in the Capellan Confederation. Merits or not, shooting someone on one team then trying to work for them expecting to be a general because of previous merits in service of a different nation is sort of a stretch.
This new system lets you switch nations, but if you do, you got to work from the ground back up. The big reason I would wager they are going with a system like this is to discourage players from jumping ship all the time to whichever faction is winning.
Exactly. I would add, however, more LP rewards and less LP losses for mercs fighting for a really underperforming nation, or fighting against the Clans.